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Karabakh accuses OSCE of ignoring ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan

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  • Karabakh accuses OSCE of ignoring ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan

    Interfax, Russia
    March 14 2009

    Karabakh accuses OSCE of ignoring violations of ceasefire deal by

    STEPANAKERT March 14

    The OSCE's passive attitude toward increasingly more frequent
    violations of a ceasefire deal by Azerbaijan negatively influences the
    situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    The Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Ministry reported earlier that
    "Azerbaijan once again violated the ceasefire at the southeastern
    section of the contact line between the Nagorno-Karabakh and Azeri
    armed forces in the early hours of March 13, in which a
    Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army serviceman on duty was killed by sniper

    Commenting on the incident to Interfax on Saturday, the Nagorno-
    Karabakh Foreign Ministry called it symptomatic that the incident had
    occurred the next day after the office of OSCE chairman-in-office's
    personal representative Andrzej Kasprzyk monitored the contact line at
    this same area.

    "This incident, which led to a loss of life, happened because of the
    absence of a public response by the office of OSCE chairman-in-
    office's personal representative Andrzej Kasprzyk to increasingly more
    frequent ceasefire agreement violations on the part of Azerbaijan,
    which now occur even during monitoring conducted by the office of the
    personal representative of the OSCE chairman-in-office," the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry said.

    "The absence of a political qualification of such actions, which
    Stepanakert has repeatedly pointed to, only encourages the aggressor,"
    it said.

    "Azerbaijan does not even see fit to consider a proposal on
    withdrawing snipers from the frontline as a confidence-building
    measure, which the foreign ministers of the OSCE Minsk Group made at
    an OSCE ministerial session in Helsinki on December 4, 2008," the
    ministry said.

    va nb

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress