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NKR: Rise in Prices Will Be Controlled by Government

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  • NKR: Rise in Prices Will Be Controlled by Government


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    11 March 09
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    The Press Conference of the Prime Minister of Nagorno Karabakh
    The Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia has made a decision and is
    holding new exchange policy according to which it will not interfere in
    the rate of different exchange as regards to AMD. The Prime Minister
    Ara Harutyunyan announced about this in the press conference on March
    4, dedicated to the sudden rise of the rate of the US Dollar in the
    market of Artsakh and Armenia. In the last months world
    economic crisis has brought to different rate of exchange and to the
    changes in the economic situation in different countries, said the
    Leader of the government. At the present, according to the
    Prime Minister the instability of the rate is being controlled (within
    360-380 dollars). `Nothing supernatural has happened. The process of
    the artificial rise of the rate of US Dollar and the devaluation of
    dram are under control, having a speculative character in the first
    hours. By all accounts, the rate of the dollar will supposedly be
    560-570AMD what has made trade organizations go over again the price
    politics concerning to some goods. However, experts' accounts and
    confinements including the chair's mark of the Central Bank of Armenia
    testify that the rate will be fluctuating within 360-380 AMD for one US
    Dollar,' announced the prime Minister. What measures does the
    government of NK undertake? Answering this question, the Head of the
    government informed about the meeting holding on the same day and about
    his instructions to the owners, underlining that the state did not
    tolerate an unfounded steps, which would be brought to the artificial
    rise in the prices. `Of course, we understand that the changes of the
    rate of the USA dollar will be brought to the revision of some goods.
    Some goods have already risen in price, somewhere they are well
    founded, but in many cases not. That is why we state that the process
    will be controlled both by the workers of the operative department of
    the tax service and the commission by the regulation of the social
    services and economic competition,' said the Prime Minister.
    The Head of the government stated that the rise in prices on goods of
    the local production and goods produced in Armenia will not be raised
    or it will be very slight, connected with some imported materials.
    `Only after accountings some changes will be allowed to do, which must
    be compared with the prices of Armenia where such work is being done,
    said the PM. The agiotage around the artificial rise in the price will
    be regulated. The step, which Central Bank made, was very necessary for
    our future development and from the point of view of financial
    politics. Those goods which are the part of our everyday consumption
    basket, must have such prices which correspond to the logic, taking
    into account the imported price, other disbursement, customs and of
    course the profit which is allowed and it must be a stimulus for a
    business. It is evident that in recent months the prices will be
    regulated if there are no new changes of the rate', conclude A.
    Harutyunyan underlining that the Central Bank of the Republic of
    Armenia assures that there will be no devaluation of Dram. The
    PM of NK answered the questions of the journalists. The question why
    the price of goods rise with the rise of the exchange but they do not
    increase with the increasing of the exchange, PM answered that it was
    not so. In the connection of the devaluation of US Dollar, some goods
    have raised in price in the word market. According to A. Harutyunyan,
    the market prices of those goods, which we import, have been raised in
    price in international market, also such goods of wide consumption as
    sugar, seed-oil etc. If we compare what prices were in Dram some years
    ago and what we have today, we shall understand that the increase of
    the world price of some goods has brought to the increase of the
    prices, including fuel.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress