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IMF Lends Armenia $540 Million to Counter Crisis Impact

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  • IMF Lends Armenia $540 Million to Counter Crisis Impact

    International Monitory Fund
    March 9 2009

    IMF Lends Armenia $540 Million to Counter Crisis Impact

    By Maureen Burke
    IMF Survey online
    March 9, 2009

    Armenia hit by several large external shocks

    Real growth to contract in 2009

    Authorities to adopt measures to offset crisis impact, boost
    confidence, and help poor

    The IMF has approved a $540 million loan to Armenia to help the
    country in the southern Caucasus cope with the impact of the global
    economic and financial crisis.

    Additional financing will be provided by Armenia's donors and
    international partners, including the World Bank.

    The loan comes days after the Central Bank of Armenia announced it
    would return to a floating exchange rate regime, a move designed to
    improve the competitiveness of Armenian exports and help country
    better adjust to the worsening global environment. The Fund's approval
    of the 28-month Stand-By Arrangement enables Armenia to draw about
    $240 million immediately.

    `The Armenian authorities have put together a strong and credible
    economic program to address the deterioration in Armenia's external
    outlook, restore confidence in the currency and financial system, and
    protect the poor,' IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said
    in a statement.

    The IMF has lent more than $50 billion so far to help countries cope
    with the fallout from the global crisis.

    Rapid deterioration of outlook

    Armenia, a country of about 3 million people that borders Iran and
    Turkey, had enjoyed several years of double-digit growth until as
    recently as 2007. Since the onset of the global crisis, however, the
    country has experienced a series of adverse shocks. Falling
    international commodity prices have adversely affected mining, a key
    export sector, leading to lower revenues for exporters and substantial
    job losses. With neighboring Russia experiencing serious economic
    difficulties, both remittances and foreign direct investment have also

    In addition, market confidence in Armenia's currency and financial
    system had been weakening in recent months, with the result that
    capital outflows picked up. And economic activity has now slowed to
    the point that the country's real GDP growth is likely to be negative
    in 2009.

    Restoring confidence

    To put the economy back on track, the Armenian authorities have
    developed a policy package that aims to restore confidence in the
    currency and financial system. The program's key features include:

    ¢ Return to a flexible exchange rate regime. The Central Bank of
    Armenia announced on March 3 that it would no longer intervene in the
    market, except to smooth extreme volatility, and raised its policy
    interest rate by 100 basis points. Following the announcement, the
    dram (Armenia's currency) depreciated about 20 percent, and since
    then, has broadly remained in that range. The flexible exchange rate
    will improve the competitiveness of Armenia's exports and help those
    who receive remittances from abroad.

    ¢ An increase in the refinancing rate. The move to increase the
    refinancing rate by 1 percentage point to 7.75 percent is designed to
    increase confidence, help reduce the inflationary pressures likely to
    result from the depreciation of the dram, and reduce incentives for
    banks to engage in speculative behavior.

    ¢ Supportive financial sector policies. The central bank has
    pledged to provide liquidity support to banks, address bank
    restructuring issues, if needed, and strengthen banking supervision.

    ¢ Prudent fiscal policy. The authorities plan to limit the deficit
    in 2009 to about 3 percent of GDP, although their program allows them
    to spend'as external financing becomes available'up to an additional
    $200 million, or 2 percent of GDP, on public investment and increased
    spending on small and medium-sized enterprises.

    ¢ Continued reforms in tax administration. The authorities plan to
    continue structural reforms to strengthen public finance management,
    in particular tax administration, and the financial sector.

    ¢ Targeted support for poor. The program foresees an increase in
    social spending of 0.3 percent of GDP relative to the budget, to
    protect the country's poor through well-targeted social safety nets.

    Pressure on regional currencies

    Armenia's decision to allow its currency to depreciate (a consequence
    of letting the market determine the dram's exchange rate) is not
    unique in the region. The Russian economy has been seriously affected
    by the sharp drop in oil prices, as a result of which the ruble has
    gradually lost 35 percent of its value. The large depreciation of the
    Russian ruble has put pressure on other regional currencies: Belarus
    and Kazakhstan have both devalued their currencies by 20 percent in
    recent weeks, and Georgia has devalued by 11 percent.

    Armenia's loan provides exceptional access to IMF financing (amounting
    to 400 percent of the country's quota), in view of the large shocks
    the economy is experiencing. The authorities' strong policy measures
    `justify the exceptional level of access to Fund resources and deserve
    the support of the international community,' Strauss-Kahn said. /so/2009/CAR030909B.htm