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Yet More Spin From Cherie And Tony

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  • Yet More Spin From Cherie And Tony

    John Roberts

    Yorkshire Evening Post the-editor/
    Ma rch 6 2009

    RELIGION seems to be providing ex-premier Tony Blair and his wife
    Cherie Booth with a nice tidy little earner at the moment, both in
    terms of self-promotion and cash. You could even say that they have
    'cornered the market'.

    I refer to the Chanel 4 Sunday night progamme A Future for Christianity
    with barrister and Christian, Cherie Booth. This programme often made
    me wince, as som of the things said on it did not sit comfortably
    with her husband's war record in Iraq.

    I was expecting some trenchant analysis like Anne Widdecombe's film
    on the Reformation, which at least had some passion, candour and a
    few fresh insights into how the reformation impacted on England. It
    was also fair.

    Not so, I'm afraid, Ms Booth's film, which was highly selective, very
    PC and somewhat shallow. It also contained blatant mistakes. Pope Paul
    VI was shown when they were talking about Pope John Paul XXIII. Cherie
    Booth seemed to imply that it is always the Church's job to catch
    up with society, like the dog's tail wagging the head. What about
    guidance and a steadying hand?

    She refers (quite rightly) to the 'Godless' destruction of Jewish
    people by the Nazis, yet omits to mention any previous holocausts,
    such as the Armenians. No mention whatever of the 'Godless' regimes
    of the former Soviet Russia, China or others who tried to stamp out
    any religious faith.

    We now have Tony Blair doing his vital work in the Middle East. To
    paraphrase him, "What happened in Gaza is appalling. We need a
    political solution." What staggering insight! Talk about the blindingly
    obvious. Elementary, dear Watson, as Sherlock Holmes might have said.

    It is a shame the Blairs were not more forthcoming about their faith
    when in power, seeing as they seem so concerned about what is happening
    to Christianity in our country. Oh! I forget! Tony said he didnt want
    to be branded a 'nutter'. There was the usual embarassing question
    about whether Mr Blair and Mr Bush 'prayed together'. Well actually,
    maybe that wouldn't have been a bad idea. A little guidance?

    Ms Booth's film was more about appearance that reality: a bit like
    New Labour, in fact. More spins than a 78rpm record!

    She clearly isn't struck on the European churches, but likes the
    'shopping mall' churches in the US (holding thousands).

    Next time Channel 4, how about getting someone with real insight
    and knowledge?