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Belarusian, Armenian Security Supremos Discuss Cooperation

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  • Belarusian, Armenian Security Supremos Discuss Cooperation


    Belarusian television Channel 1
    March 17 2009

    [Presenter] National security agencies of Belarus and Armenia are
    going to expand their cooperation. Talks between State Secretary of the
    Security Council of Belarus Yuryy Zhadobin and his Armenian counterpart
    [Artur Bagdasaryan] were held first tete-a-tete and then in extended
    format in Minsk today. Belarus and Armenia discussed cooperation
    between uniformed and law enforcement agencies in countering terrorism,
    cross-border crime, drug trafficking, illegal migration and human
    trafficking. Armenia is currently presiding in the CSTO [Collective
    Security Treaty Organization], hence the development of integration
    within the framework of deeper military and political cooperation
    was discussed as well. The heads of the national security agencies
    signed a cooperation memorandum today.

    [Artur Bagdasaryan] We have had very fruitful talks and tackled
    around 10 issues to be jointly handled. We have very good experience
    in cooperation and during today's talks we have chalked out several
    other specific programmes regarding uniformed agencies, cooperation
    within the framework of the CSTO and implementation of joint projects.

    [Yuryy Zhadobin] We have very much in common with Armenia. First and
    foremost, our countries are members of the Collective Security Treaty
    Organization, we share approaches and visions of this organization. We
    would like the organization to strengthen its influence in the
    post-Soviet countries and on the international arena too. We are
    interested in developing and updating our cooperation in military,
    technical and law enforcement areas. We would like our cooperation
    to meet modern challenges and deal with threats. But our relations
    with Armenia have traditionally been friendly.