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US Reps commend Obama for principled record

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  • US Reps commend Obama for principled record

    States News Service, USA
    March 11, 2009 Wednesday



    The following information was released by the office of California
    Rep. Adam Schiff:

    Urge Strong Statement of Recognition on the Upcoming 94th Anniversary

    Washington, D.C. - In advance of the upcoming 94th Anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide, Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA), George
    Radanovich (R-CA), Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) wrote a
    letter to President Barack Obama commending him on his record of
    supporting the truth about the Armenian Genocide and urging the
    President to make a strong statement of recognition on April 24th.

    "Throughout his career, President Obama has always demonstrated a
    profound understanding of history and the moral courage to speak
    plainly about the horrors of genocide," said Schiff. "We applaud his
    strong recognition of the Armenian Genocide as a Senator, and look to
    him for continued strong leadership on this issue as President."

    "Over the years, the President of the United States, regardless of
    political party, has done a great disservice by refusing to properly
    recognize the Armenian Genocide," said Radanovich. "As a proud
    representative of the Armenian American community, and co-author of
    the Armenian Genocide Resolution, I commend President Obama for his
    previous commitment to the truth and I eagerly await the fulfillment
    of his promises to recognize the Genocide as President."

    "As a senator and as a candidate, President Obama demonstrated a clear
    record of supporting recognition of the Armenian Genocide," said
    Pallone. "As Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues,
    I am hopeful that both the President and Congress will not waiver in
    their efforts to discuss the past openly and honestly."

    "As a U.S. Senator and as a presidential candidate, President Obama
    made unprecedented commitments to recognize the Armenian Genocide,"
    Kirk said. "Knowing his personal commitment to ending genocide and
    promoting human rights, we are hopeful President Obama will keep his

    The full text of the letter is below.

    March 10, 2009

    President Barack Obama
    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

    Washington, D.C. 20500

    Dear Mr. President,

    As we approach the upcoming 94th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
    on April 24, we want to thank you for the courage you have always
    shown in characterizing properly the slaughter of 1.5 million
    Armenians from 1915-1923 as genocide. No president in the postwar era
    has come into office with a stronger understanding of the historic
    facts of the genocide, or with a greater track record of speaking
    plainly on this terrible chapter in the past.

    As a United States Senator, your record on the Armenian Genocide was
    clear and unequivocal. In 2005 and 2006 you joined many of your
    colleagues in asking President Bush to refer to the slaughter of
    Armenians as genocide, noting that "[i]t is in the best interests of
    our nation and the entire global community to remember the past and
    learn from these crimes against humanity to ensure that they are never

    In 2006 you wrote to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the wake
    of the recall from Yerevan of Ambassador John Evans for using the term
    "genocide" to describe the events of 1915-23. In your letter you
    described the official U.S. position on the genocide as "untenable"
    and reminded the Secretary that "the occurrence of the Armenian
    genocide in 1915 is not an 'allegation,' a 'personal opinion,' or a
    'point of view.' Supported by overwhelming evidence, it is a widely
    documented fact."

    In questions submitted to Ambassador-designate Marie Yovanovich last
    year, you pressed her on the issue of genocide recognition,
    specifically asking her what steps she would take to recognize the
    genocide and what actions the Department of State was undertaking to
    press for Turkish recognition of the crimes committed by their Ottoman
    forebears. Last April, in a statement printed in the Congressional
    Record, you pledged to "continue to push for the acknowledgement of
    the Armenian genocide."

    As a presidential candidate, you were also forthright in discussing
    your support for genocide recognition, saying that "America deserves a
    leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds
    forcefully to all genocides." We agree with you completely.

    During your upcoming trip to Turkey and in discussions with your
    advisors over how to commemorate the events of 1915-23, you will
    doubtless be counseled by some to continue the practice of avoiding
    the truth in favor of short-term political expediency. We do not
    minimize Ankara's threats of adverse action when you recognize the
    genocide, or when Congress takes action to formally recognize the
    genocide, but we believe that our alliance is strong enough to
    withstand the truth.

    Elie Wiesel has described the denial of genocide as the final stage of
    genocide - a double killing. Sadly, our nation's foreign policy has,
    for too long, abetted this denial. As you told Secretary Rice in your
    letter about the sacking of Ambassador Evans, "when State Department
    instructions are such that an ambassador must engage in strained
    reasoning - or even outright falsehood - that defies a common sense
    interpretation of events in order to follow orders, then it is time to
    revisit the State Department's policy guidance on that issue."

    Mr. President, you have demonstrated time and again your understanding
    of the importance to Armenian-Americans of formal American recognition
    of the crime that was committed against their parents, grandparents
    and great-grandparents. Their pain is not unlike that of American
    Jews, who live each day with the memory of the Holocaust, and
    African-Americans, whose view of themselves has been colored by the
    legacy of slavery and Jim Crow. But, of course, the importance of
    speaking unequivocally about a matter as grave as genocide is a human
    rights imperative affecting us all. Whether it is today's Sudanese
    government or yesterday's Ottoman Empire, the perpetrators of
    genocide, as well as the victims, must know that the United States
    will not shrink from confronting the truth.



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