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BAKU: End In Settlement Of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict...Approaching?

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  • BAKU: End In Settlement Of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict...Approaching?


    May 6 2009

    The first results of the six-party political dialogue within the
    framework of the Roadmap on the settlement of the conflict will be
    known at Prague meeting of presidents

    Baku. Vugar Masimoglu - APA. For the first time after the Key
    West talks, so much intensity is observed in the negotiations on
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. For the first time all the parties
    having interests in the region except Iran participate in the
    diplomatic process. Visits of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to the
    region within the past month, caused to surmise that an "X" process
    started. Improvement of Turkey-Armenia relations, statements of
    influential politicians and statesmen welcoming "the improvements
    in the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict" and "steps taken
    to normalize Turkey-Armenia relations" , recent intensive process
    of diplomacy formed an obscure public opinion: "It seems that some
    steps are being taken for the settlement of the conflict."

    Actually, the situation was made clear by former Foreign Minister of
    Turkey Ali Babacan last year. But the known incident in Azerbaijan
    State Oil Academy cast shadow on these statements. (It would not
    be bad to assess the terror attack against the background of the
    process on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict) Actually,
    Ali Babacan announced the details of the roadmap on the settlement
    of Nagorno Karabakh conflict and the political dialogues of the
    past week confirmed that multilateral dialogue began basing on the
    roadmap. Saying "New diplomatic process will begin soon for the
    normalization of Turkey and Azerbaijan's relations with Armenia"
    , Babacan noted that along with the above-mentioned states, US,
    Russia and Switzerland would participate in the process. Analysis of
    Babacan's statements gives ground to come to the conclusion concerning
    "X" process.

    a) The process aims not only to normalize Turkey-Armenia relations,
    but also to solve the problems between Azerbaijan and Armenia. So,
    the opening of Turkey-Armenia borders in the new multilateral
    format takes place in parallel with the solution to Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov also confirmed
    after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that both
    processes were taking place in parallel.

    b) For the first time US, Russia and Switzerland will participate
    in the diplomatic process consisting of bilateral and multilateral
    negotiations. Participation of Switzerland in the process arouses
    interest. This country will very likely realize the mediation
    mission in the initial stage of Turkey-Armenia and Azerbaijan-Armenia
    diplomatic relations. Switzerland had before realized similar mission
    between Georgia and Russia through its embassies in Tbilisi and Moscow.

    c) "Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents achieved important improvements
    in the negotiations". This statement had been made on various levels
    before Ali Babacan. It gives ground to say that there is serious
    improvement in the process of negotiations. For long years it has
    been stated that the parties should demonstrate political will, but
    for the first time Turkey's Foreign Minister did not say "there is a
    need for political will", but said "the messages from both countries
    show that the political will allow to solve the problem". It means
    that the barrier of political will in the settlement of the conflict
    has been overcome.

    d) The most interesting points in the recent processes are the
    diplomatic messages that the process of the settlement of Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict will end soon. The first such a message was made by
    President Ilham Aliyev at the joint briefing with Russian President
    Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow. "I hope the Nagorno Karabakh conflict will
    be solved soon enough. No one can ignore the progress in the process of
    negotiations, this progress raises our hopes that the conflict will be
    solved soon". Similar statements were made by Russian President. "If
    contacts continue, I am sure the conflict can be solved taking into
    account the prepared proposals IN A Short PERIOD TIME in accordance
    with the interests of both peoples". And finally Ali Babacan said "The
    possibility of solution is observed, and this is not the process to
    last for many years". Judging from these views, the conflict will be
    very likely solved and in a short period of time. Taking into account
    the news of the Kommersant on the eve of President Ilham Aliyev's
    visit to Moscow on April 17, "Azerbaijani and Russian Presidents
    will discuss the draft summit on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict",
    then it is impossible not to see how serious the situation is.

    e) What principles are discussed at the negotiations over
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict? It is partly made clear in the
    statements of Ali Babacan or Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,
    who has loaded word in the solution to the conflict. Turkish
    foreign minister said the details would be specified during the
    bilateral and multilateral dialogues within the hexangular of
    US-Russia-Switzerland-Turkey-Azerbaijan-Armenia . "We target to achieve
    "Win-Win" results". It is clear that the question is the winning by
    both parts based on the mutual compromises. The main probability
    is that there is a solution on the table based on the exchange
    of territory. It can't be out of view that Russian president also
    declared clearly for the first time "It is necessary to base on the
    norms of international law, UN and OSCE resolutions in the solution
    to the conflict". Azerbaijani president also said at a briefing "We
    hope that we will achieve in the next few months the solution moved
    the process forward, within the interests of both peoples, within the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and based on the strengthening of
    international norms and principles in the region", that leads us to
    a conclusion: "The alternative of solution made both parts to win,
    based on the norms of international law, UN and OSCE resolutions
    (Dmitry Medvedev), within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    (Ilham Aliyev) is on the table of negotiations". One point has to
    be mentioned. For the first time there is not a point about the
    inviolability of borders in the statements made at the different
    levels. It increases probability that the dialogue is about the
    solution based on exchange of territory because the exchange of
    territory is contrary to the principle of inviolability of borders.

    f) If so many progresses were made in the diplomatic talks over the
    solution to the conflict, what factors can break the process? Ali
    Babacan emphasized the overcoming of one of the main obstacles -
    the barrier of political will of the parts to the conflict, but
    there is some hesitation in the Babacan's statement: "If the OSCE
    Minsk Group co-chairs Russia and the United States also express their
    will the problems can be resolved". Russian president Dmitry Medvedev
    underlined "the third, but very complicated factors for both sides to
    show restraint and to see the prospects". So the fundamental solution
    to the conflict depends not only on the political will of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia, but also on the analogical will of Russia and the United
    States, as well as third factors' influence on the process. "The third,
    but very complicated factors" means that the societies are unready
    for the mutual concessions and establishing of atmosphere of mutual
    trust. The societies have objective reasons, like mutual hate and
    historic enmity, to be unready for "Win-Win" model and the Russian
    president considers just these factors calling it as "complicated'.

    The bilateral diplomatic talks over the Nagorno Karabakh conflict have
    already begun according to the "road map", which details announced by
    Ali Babacan. The Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents' visit to Russia
    last month, meeting of foreign ministers of both countries with US
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan's visit to Azerbaijan on May 13 and to Russian on May 16, the
    meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents in Prague on May 7, as
    well as tripartite meeting between Turkish, Azerbaijani and Armenian
    presidents in Prague show that the process of multilateral dialogue
    has already been started. The important point of the dialogue will be
    the presidents' meeting in Prague. It is important that what position
    Armenia will show despite that both parts expressed readiness to
    demonstrate political will. The statements made by Azerbaijani Foreign
    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov in Washington make conclusion that Armenia
    still hesitate in the solution to the conflict and the Prague meeting
    will show will the process started with high hopes give results or not.

    It is still not possible to predict the results of the process
    despite the optimist statements of the diplomats. We compared the
    new multilateral dialogue over the Nagorno Karabakh conflict with
    Key West talks. Failure of the Key West negotiations delayed the
    settlement of the conflict for at least 10 years. If the dialogue
    process started today and which is more comprehensive and larger
    than Key West talks will also fail the solution to Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict will be delayed for 10 years more. At least!