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IMF Approves USD 540 Million Stand-By Arrangement for Armenia

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  • IMF Approves USD 540 Million Stand-By Arrangement for Armenia

    RIA Oreanda, Russia
    March 11 2009

    IMF Approves USD 540 Million Stand-By Arrangement for Armenia

    Yerevan. OREANDA-NEWS . On 11 March 2009 was announced, that the
    Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today
    approved a 28-month SDR 368 million (about USD 540 million) Stand-By
    Arrangement for Armenia to support the countrys program to adjust to
    the deteriorated global outlook, restore confidence in the currency
    and financial system, and protect the poor. The approval makes the
    amount equivalent to SDR 161.5 million (about USD 237 million)
    immediately available and the remainder in nine installments subject
    to quarterly reviews. The Stand-By Arrangement entails exceptional
    access to IMF resources, amounting to about 400 percent of Armenias
    quota. It was approved under the Funds fast-track Emergency Financing
    Mechanism procedures.

    The authorities program is based on a consistent set of measures
    regarding exchange rate, monetary, financial, and fiscal policies, as
    well as continued structural reforms.

    Key elements include:

    Return to a flexible exchange rate regime. The Central Bank of Armenia
    (CBA) announced on March 3 that it will no longer intervene in the
    market, except to smooth extreme volatility, and raised its policy
    interest rate by 100 basis points. Following the announcement, the
    dram depreciated about 20 percent, and since then, has broadly
    remained in that range.

    Strengthening of the financial sector to maintain stability and
    confidence. Key aspects of the CBAs policy response include liquidity
    support operations, as needed, and enhanced banking supervision.

    A revision of fiscal priorities to maintain macroeconomic stability,
    while protecting social outlays and public investment, in light of the
    expected revenue shortfall. The authorities intend to cut back on
    non-priority spending while providing an increase in social spending
    of 0.3 percent of GDP, relative to the budget, to protect the poor
    through well-targeted social safety nets. Additional external
    financing will be used to boost public investment.

    Armenias gross external financing requirements are projected at about
    USD1.6 billion for 2009, and will remain elevated through 2011, albeit
    with a slight downward trend. The Stand-By Arrangement will cover a
    large share of the countrys 2009-2011 financing gap. Additional
    financing will be provided by Armenias donors and international
    partners, including the World Bank.

    Following the Executive Board discussion on Armenia, Mr. Murillo
    Portugal, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, said:

    Since the approval of a low-access PRGF arrangement in November 2008,
    Armenia has been confronted by a variety of major external
    shocks. Reflecting the sharp deterioration in global economic
    conditions, private transfers and capital inflows slowed considerably
    and international commodity prices have dropped severely, affecting
    mining exports and production. In light of a rapid decline in
    international reserves and growing financing needs, the authorities
    have requested additional financial assistance from the Fund.

    With the adverse global developments, real growth is expected to
    contract in 2009, reflecting the downturn in Russia and other
    countries in the region. Falling international prices, lower growth,
    and exchange rate depreciation will help reduce the external current
    account deficit. Medium-term prospects remain good.

    Sound policies are essential to maintain macroeconomic stability. The
    recent return to a flexible exchange rate will help cushion the impact
    of the global downturn and eventual further regional deterioration. An
    appropriately tight monetary policy is necessary to contain the
    inflationary pressures stemming from the depreciation and support
    demand for dram-denominated assets. While potential negative impact of
    the depreciation on the financial sector seems unlikely, contingency
    plans are available to help address any such effects. In light of the
    expected revenue shortfall, fiscal policy will remain prudent,
    protecting social outlays and public investment by reducing
    non-priority spending.

    Maintaining the structural reform agenda will contribute to
    macroeconomic stability and a strengthened business environment. Key
    elements include the completion of the unfinished tax policy and tax
    administration reform agenda, and progress on financial sector

    The Fund is confident that the policy package put in place by the
    authorities is appropriate and strong, Mr. Portugal said.


    Recent Economic Developments

    The global crisis has confronted Armenia with a number of large
    external shocks. Remittances and capital inflows, which sustained
    rapid economic growth in recent years, have decelerated
    markedly. Falling international commodity prices adversely affected
    mining, a key export sector. GDP growth came to a halt in the fourth
    quarter, and fell to 6.8 percent for the year as a whole, from over 13
    percent in 2007. Following the rapid unwinding of international prices
    and domestic demand, annual CPI inflation fell to 1 percent in
    February 2009. With exports being hit by the global downturn and
    imports growing strongly through October, the external current account
    deficit rose to an estimated 12½ percent of GDP in 2008.

    The rapid and unexpected deterioration of the economic situation had a
    strong impact on program performance under the PRGF arrangement. Most
    of the end-December 2008 quantitative performance criteria were
    missed. The authorities, recognizing the changed circumstances and the
    large increase in their financing needs, have requested the Stand-By
    arrangement and also requested the cancellation of the PRGF

    Program Summary

    The authorities program aims to achieve the necessary external
    adjustment, restore confidence in the domestic currency and the
    banking sector, and protect the poor. Their program is based on a
    consistent set of policies in the exchange rate, monetary, financial,
    and fiscal areas as well continued structural reforms.

    As part of the program, the authorities are returning to a flexible
    exchange rate regime. In particular, the authorities have indicated
    that they will no longer intervene in the market, except to smooth
    extreme volatility. Under a managed float, the authorities would
    gradually return to their inflation-targeting framework.

    Strengthening financial stability will be a key part of the
    authorities program. The authorities will implement short-term
    emergency measures to stabilize the system, while at the same time
    enacting more structural measures to ensure the soundness of the
    system going forward. Key aspects to be addressed are liquidity
    support operations and enhancing banking supervision.

    Fiscal priorities will be revised. To partly offset the anticipated
    revenue shortfall for 2008, the authorities intend to cut back on
    non-priority spending and introduce some tax policy measures, yielding
    savings of about 0.8 percent of GDP. Accordingly, the program aims at
    limiting the deficit, excluding non-programmed externally financed
    investment projects, to 2.8 percent of GDP compared to a deficit
    target of 1 percent of GDP in the announced budget.

    The IMF supports the protection of social spending embedded in the
    program. The program accommodates an increase in social spending of
    0.3 percent of GDP, relative to the budget, to protect the poor
    through well-targeted social safety nets. The program also provides
    room for additional infrastructure and investment spending as foreign
    financing materializes.

    The authorities will continue their wide-ranging structural reform
    agenda outlined in their Sustainable Development Program. This agenda
    is aimed at deepening productivity-enhancing structural reforms, and
    improving governance. A key area will be continued efforts to
    strengthen the business environment, with a focus on tax
    administration reforms and the fight against corruption.

    Armenia joined the IMF on May 28, 1992; its quota is SDR 92 million
    (about USD135.2 million) and its outstanding credit to the IMF (as of
    end-January 2009) is SDR 87.495 million (USD128.6 million).

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress