March 23 2009
Armenian wager-booking companies are already beginning to take bets
on whether US President Obama will call the 1915 incident a 'genocide'
on April 24th, the annual day of remembrance.
Betting companies in Armenia are beginning to accept wagers on
whether US President Barack Obama will mention the term 'genocide'
on April 24th, the annual day of remembrance. Up until now, wagers are
appearing to lean towards the option that he will indeed not mention
the term 'genocide.' Wages that he will mention the term 'genocide',
which was of course an issue he supported during his campaign, are at
1.30, while betting rates against his mentioning the issue are at 3.2,
showing that wagers believe he is more likely to refrain from making
such a stand on April 24th.
LOW PROBABILITY OF GENOCIDE REFERENCE It appears the recent display by
the Obama administration of significance placed on mutual relations
with Turkey, may result in US President Barack Obama backing down
from calling the incidents that took place in 1915 'genocide,' which
was a promise he had made during his campaign. An article in the
Los Angeles Times, published in California, which has a significant
Armenian population, wrote on March 17th that the Obama administration
is apprehensive about using the term genocide on April 24th, the date
of remembrance in which many Armenians anticipate Obama may make
an announcement. The article addressed the fact that Washington is
seeking support from Turkey on a number of regional issues. According
to the article, the Obama administration is leaning towards repairing
relations between Turkey and Armenia.
March 23 2009
Armenian wager-booking companies are already beginning to take bets
on whether US President Obama will call the 1915 incident a 'genocide'
on April 24th, the annual day of remembrance.
Betting companies in Armenia are beginning to accept wagers on
whether US President Barack Obama will mention the term 'genocide'
on April 24th, the annual day of remembrance. Up until now, wagers are
appearing to lean towards the option that he will indeed not mention
the term 'genocide.' Wages that he will mention the term 'genocide',
which was of course an issue he supported during his campaign, are at
1.30, while betting rates against his mentioning the issue are at 3.2,
showing that wagers believe he is more likely to refrain from making
such a stand on April 24th.
LOW PROBABILITY OF GENOCIDE REFERENCE It appears the recent display by
the Obama administration of significance placed on mutual relations
with Turkey, may result in US President Barack Obama backing down
from calling the incidents that took place in 1915 'genocide,' which
was a promise he had made during his campaign. An article in the
Los Angeles Times, published in California, which has a significant
Armenian population, wrote on March 17th that the Obama administration
is apprehensive about using the term genocide on April 24th, the date
of remembrance in which many Armenians anticipate Obama may make
an announcement. The article addressed the fact that Washington is
seeking support from Turkey on a number of regional issues. According
to the article, the Obama administration is leaning towards repairing
relations between Turkey and Armenia.