March 4 2009
UC RUSAL's Armenal foil mill in Armenia is now running at full capacity
for 25,000 tonnes of aluminum foil per year.
Armenal has produced and sold around 30,000 tonnes of foil since the
beginning of 2007, when an overhaul was completed, UC RUSAL said.
Armenal will start shipping foil to the Middle East and Africa in
addition to the United States and European Union in the near future.
Foil is still in demand in almost all spheres of application, despite
the global drop in demand for primary aluminum.
"Reaching design capacity at Armenal will allow RUSAL's Packaging
Division to satisfy demand for rolled foil products which is growing
among other reasons because of the reduction of foil production in
North America. At the same time this year Armenal plans to increase
production of extra thin foil with a width of 7-9 micron, which is
in strong demand in the market, by 25%," RUSAL said.
March 4 2009
UC RUSAL's Armenal foil mill in Armenia is now running at full capacity
for 25,000 tonnes of aluminum foil per year.
Armenal has produced and sold around 30,000 tonnes of foil since the
beginning of 2007, when an overhaul was completed, UC RUSAL said.
Armenal will start shipping foil to the Middle East and Africa in
addition to the United States and European Union in the near future.
Foil is still in demand in almost all spheres of application, despite
the global drop in demand for primary aluminum.
"Reaching design capacity at Armenal will allow RUSAL's Packaging
Division to satisfy demand for rolled foil products which is growing
among other reasons because of the reduction of foil production in
North America. At the same time this year Armenal plans to increase
production of extra thin foil with a width of 7-9 micron, which is
in strong demand in the market, by 25%," RUSAL said.