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Tufenkian Foundation Launches Crisis Relief Fund

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  • Tufenkian Foundation Launches Crisis Relief Fund


    March 11, 2009


    Rick Barry
    [email protected]<mailto:RBarry@Tufenk>
    212.475.2475 x384

    Tufenkian Foundation sets up emergency fund for neediest cases

    The new economic chaos in the world has already caused rising poverty
    in Armenia. Staff at the Tufenkian Foundation now regularly reports
    shocking situations where people lack decent shelter, are unable to
    make utility payments, or can't meet basic food and health needs. Due
    to rising prices and growing unemployment, the social services NGO
    Zankagatun, a Tufenkian Foundation-funded initiative, has been
    inundated with urgent calls for help as alcoholism, abandonment, and
    starvation spread.

    The difficulties facing a woman named Armine, who Zankagatun just
    began assisting in recent weeks, are typical examples of the effects
    of this crisis. Unemployment had driven her husband to alcoholism,
    which led to abuse. She fled with two young children and began living
    in a barn. While trying to work, Armine left her five-year-old alone
    each day to care for her two-year-old. The only food Armine could
    afford was sweetened water, so both children quickly reached advanced
    stages of malnutrition. What little money she had scraped together
    cleaning neighbors' toilets was not enough to avoid being evicted from
    the barn.

    Cases like Armine's are no longer rare. Families that used to be able
    to afford the bare minimum are now often left in the streets. To make
    matters worse, Armenia's government is denying how bad the problem
    is-so far, they have largely ignored or covered up, rather than risk
    admitting any failure to protect the people. At this point, most
    emergency protection is coming from NGOs and informal support

    With this in mind, the Tufenkian Foundation has set up an emergency
    fund for the neediest cases. The fund will disburse small amounts for
    occasional help to people with terrible problems. Amounts can vary
    from $30 for a utility payment, to $100 to repair someone's roof, to
    $300 for emergency health care. Because the fund is being
    administered by an existing Tufenkian Foundation project, it
    represents zero overhead, meaning every dollar contributed, without
    exception, goes directly to Armenia's neediest-the Foundation's
    existing staff and resources will ensure that that is done, and done

    To kick things off, James Tufenkian has contributed $25,000 to the
    fund, over and beyond the larger funds he gives toward the
    Foundation's budget each year. The Foundation hopes that friends and
    supporters will collectively match and surpass James's contribution,
    offering the direct assistance that will help keep Armenians on their
    feet until this crisis subsides.

    Those interested in contributing to the Emergency Relief Fund should
    contact Rick Barry at 212.475.2475 x384 or [email protected].