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Azeri-Armenian gay love story strains at taboos

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  • Azeri-Armenian gay love story strains at taboos

    Reuters, UK
    March 12 2009

    Azeri-Armenian gay love story strains at taboos

    Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:15am EDT
    By Matt Robinson and Margarita Antidze

    BAKU, March 12 (Reuters) - Alekper Aliyev's mobile phone buzzed on the
    iron table. "What's going on is a nightmare," said the text message
    from one of his readers. "I worry about you. Take care. Don't give

    The 31-year-old Azeri novelist says he knew his latest book would
    cause a storm, but he never imagined the police would get involved.

    'Artush and Zaur' -- the story of a gay love affair between an Azeri
    and an Armenian amid war between their countrymen as the Soviet Union
    collapsed -- is cultural dynamite for mainly Muslim Azerbaijan.

    By Aliyev's own count, 150 copies have been sold since the book was
    published in January, a tiny number by international standards but not
    bad for a homegrown novelist in the country of 8.7 million people.

    That was until this week, when Baku's popular Ali and Nino bookstore
    chain -- the only one willing to sell Artush and Zaur -- said police
    ordered the book be removed from shelves.

    A book discussion between the author and readers was cancelled amid
    reports of threats and intimidation.

    "The police told them -- if you don't do it, we'll do it ourselves,"
    Aliyev told Reuters. "And they withdrew all the books from sale."

    He said the owner of Ali and Nino had just called to say police had
    closed two of their stores. They reopened a day later.

    An Interior Ministry spokesman denied any knowledge of the case,
    saying: "The police do not interfere in trade and the selling of


    But some Azeri Internet forums have seized on the dispute as further
    proof of Azerbaijan's disdain for human rights and freedom of
    expression under President Ilham Aliyev, who succeeded his late
    father, former Communist Party boss Heydar Aliyev, in 2003.

    The country votes in a referendum on March 18 on whether to scrap the
    two-term presidential limit, clearing the way for Aliyev to continue
    his rule indefinitely beyond 2013 if he can keep winning re-election.

    Critics accuse the authorities of curbing freedoms under cover of an
    economic boom fuelled by reserves of oil and gas piped from the
    Caspian Sea to Western Europe. Dissent is discouraged, and sometimes
    stamped out.

    "I thought democracy meant freedom of expression, freedom of faith and
    freedom of the press," read a posting on one blog discussing the saga.

    Azerbaijan's authorities say they are committed to international
    standards of democracy, but that they have an obligation to protect
    the country from forces they say are trying to sow instability.


    The novel, the writer's sixth, strikes at the hatred that persists
    between many Christian Armenians and Muslim Azeris since ethnic
    Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh region broke away from Azerbaijan's
    rule in the early 1990s.

    The conflict still defies resolution or reconciliation. Soldiers
    continue to die on the frontline in sporadic clashes, and Baku has not
    ruled out taking back the region by force.

    Crucially though, the relationship in the book is played out between
    two homosexual men, still a taboo subject in traditionally
    conservative Azerbaijan.

    "My book is a fight against stereotypes," said Aliyev. "In Azerbaijan
    there are two main stereotypes, the gay man and the Armenian. The
    worst thing you can be is gay or Armenian, or to have any relation to

    "I want to deprive them of this instrument, and to explain to people
    they should not be afraid." He said police had claimed the book was
    "against our values."

    "How could such bullshit be written?," an anonymous blogger wrote on
    one Azeri forum. "And to make an Armenian one of the main characters!
    It was disgusting to read. Some things should be respected -- your own
    country, for example."

    The owner of Ali and Nino declined to be interviewed. The book cover
    does not name the real publisher. Currently only in Azeri, Aliyev said
    it would be translated into Russian, and friends in Yerevan planned to
    publish an Armenian version.

    The novel seeks deliberate comparison with 'Ali and Nino', the popular
    love story of a Muslim man and Georgian Christian woman in Baku, first
    published in 1937.

    In the end, Nino flees for Georgia and Ali dies defending Azerbaijan
    from the invading Bolsheviks after the 1917 revolution. For Aliyev,
    Artush and Zaur's love is equally doomed. The two men throw themselves
    from Baku's 12th century Maiden Tower, long a symbol of forbidden

    "Homosexual love is just the background to this novel," he said. "This
    book is about our pointless conflict, our pointless war, and about how
    oligarchs rule societies in both countries."

    (Editing by Mark Trevelyan)