APA, Azerbaijan
March 7 2009
Azerbaijan's Khojavend region shown as Martuni on Google maps
[ 07 Mar 2009 11:54 ]
Baku ` APA. Google maps mistakenly shows Azerbaijan's town of Khojavend as Martuni, our compatriot Elshan Rahimov told APA.
He said that in 1990-1991 under the decision of Azerbaijani parliament, Martuni region was renamed as Khojavend, but Google maps still uses the name Martuni.
(http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q& amp;hl=en&geocode=&q=azerbaijan&sll=37 .0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.489543,78.75&ie=U TF8&ll=39.794557,47.133579&spn=0.063441,0. 153809&t=h&z=13).
Khojavend is under Armenian occupation and the separatist regime in Nagorno Karabakh calls this region Martuni.
March 7 2009
Azerbaijan's Khojavend region shown as Martuni on Google maps
[ 07 Mar 2009 11:54 ]
Baku ` APA. Google maps mistakenly shows Azerbaijan's town of Khojavend as Martuni, our compatriot Elshan Rahimov told APA.
He said that in 1990-1991 under the decision of Azerbaijani parliament, Martuni region was renamed as Khojavend, but Google maps still uses the name Martuni.
(http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q& amp;hl=en&geocode=&q=azerbaijan&sll=37 .0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.489543,78.75&ie=U TF8&ll=39.794557,47.133579&spn=0.063441,0. 153809&t=h&z=13).
Khojavend is under Armenian occupation and the separatist regime in Nagorno Karabakh calls this region Martuni.