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Instruments Used By CBA To Combat Inflation Pressures Will Not Chang

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  • Instruments Used By CBA To Combat Inflation Pressures Will Not Chang


    Noyan Tapan
    M arch 5, 2009

    YEREVAN, MARCH 5, NOYAN TAPAN. The forecast of 8% inflation in Armenia
    under conditions of a floating exchange rate includes the rise of
    the dollar's exchange rate from 305 to 360-380 drams, as well as
    the rise in prices of power-bearing substances from April 1 and the
    continuing deflationary effects of global economy. "We will combat
    inflation pressures consistently, by using our usual monetary and
    credit instruments, including interest rates and regulation of the
    amount of money," the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia
    (CBA) Vache Gabrielian stated at the March 4 press conference.

    According to him, a growth of interest rates of deposits and credits
    is also expected because "the inflationary environment will result
    in a general growth of interest rates". To recap, on March 3 the CBA
    raised the refinancing rate by 1%, fixing it at 7.75%, whereas in
    recent period it was changed by a 0.25% "step".

    As regards the question of why the CBA did not shift to a floating
    exchange rate policy earlier and in a smooth way, V. Gabrielian said
    that the shift is temporary and it was made when some problems related
    to financial stability arose. He added that in the countries which
    made a gradual shift, it was a costly and less efficient process. It
    was mentioned that "the policy of gradual reduction of the exchange
    rate is conducted in Russia, and one of its major shortcomings is
    that although considerable resources are spent, which Russia as a
    rich country with large external reserves can afford, a change of
    inflationary and exchange rate depreciation expectations is not
    made there". The same is true for Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan
    and Uzbekistan. In those countries where the policy of shifting
    to a floating exchange rate is conducted more or less sharply,
    "the exchange rate depreciation expectations disappear quickly".

    V. Gabrielian said the pressures on the exchange rate began in Armenia
    in the autumn of 2008. In September, following the Georgian-Russian
    "August war", no goods entered Armenia (70% of imported goods enter
    Armenia through Georgia). The deputy chairman of the CBA underlined
    that after that period, not controlling the depreciation of the
    exchange rate in Armenia might result in serious problems related to
    financial stability. He added that the monitoring of the developments
    in the Armenian banking system in February 2009 showed that the
    financial system of the country is stable, while the potential of
    the possible impact of the majority of existing fluctuations on the
    financial system has declined.

    In his opinion, under the new conditions the risks of the banking
    system become apparent in the fact that "in conditions of changes in
    the banks' liabilities (if liabilities are more expressed in foreign
    currency), the assets do not change at the same speed and the banks
    are suffering and will continue to suffer losses related to the change
    of the exchange rate".

    However, the CBA's calculations show that "the financial system is
    not under threat, and no bank will have any problems with insolvency,
    lack of resources or considerable waste of capital".

    V. Gabrielian expressed an opinion that the expectations of further
    depreciation of the dram have considerably declined, and the results
    of bargaining on NASDAQ OEMEX ARMENIA stock exchange also show it:
    sales-purchases of 7 million 390 thousand dollars were made there
    on March 4 at the weighted average exchange rate of 372.98 drams a
    dollar. The closing price made 372 drams. On March 3 sales-purchases
    of 3 million 420 thousand dollars were made at the weighted average
    exchange rate of 372.11 drams a dollar. The closing price made
    372.49 drams. At the same time, in the words of V. Gabrielian,
    "the population's tendency to exchange drams for foreign currency
    has declined. Our view is because the exchange rate adjustment was
    quite considerable, these tendencies will probably stop soon". He
    also expressed a hope that a new equilibrium level will soon form in
    the foreign currency market (without interventions of the CBA), which
    will eliminate the uncertainty that economic entities have regarding
    the exchange rate, and the situation in the commodity markets and
    the trade sector will improve.