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Turkey: The 51st State. The Time Has Come

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  • Turkey: The 51st State. The Time Has Come

    By Avedis Kevorkian
    26 June 2009
    Philadelphia, PA USA

    Many years ago, when I first noted that Ankara was dictating policy
    to Washington, and Washington was reciprocating by pushing Turkey to
    be in the European Union (EU) and be given a larger role in European
    affairs, I suggested that Turkey should become America's 51st State.

    Obviously, the suggestion got nowhere.

    But, since a German gentleman suggested the idea, recently, in an
    Open Letter to President Medz Yeghern, I am now supporting the idea.

    Think of some of the benefits to America.

    --No need to push an unpopular Turkey into the EU. With Turkey the
    51st State, there would be a part of the United States of America
    right on the edge of Europe and in Asia.

    --No need for America to have to guarantee Turkey's loans from the
    World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and other financial
    institutions. It would be the USA doing the borrowing, and who would
    be bold enough to stand up to the USA?

    --No need to force a Muslim country onto the EU. "We have a Muslim
    state in our Union; what are you going to do about it?"

    --As the two wars currently engaged in by America have shown, the
    country is woefully weak with regard to men in arms. With Turkey
    an American State, its Army would bolster the American Army, and
    the USA would be able to throw20its now-heavier weight around more
    easily. Invading Iran would be child's play.

    --Being a neighbor to the Republic of Georgia would make Russia think
    twice about its role in the Caucasus.

    The advantages are endless.

    Of course, there are some minor problems.

    --At Turkey's request, America will have to permit honor killings.

    --At Turkey's request, any mention of the Genocide of the Armenians,
    the Assyrians, and the Pontic Greeks will have to be forbidden (but
    since the US also denies this history, this is really no problem).

    --At Turkey's request, Turkish will replace Spanish in public schools.

    --At Turkey's request, all women will have to cover their heads
    in public.

    But, these are minor irritations, and Washington will be only too
    glad to comply.

    With 72-million people, Turkey's representation in the Congress will
    be the largest of any state, and Congress may have to require that
    Turkish also be spoken during debates, and all documents be published
    in Turkish. But, Washington should have no problem with this, since
    it is, in effect, advocating these sorts of things for Europe so it
    must like the idea.

    In addition, Mustafa Kemal's birthday will be a national holiday. Since
    Americans like holidays, this should go over big. There may be a
    problem with photos of Kemal being displayed on every wall and on the
    fronts of every building, but this can be resolved, I am sure. Since
    most Americans are ignorant of their country's history, they will
    probably figure that Kemal is another one of those Dead White Men
    frowned upon by today's history books.

    As a member of the EU (does anyone have any doubts that the now
    51-state America will be voted in?) all Americans will also be
    Europeans and will be able to travel freely and benefit from being
    European--like, for instance, getting free medical care. Of course, it
    will mean that all Europeans will be free to travel to and throughout
    America. But America should resolve that glich; after all, double
    standards have never presented any problems for the country.

    But, I have left the best part for last. With Turkey the 51st State,
    all Armenian-American descendants of the Genocide victims will be
    able to go there and reclaim their ancestral homes or buy property
    in the cities, towns, and villages of their forebears. And, Mount
    Ararat will now be a part of America. Bordering Armenia will mean
    that Armenians from the Republic will be able to cross the border and
    "see Ararat from the other side."

    As I said, there are minor problems. However, just think of the
    powerful position in which America will find itself:

    --It will also be in Europe and in Asia.

    --No longer the need for "Official Observer" status with the Council
    of Europe--it will be a member.

    -- It will be an EU20member. It can then get billions of Euros (the
    Euro will have to go, in time, of course) in agricultural subsidies,
    jobs for its jobless, etc.

    The mind boggles at the benefits if Turkey becomes America's 51st

    And, President Medz Yeghern will be the hero of the Muslim world.