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Hillary in the Holy toothless proclamations were not backed,,,

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  • Hillary in the Holy toothless proclamations were not backed,,,

    Hillary in the Holy LandClinton's toothless proclamations were not
    backed with any concrete sanctions to punish Israel's misdeeds

    Seth Freedman,
    Saturday 7 March 2009 13.30 GMT

    Hillary Clinton's Middle East visit this week was hailed by many as the
    latest manifestation of America's new get-tough stance towards Israel.
    Still left in a starry-eyed daze by the effect of Obama's ascent to
    power, pundits took the view that the world would never again be the
    same since his victory, hence anything he or his entourage touched
    would turn inevitably and immediately to gold.

    The Middle East peace process, long stalled (if not furiously
    backpedalling) under Bush's eight-year reign, was signalled by the
    Obama camp as a top priority, therefore all eyes were on Clinton's
    inaugural trip to the Holy Land in her role as secretary of state.

    However, now that she's been and gone and the fanfares have died down
    somewhat, it is clear that ` as far as the Israeli government are
    concerned ` it's business as usual, regardless of who's calling the
    shots in the halls of US power. One example of the new reality
    mirroring the old was Clinton's feeble outburst against the demolition
    of Palestinian homes, in which she described the actions as simply
    "unhelpful", a charge which was immediately rejected out of hand by
    Jerusalem's mayor, who scoffed at her pronouncement with all the
    petulance of a child complaining that mum and dad "just don't get it".

    "I totally reject the notion that we are kicking people out of their
    homes," he said, blaming the furore on a campaign of Palestinian
    "disinformation". According to Mayor Barkat, the Israeli officials were
    merely applying the letter of the law, in an entirely even-handed
    fashion: "If you build illegal houses you pay the consequence ... I
    expect people to obey the law."

    Ergo, Clinton is wrong, the Palestinians are wrong, and every other
    critic of Israel's clearly discriminatory house-demolition policy is
    wrong as well. By Barkat's token, the full weight of Israeli law will
    come crashing down on anyone ` Jew or Arab ` building illegally;
    except, of course, when it's settlers laying the foundations for
    hilltop outposts, or even the government itself contravening domestic
    and international law with every new approval it gives for construction
    over the Green Line.

    Clinton's toothless proclamations were not backed with any concrete
    sanctions to punish Israel's misdeeds, instead falling back on the
    standard American formula of expressing mild annoyance at the Israeli
    government in public, while privately soothing Israeli politicians,
    patting them on the head and sending them out to play with another
    year's pocket money to spend on arms, roadblocks and concrete slabs of
    separation wall.

    Of course, if the US refuses to stand up to Israel's bullying behaviour
    in the Middle East playground, then Britain and other interested
    parties aren't likely to take firm action either. The much-trumpeted
    cancellation of the British Embassy's tenancy agreement in
    Africa-Israel's Tel Aviv skyscraper is the political equivalent of a
    parent not giving their child a third helping of dessert as punishment
    for stealing a classmate's bicycle. Africa-Israel's bottom line is
    hardly likely to be affected in overall terms by such a paltry measure,
    at least not while foreign governments refuse to come good on their
    promises to rein in Israel's settlement expansions and land grabs in
    the West Bank.

    The chasm between political posturing and hard, meaningful measures
    gets wider as the years go by, since by doing nothing while Israel
    feverishly continues throwing up more and more obstacles in the path of
    the peace process, foreign governments are complicit in perpetuating
    the occupation. Thanks to its heavy reliance on overseas aid and trade
    agreements, Israel could not continue to flout international law in a
    vacuum ` providing a golden opportunity for intervention on the part of
    America's Midas-man, should he be serious about following through on
    his promises.

    However, rumours of the demise of the old American approach to Israel
    are somewhat premature, on the basis of the Obama team's first bland
    foray into Israeli affairs. If the new US regime does live up to its
    billing, it can only be good for the long-term security and prosperity
    of both Israelis and Palestinians, but those looking on shouldn't be
    holding their breath.

    A book of Seth Freedman's columns, Can I bring my Own Gun? is now
    available to Guardian readers at £6.99 (RRP £8.99).