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Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 03/12/2009

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  • Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 03/12/2009


    MARCH 6-12, 2009





    On March 7, another "Press Club" show went on the air of "Yerkir Media" TV
    company. The cycle is produced under Yerevan Press Club project, supported
    by the Open Society Institute Human Rights and Governance Grants Program.
    The guests of the host, YPC President Boris Navasardian were Artak Davtian,
    deputy of the RA National Assembly of Republican Party of Armenia, member of
    RA NA Standing Commission on State and Legal Issues, and Artak Zeinalian,
    member of Political Council of "Republic" party, Armenian National Congress
    representative. The discussion centered on the freedom of assembly, in the
    context of the opposition rallies, resumed on March 1, and Armenia's
    international commitments.

    The next "Press Club" show will be aired on "Yerkir Media" on Saturday,
    March 14, at 17.40.


    On March 10 the Annual Report of the RA Human Rights Defender Armen
    Harutiunian on the Activities of the Defender and the Human Rights and
    Fundamental Freedoms Violations in Armenia in 2008 was presented at the
    Congress Hotel in Yerevan.

    Talking about different aspects of his activities, particularly, in the
    sphere of information and public relations, the ombudsman emphasized that
    the cooperation with media in whole is succeeded. At the same time, in the
    opinion of Armen Harutiunian, the media does not always reflect adequately
    the points of view expressed by him. Touching upon the information sphere,
    the ombudsman noted the one-sided news coverage by the Public Television of
    Armenia, as one of the unsolved problems to this very day. For example he
    brought his extraordinary public report "On Presidential Elections of
    February 19, 2008 and the Post-Election Situation", released on April 25,
    2008, which "was not even mentioned" on the air of the public broadcaster.
    However, a month later, when objections to the report where raised by the RA
    General Prosecutor's Office and the RA Ministry of Justice, they were
    covered "several times" by the Public Television, "with comments of
    different officials of the abovementioned bodies".

    One of the sub-sections of the annual report refers to the right of freedom
    of information. In the opinion of Armen Harutiunian, there are serious
    problems with realizing that right. "In fact, there is a lack of pluralism
    on TV, as for the print media, it is often transformed to insult, giving
    raise to an improper and inacceptable culture for our society", the
    ombudsman stresses, in particular. Like in the report of 2007, Armen
    Harutiunian once again pays attention to the absence of appropriate sublegal
    acts, ensuring the procedure of the application of the RA Law "On Freedom of
    Information". Thus, point 1 of article 10 of the Law sets forth that
    providing information or duplicates (copies) of documents by state
    institutions and organizations, local self-administration bodies is
    implemented according to the procedure defined by the RA Government.
    Nevertheless, to present day this procedure has not been defined. Besides,
    according to point 4 of article 11 of the Law, the rejection to provide
    information can be appealed to authorized state body or to the court.
    However, so far there is not a proper body, the report notes.

    The amendments to the RA Law "On Television and Radio", adopted on September
    10, 2008 and suspending the broadcast licensing competitions until July
    2010, were considered by the ombudsman as "regressive and explicitly
    contradictory" to the European Court of Human Rights ruling of June 17, 2008
    on the case of "A1+" TV company.

    Talking about the situation after the 2008 presidential elections, the
    ombudsman thinks that the activities of a number of media have contributed
    to the escalation of the tension in the society: "A most vivid example of
    such unacceptable coverage was demonstrated by the First Channel of the
    Public Television of Armenia, which not only neglected the President's
    Decree on State of Emergency, but also made an infringement of the
    requirement of Article 28 of the RA Law "On Television and Radio",
    prohibiting the prevalence of a political stance in the programs broadcast
    on public television." The National Commission on Television and Radio,
    which, in accordance to the Law, is the independent regulator and is to
    implement the control over the activities of the broadcasters, Armen
    Harutiunian's report stresses, failed to perform one of its main functions
    and did not prevent the violations of the Decree provisions not only by the
    PTA First Channel, but also most of the private broadcasters. At the same
    time, the ombudsman says, in the second half of 2008 "some positive changes
    and elements of pluralistic news coverage were observed in the activities of
    the PTA First Channel".

    The annual report of the Human Rights Defender touches upon the situation on
    the "GALA" TV company of Gyumri. In particular, in the opinion of the
    ombudsman, "it raises doubts the circumstance", that the tax violations made
    by the founder of the TV company and other problems were revealed "only
    after "GALA" manifested a critical stance towards the authorities".

    The ombudsman notes that in 2008, like in the previous years, cases of
    impeding professional activities of journalists have been fixed.
    Nevertheless, a great number of such incidents remained unpunished. The
    Human Rights Defender statements, listed in the report appendix, concern the
    attacks on journalists, in particular: on correspondent of "Haykakan
    Zhamanak" daily, Lusine Barseghian, on August 11; on acting head of the
    Armenian Service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Hrach Melkumian, on
    August 18; on Chairman of "Investigative Journalists" NGO Edik Baghdasarian
    on November 17.

    At the presentation of ombudsman report for 2008 Armen Harutiunian awarded
    diplomas for contribution to development of tolerance and freedom of speech
    to Anna Israelian, the observer of "Aravot" daily, and Larisa Alaverdian,
    the First RA Human Rights Defender, now RA National Assembly deputy of
    "Heritage" party.

    When reprinting or using the information above, reference to the Yerevan
    Press Club is required.

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    [email protected]

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    Editor of YPC Newsletter - Elina POGHOSBEKIAN
    _____________________________________ _______
    Yerevan Press Club
    9B, Ghazar Parpetsi str.
    0002, Yerevan, Armenia
    Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 00 67; 53 35 41; 53 76 62
    Fax: (+374 10) 53 56 61
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