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  • Online Athens

    Online Athens
    Sevinj Safarova

    Athens Banner-Herald 460.shtml

    U.N. should act against Armenia

    On behalf of 400,000 Azerbaijani Americans, I urge the United
    Nations to start taking serious steps to implement the United Nations
    resolutions calling for immediate withdrawal of Armenian military
    forces from Azerbaijan's territories.

    Sixteen years ago, Armenia conducted a war against Azerbaijan. The
    ethnic Azerbaijani population of Nagorno-Karabagh and surrounding
    districts of Azerbaijan were ethnically cleansed from the occupied
    territories, and have been unable to return to their ancestral homes.

    May 8 is the 17th anniversary of the destruction of the historic and
    venerated town of Shusha, which was once the centerpiece of a vibrant
    Azerbaijani classical music scene and home to the first opera in the
    Middle East. Now it lays in waste, a victim of Armenian destruction,
    occupation and systematic ethnic cleansing.

    On behalf of Azerbaijani Americans and Azerbaijanis worldwide, I
    implore the United Nations to do whatever is necessary and possible to
    move this situation along to its rightful resolution, from implementing
    the United Nations resolutions to stopping the Armenian occupation,
    removing Armenian military forces, allowing the return of displaced
    Azerbaijanis and returning all POWs and MIAs.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress