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Azerbaijan vote sets stage for endless presidency

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    Azerbaijan vote sets stage for endless presidency

    Wednesday's vote abolished term limits, something that could promote a
    possible Aliyev dynasty.

    By Jessica Powley Hayden | 03.19.09

    BAKU, Azerbaijan -Voters here overwhelmingly approved a constitutional
    referendum to abolish presidential term limits in this oil-rich former
    Soviet republic, according to preliminary results from Wednesday's

    Opposition leaders, who had called for a boycott of the election,
    immediately decried what they believe to be widespread voting fraud,
    including ballot stuffing, intimidation, and outright falsification of
    turnout figures. Isa Gambar, the leader of the opposition Musavat
    Party, claimed official turnout was no higher than 15 percent.

    Turnout is critical to the success of the referendum as local law
    requires 25 percent participation. By the time the polls closed last
    night, election officials placed voter turnout at 64 percent.

    The Central Election Commission, which oversaw votings, says that more
    than half the votes have since been counted, with 92 percent in favor
    of the changes.

    Radio Liberty posted this video which appears to show an Azerbaijani
    woman voting three times. The service also reported witnessing voters
    being bused to multiple polling stations.

    In addition to abolishing term limits, the referendum contained
    several other controversial amendments. Media rights activists and
    lawyers are particularly concerned about language making it illegal to
    record or photograph anyone without prior permission.

    International observers have yet to release their findings. The
    Council of Europe's Venice Commission, however, issued a warning prior
    to the vote. Noting the existing concentration of power within the
    executive branch, it stated the absence of term limits may prove `a
    serious setback on Azerbaijan's road to a consolidated democracy.'

    Under the previous Constitution, the president was allowed to serve
    only two terms. In October, President Ilham Aliyev was reelected for a
    second five-year term. His father, Heydar Aliyev, served as the
    country's communist leader during Soviet rule. Heydar Aliyev then went
    on to serve as independent Azerbaijan's president from 1993 until his
    death in 2003.

    The changes would allow Ilham Aliyev to run again for office in 2013 -
    as well as 2018 and beyond, setting the stage for an Aliyev dynasty
    that stretches generations.

    Last year, the government cracked down on broadcast licenses issued to
    foreign media operating in the country (as the Monitor reported here),
    including the BBC and Voice of America. Experts believe the country's
    crumbling press freedom and growing presidential powers might reflect
    the country's shift away from Washington in favor of Russia.