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Turkey: Hillary Clinton Presses 'Reset' Button with Key US Ally

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  • Turkey: Hillary Clinton Presses 'Reset' Button with Key US Ally

    EurasiaNet, NY
    March 10 2009

    Yigal Schleifer 3/10/09

    Combining statecraft with stagecraft, US Secretary of State Hillary
    Clinton appears to have turned around US-Turkish relations. For most
    of the Bush administration's tenure, Washington had a strained
    relationship with Ankara, but Clinton's first visit to Turkey as
    President Barack Obama's secretary of state has Turkish officials
    feeling more optimistic about the future of bilateral relations.

    "Her coming to Turkey is [like the] pressing of the reset button and
    starting with a clean slate. Turkey is ready for that. The last eight
    years have been troublesome," says Suat Kiniklioglu, a member of
    parliament and Deputy Chairman of External Affairs for Turkey's
    governing Justice and Development Party (AKP).

    The last few years have been dismal for Turkey-US relations and for
    America's image in Turkey. Turks were strongly opposed to the war in
    Iraq, while many also felt that the United States was not doing enough
    to deal with the presence of Kurdish guerillas that were using their
    bases in northern Iraq to attack Turkey. Many policymakers in
    Washington, meanwhile, never forgave Ankara for failing to pass a 2003
    motion in parliament that would have allowed American troops to invade
    Iraq through Turkey.

    Clinton and Turkish officials had significant issues to discuss during
    her one-day visit to the Turkish capital of Ankara on March 8,
    including the possible use by American troops on Turkish soil -- this
    time for withdrawing from Iraq -- and her announcement that Obama will
    make his own trip to Turkey in early April.

    "We share a commitment to democracy, a secular constitution, respect
    for religious freedom, belief in a free market and a sense of global
    responsibility," Clinton said during a press conference with her
    Turkish counterpart, Ali Babacan. She added that Obama's upcoming
    visit is "a reflection of the value we place on our friendship with

    But the secretary of state had another important mission during her
    Turkish visit: to polish America's battered image in Turkey, where,
    according to a 2007 public opinion survey, only 9 percent of the
    population held a favorable view of the U.S., down from 52 percent in

    In a departure from traditional diplomacy, Clinton sat down for a
    Saturday night interview on a popular Turkish television talk
    show. She proceeded to open up on prime time about everything from how
    she fell in love to her challenged sense of fashion. (Clinton did
    something similar during her recent trip to Indonesia, visiting the
    set of a youth-oriented television show).

    "This is good for American public diplomacy. Whoever planned this did
    it well," says Huseyin Bagci, a professor of international relations
    at Ankara's Middle East Technical University. "She is reducing the
    damage to the American image here in Turkey. I think Turks are ready
    to take a different look at America."

    Public appearances in Turkey by American officials during the Bush
    administration tended to be few and far between. Former president
    George W. Bush's lone visit to Istanbul, for a NATO summit, saw him
    confined to a large security zone that turned a large part of downtown
    Istanbul into a ghost town.

    Hosted by four women, the program, called Haydi Gel Bizimle Ol (Come
    and Join Us), is the Turkish version of the popular American talk show
    "The View." For an hour, Clinton smiled pleasantly while the hosts and
    members of the audience tossed her mostly softball questions. Asked by
    one of the hosts how she deals with life's difficulties, Clinton
    answered: "You know, family, faith, friends are the core of my life
    and I don't know anybody whose life is smooth sailing."

    At a low budget hotel in the heart of Istanbul, night clerk Ali Demir,
    splitting his attention between Clinton's television appearance and a
    soccer game streaming live on his computer screen, said he liked the
    secretary of state's approach.

    "This is a good change. It's a different way," the clerk said about
    Clinton's television appearance. "She's more colorful and seems closer
    to the people, more likable."

    Certainly, the Clinton name still has star power in Turkey. A 1999
    trip by then president Bill Clinton and his wife, where he visited an
    area that had been devastated by an earthquake, is still fondly
    remembered by Turks. In Istanbul's sprawling Grand Bazaar, it seems
    like almost every shop has a picture of the owner shaking hands with a
    beaming Bill Clinton.

    "In Turkish-American relations, as much as the message matters, the
    messenger also matters," says Kiniklioglu. "The name Clinton resonates
    differently here."

    Still, some observers caution that television appearances alone will
    not be enough to sway Turkish public opinion. "Overall, Obama's
    policies towards the region, towards Muslims -- these are the things
    that will help improve America's image in Turkey. Clinton's appearance
    is a good start, but without a change in the main policies, you can't
    expect things to improve," says Lale Sariibrahimoglu, an Ankara-based
    analyst and a columnist for the English-language newspaper Today's

    "You can't just appoint someone to be in charge of PR,"
    Sariibrahimoglu added. "The product has to be good if you want it to

    On the other hand, analysts hailed the planned Obama visit, scheduled
    for April 6-7, as another important step in restoring the
    Turkish-American relationship.

    "The fact that the president of the United States is coming to Turkey
    illustrates his willingness to put an end to the downward slide in
    Turkish-American relations that began with the invasion of Iraq in
    2003. An American president who opposed the Iraq war is now selecting
    a democratic country that also opposed the war and refused to help the
    United States for his first visit to the Islamic world. This symbolism
    should not be lost," Omer Taspinar, Director of the Turkey Program at
    the Brookings Institution in Washington, recently wrote in a column in
    the Turkish daily Today's Zaman.

    "Probably for the first time in its relations with the superpower,
    Turkey is getting the presidential attention it deserves. That this is
    happening in a non-crisis environment is all the more remarkable."

    Editor's Note: Yigal Schleifer is a freelance journalist based in