Venice Commission to discuss amendments to Criminal Code of Armenia at
March 13-14 session 0
YEREVAN, MARCH 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The amendments to the RA Criminal Code
have been included in the agenda of the CE Venice Commission's plenary
session being held on March 13-14. According to a press relase of the
Council of Europe Yerevan Office, the Venice Commission also intends to
express its opinion on the draft law on the freedom to receive
information in Armenia.
The main issues on the agenda of the Venice Commission are legal
reforms in South Caucasian countries, including constitutional
amendments in Azerbaijan and Georgia, Georgia's law on occupied
territories (Abkhazia and South Ossetia), and the constitutional and
legal provisions related to banning political parties in Turkey.
March 13-14 session 0
YEREVAN, MARCH 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The amendments to the RA Criminal Code
have been included in the agenda of the CE Venice Commission's plenary
session being held on March 13-14. According to a press relase of the
Council of Europe Yerevan Office, the Venice Commission also intends to
express its opinion on the draft law on the freedom to receive
information in Armenia.
The main issues on the agenda of the Venice Commission are legal
reforms in South Caucasian countries, including constitutional
amendments in Azerbaijan and Georgia, Georgia's law on occupied
territories (Abkhazia and South Ossetia), and the constitutional and
legal provisions related to banning political parties in Turkey.