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Turkey was forced into establishment of relations with Armenia

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  • Turkey was forced into establishment of relations with Armenia


    Turkey was forced into establishment of relations with Armenia
    10.03.2009 21:03 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Turkey doesn't renounce it policy to enter AU, but
    is trying to conduct alternative policy to strengthen its position in
    Caucasus and Middle East,' Armen Ashotyan, member of the RA parliament
    and the Republican Party of Armenia stated.

    According to him, Armenian -Turkish relations can't be named
    bilateral, rather, they constitute a part of global policy. USA, RF,
    EU M are main forces in the region, and Armenian-Turkish relations are
    fully dependent on them. `Turkey was left with no alternatives in the
    issue of Armenian-Turkish relations establishment . The region needs
    stability so the policy should support economic advantages.'.

    When questioned by PanARMENIAN.Net reporter about Turkey's
    participation in Nuclear Power Station Construction Ashotyan said:
    `Joint construction of NPS won't endanger RA national security.'

    `I take this statement for continuation of RA President's policy, that
    could become a trump card in Armenian diplomacy.'