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Rectors label `immoral' the way Students fight against corruption

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  • Rectors label `immoral' the way Students fight against corruption


    University Rectors label as `immoral' the way Armenian Students fight
    against corruption
    13.03.2009 20:41 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ `No one denies the fact that the phenomenon of
    corruption does exist in our society, but the participants of `Miasin'
    Youth Movement violated not only the legal rights but also the moral
    norms. Having no facts and grounds they flung mud at people. This fact
    reflected negatively on the reputation of Armenian Universities. As
    group applications against slanderers are not permitted, each of the
    professors slandered must decide himself/herself whether to hand in an
    application or not, and we shall support them,' said Aram Simonyan YSU
    rector at today's meeting with journalists.

    As the Rector of Yerevan State University of Economics Yuri Souvaryan
    says, his University has transferred on to a test exam system, next
    year the exams are expected to be computer based. This is also a way
    to fight against corruption. More civilized methods must be used to
    eradicate displays of corruption. In case we have related facts, we
    are ready to take measures against corrupt professors,' said the YSUE

    In his turn the head of parliamentary faction of `Heritage' party,
    Armen Martirosyan announced, `It is necessary to start fighting
    against corruption with defense and law enforcement agencies. Instead
    of catching `sharks' we are chasing after small fish. The aim of this
    movement is simulation, and simulation processes have never been of
    any good.'

    On March 11 the participants of the Youth Movement `MIASIN'
    (`Together') started the program fighting against corruption. Within
    the framework of the program pictures of more than ten Armenian
    professors grouped under the heading `Bribe-takers' were stuck on the
    walls of several Universities in Yerevan, on the bus stops, and some
    other public places. Besides the pictures, information on the
    professors' activities and their `professional' career was also
    provided. The participants appealed to all the students to join them
    in their fight and help eradicate corruption and other such phenomena
    at Universities.