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94th Anniversary Commemoration Of The Armenian Genocide To Be Held A

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  • 94th Anniversary Commemoration Of The Armenian Genocide To Be Held A


    MSNBC /
    March 1 2009

    NEW YORK, March 3, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For the 24th year,
    thousands of American-Armenians and their supporters will gather in
    Times Square (Broadway between 43rd and 44th Streets) to commemorate
    the first genocide of the 20th Century -- the Armenian Genocide. To
    be held on Sunday, April 26, 2009 from 2-4 PM, this historic event
    will pay tribute to the 1.5 million Armenians who were extinguished
    by the Young Turk Government of the Ottoman Empire. The Commemoration
    will also celebrate the survival of the Armenian people, their rich
    heritage and their contributions. Speakers will include Armenian and
    non-Armenian political and civic leaders and students. This event is
    free and open to the public.

    Media are invited to meet and interview Armenian Genocide Survivors
    (ages 94-100) and Armenian Genocide Experts, Dr. Dennis R. Papazian
    and Sam Azadian on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 2 PM at the New York
    Armenian Home, 13731 45th Avenue, Flushing, NY. For background
    information and to arrange interviews contact: Linda Millman Guller,
    email: [email protected], phone: 203-454-9800.

    The 94th Commemoration is organized by the Mid-Atlantic chapters
    of Knights and Daughters of Vartan, a
    U.S. fraternal organization of Armenian-Americans, and co-sponsored
    by Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian National
    Committee of America, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party and Social Democratic
    Hunchagian Party.

    The Knights of Vartan logo is available at d=3420

    Issues to Explore with Experts Dr. Dennis R. Papazian and Sam Azadian

    * Do you think that the Obama Administration will recognize the
    Armenian Genocide?

    * What major world historical events have taken place in the 20th and
    21st centuries because of the denial of the Armenian Genocide by the
    Turkish Government and other nations?

    * Why do Armenians and supporters commemorate the Armenian Genocide?

    * What is the historical evidence to support the Armenian Genocide?

    The Experts

    Dr. Dennis R. Papazian, is the founding Director of the Armenian
    Research Center at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, where from
    1971-2006, he held the position of Professor of History. He also served
    four years as Executive Director of the Armenian Assembly of America in
    Washington, D.C. In addition, Dr. Papazian is on the Board of Trustees
    of the American Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern), Secretary of
    the Board of Trustees of the St. Nersess Armenian Theological Seminary,
    President of the Society for Armenian Studies and is a member of the
    Editorial Board of the Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies. He
    is listed in Who's Who in America and resides in N.J.

    Sam Azadian, who founded the Armenian Genocide Commemoration 24
    years ago, is a N.J. resident who held several positions over a
    23-year span in New York City Government. Serving four Mayors,
    his positions included Deputy Commissioner for the Department of
    Highways and Assistant Vice President of the New York City Health
    and Hospitals Corporation. He lost four of his own older siblings in
    the Genocide during the death marches to the deserts of Der Zor (the
    killing fields). Highly knowledgeable about the history of Armenia
    and its people, he also understands the political issues that prevail
    today, and the reasons why annual commemorations like this serve an
    important purpose for the entire world.

    Participating Organizations:

    Diocese of the Armenian Church, Prelacy of the Armenian Church,
    Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenian Presbyterian
    Church, Armenian Evangelical Church, Armenian Catholic Eparchy for
    U.S. and Canada, and Armenian Youth Organizations.