14:19 25/03/2009
The Secretary General of Collective Security Treaty Organization
Nikolay Borduja recommended Azerbaijan to join the CSTO activities,
Azerbaijani media report. Note that currently Russia, Armenia, Belarus,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are the members of
the organization.
Azerbaijani mass media report that the mission of the military alliance
is co-operation in military aspect. According to the media reports
Azerbaijan demands to recognize Armenia an aggressor country if the
organization is long Azerbaijan to join them.
14:19 25/03/2009
The Secretary General of Collective Security Treaty Organization
Nikolay Borduja recommended Azerbaijan to join the CSTO activities,
Azerbaijani media report. Note that currently Russia, Armenia, Belarus,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are the members of
the organization.
Azerbaijani mass media report that the mission of the military alliance
is co-operation in military aspect. According to the media reports
Azerbaijan demands to recognize Armenia an aggressor country if the
organization is long Azerbaijan to join them.