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How Not To Prevent A Holocaust: The Limits Of Empathy

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  • How Not To Prevent A Holocaust: The Limits Of Empathy

    J.E. Dyer

    Jewish Press 0/
    May 6 2009

    I was almost inexpressibly saddened to read the comments made week
    before last by President Obama at a Holocaust Days of Remembrance
    ceremony at the Holocaust Museum in Washington. In a mostly lyrical
    and affecting speech, I very nearly missed the significance of the
    following key passage:

    Today, and every day, we have an opportunity, as well as an obligation,
    to confront these scourges - to fight the impulse to turn the channel
    when we see images that disturb us, or wrap ourselves in the false
    comfort that others' sufferings are not our own. Instead we have the
    opportunity to make a habit of empathy; to recognize ourselves in
    each other; to commit ourselves to resisting injustice and intolerance
    and indifference in whatever forms they may take . [emphasis added]

    The sadness here comes not from there being anything wrong with
    urging people to empathy, to recognize ourselves in each other,
    and to commit ourselves to resisting injustice, intolerance, and
    indifference. Rather, the melancholy derives from the focus on these
    habits of mind as the bulwarks against genocide.

    The only genocide in history that was ever stopped in its tracks was
    the Holocaust of the Jews - and that was done by armed force, applied
    for the purpose of defeating Germany when it was waging war on Europe
    and the United States. The original "genocide" - that of Armenians
    by the erstwhile Ottoman Empire - was not stopped by intervention or
    anything other than the death or flight of the victims.

    The same can be said of the starvation and slaughter of some 60-80
    million peasants and ethnic minorities in the Communist revolutions
    in Russia and China, as well as the murderous career of Pol Pot
    in Cambodia, the slaughter of Tutsis by Hutus in Rwanda, and the
    slaughter of non-Muslims in Darfur by the Bashir government of Sudan
    (the latter, indeed, has yet to end).

    Contrary to the premise posed by Obama's speech, "silence" did not
    reign during the course of those genocides; indeed, in each case there
    was deep concern for, and tremendous empathy with, the victims. The
    horrific acts were very much in the news in Western nations at the
    time of their occurrence and were denounced by politicians and pundits
    in the free countries of the world.

    Advertisement Obama spoke of how General Eisenhower required local
    Germans to tour Buchenwald after it was liberated - and how Eisenhower
    required his own soldiers to tour it and invited reporters and
    politicians to come and observe what had been going on there. These
    were wise and necessary measures, and Eisenhower is to be commended
    for taking them as a means of ensuring that the reality of Hitler's
    Final Solution might never be forgotten or dismissed.

    But it was not Eisenhower's "speaking out" campaign on the ghastly
    death camps that ended the genocide - it was the military defeat
    of Germany after years of aerial bombardment in which the Allies
    took towering losses; years of a bloody and terrible defense and
    counterattack by Soviet forces from the East; years of a grueling,
    two-pronged frontal land assault by the Allies from the West.

    Empathy and resistance inspired individuals to sneak thousands of
    European Jews to safety, outside the reach of the Reich; but millions
    of Jews were slain before force of arms finally brought the genocide
    to an end by decapitating its source.

    No such outside force intervened in the slaughter of Ukrainian kulaks
    by the revolutionary Soviets in the 1920s. Yet there was much empathy,
    and the West was well aware it was happening. Tibetans, Uighurs,
    Mongols, and millions of rural peasants in China had empathizers and
    political champions during the Communist slaughters that characterized
    many of the Mao years - but no armed intervention to deliver them.

    The eyes of the world focused quite accurately on the homicidal
    brutality of the Khmer Rouge in the killing fields of Cambodia,
    and I remember in the late 1970s the same Western demonstrations
    on behalf of Cambodian victims that we have seen for the Tutsis in
    Rwanda and the people of Darfur; the same courageous efforts of private
    charities, of missionaries and doctors, to get help to them; the same
    denunciations and demands for intervention and for an accounting by
    Western politicians and pundits.

    But the only thing that has actually worked to stop an act or a policy
    of genocide before its perpetrators simply wore themselves out -
    or all the victims were dead and gone - has been armed force. We
    would do well to remember that. It is an unpopular reality, perhaps,
    but incontrovertible.

    Obama made a brief acknowledgment of the World War II veterans who
    were present at the Holocaust Remembrance ceremony. But too few people
    today, including the president himself, really understand that an
    idea of summary, effective armed force - one that many now regard
    as increasingly outmoded - executed by these old soldiers as a civic
    duty rather than an act of empathy or resistance, saved more Jewish
    lives from Hitler's death machine than all the charity, empathy and
    resistance mounted against all the world's genocides combined.

    Obama is right to praise the ordinary citizens of Europe who
    risked their lives to hide Jews and help them flee - but, superb
    as their example is and admirable as they are, they only managed
    to get individual Jews away from the Holocaust. They did not stop
    the Holocaust itself - it was, it bears repeating, armed force that
    did. We seem to be living in a world in which our leaders don't even
    think of acknowledging this fact, which should give us pause and cause
    us to wonder if we could do it again - if we would even understand
    how to go about it.

    * * * * *

    Obama's speech also formed a poignant juxtaposition with his
    administration's release of legal memos written for George W. Bush
    on enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) used on terrorist
    detainees. Obama appeared at the CIA to assure employees there that
    he did not intend to seek prosecution of anyone for actions taken in
    accordance with that legal guidance. But he reversed himself the next
    day, telling the media he would keep the door open on the possibility
    of prosecutions, if not of CIA interrogators then of more senior Bush
    administration officials. Attorney General Eric Holder also affirmed
    before Congress that prosecutions would not be ruled out.

    The salient point in all this is that there is not, in fact, a
    prosecutable offense being either alleged or demonstrated. Whether we
    agree or disagree with the use of EITs, and whether we call some or
    all of them torture or not, the central fact is that if anything Bush
    or his officials did was punishable under law, they would already be
    indicted. Nothing they did is defined as a crime in the United States
    Code; and there is, therefore, no basis on which to prefer charges,
    place evidence, indict them, or bring them to trial.

    Supposing that this is acknowledged by the critics of the Bush
    administration's interrogation practices, and assuming they do want
    to prohibit such actions in the future, the "rule of law" way forward
    is obvious: change the law. If they are serious about accountably
    prohibiting something, the honest method is to define it in law and
    make it a crime.

    Of course, our Constitution does not permit ex post facto use of the
    law to punish people for things that were not crimes when they did
    them. So this accountable method of putting their money where their
    mouths are is not a means for his critics of punishing George W. Bush
    or members of his administration.

    Instead of seeking to change the law, or acknowledging that there
    is no basis for prosecution, Holder and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi,
    and other senior Democrats have spoken in vague but threatening terms
    of "investigations" and "truth commissions" - the purpose of which
    cannot be anything other than to parade before the public revelations
    that are useful for demagoguery and mob incitement, but that cannot,
    by the rule of law, result in prosecutions for actual crimes.

    If, like the independent counsel investigation of the Valerie Plame
    affair, they were to produce years of backbreaking legal fees for
    Bush administration officials, and perhaps an indictment - even a
    conviction or two - for "perjury," manufactured from conflicting
    memories of events by different witnesses, that might well satisfy
    the urge of Bush's political enemies to harass, embarrass, impoverish,
    and inconvenience his associates.

    But a polity that tolerates inflicting this kind of damage to the
    lives and livelihoods of citizens, when they are not guilty of any
    crimes that are defined in law, is precisely the kind of polity
    that fosters actionable anti-Semitism, that sits still for fellow
    citizens being demonized for anything from a stereotypical idea of
    their facial characteristics to mythological theories about their
    penchant for conspiracies against the public weal.

    A polity in which the national leader is prepared to harass his
    political opponents for things that were not, and are still not,
    actual crimes, is a polity that is already prepared to post signs
    on park benches telling Jews to keep off, and to force Jews to wear
    Stars of David on their clothing. Indeed, a polity that is ready to
    confiscate the lawfully-contracted compensation of employees because
    they work in finance, on Wall Street, is a polity that has no further
    mental adjustments to make, to approve pillaging the businesses and
    bank accounts of fellow citizens because they are Jews.

    How many Americans remember the major themes Hitler employed in his
    bid for political power for the Nazi Party? Two of the key concepts he
    harped on were that a cabal of Jews had "stabbed Germany in the back"
    to inflict an unfair and needless humiliation on it at the end of
    World War I and that Jews worked through the Socialist or Communist
    International - whichever one was currently seen by the public as
    most culpable in keeping Germany disorderly, disunited, and weak.

    The face of blunt reality changes hardly at all over time: these
    demonizing, unprovable, non-crime "criminal" allegations were no more
    absurd, in the context of public knowledge and common sense in Germany
    in 1932, than similar wild and overheated allegations against the Bush
    administration are in America in 2009. Hitler sought political power
    by exploiting exactly the same kind of exaggerated, groundless fear
    of conspiracy, and of vices darkly imputed to whole segments of the
    population, that characterizes so much of Bush's left-wing opposition.

    * * * * *

    Like respect for the efficacy of armed force, insistence on the rule
    of law and rejection of the torch-and-pitchfork mob mentality behind
    political lynchings and "truth commissions" are old-fashioned virtues
    of Western political rationalism. A complacent society, unmolested
    - at least from without - for decades, can come to take the rule
    of law lightly and imagine that it can be infringed and subverted
    without putting all our civil liberties in peril. But this is a
    fool's hallucination - the experimental supposition of the youthful
    zealot. It also, however, seems to occupy a place in the political
    thinking of our current president.

    The rule of law was conspicuously non-functional in Hitler's long
    campaign to use the force of the state to attack Jews. No citizen
    should be subject to any sanction of the state on the basis of
    allegations about him that do not even relate to defined and
    prosecutable crimes - but the Jews of Hitler's Germany were.

    This vicious pattern did not differ in principle from the idea behind
    subjecting George W. Bush or Dick Cheney to theatrical mob fury with
    "truth commissions" - it differed only in intensity and detail. In both
    cases, it is a matter of using the force and resources of the state
    against citizens who cannot, by empirical evidence or the substance
    of the law, be honestly and accountably indicted for any crime.

    President Obama's moral ground is shaky when he urges us not to
    demonize each other in order to avert future genocides. The process of
    political demonization to which his recent actions have opened the door
    is the same one by which Hitler incited Germans against the Jews, and
    by which other socialist revolutionaries of the last century incited
    populations against classes, minorities, and even simply individuals.

    Obama urged us in this speech to cultivate a habit of empathy. But
    empathy has not nearly the power to protect minorities that the
    rule of law does, when we all have the same respect for it. My God
    instructs me to do more than have empathy for Jews - or Muslims,
    Buddhists, Confucianists, Taoists, Baha'is, agnostics or atheists:
    His command is that I love them as I love myself. But it is not the
    state's job to inquire into that. The state's job is to protect them,
    and me, equally, no matter how we feel about each other.

    We may or may not ever have a world in which everyone has empathy for
    his fellows. But we can affirm, through our law and our observance of
    it, that regardless of any condition of empathy or lack thereof, no
    one should be subjected to the consequences of criminal prosecution -
    including loss of property, loss of life, incarceration, the costs
    of defending against agents of the government, and identification
    to the public as a miscreant - unless he is actually, by due and
    constitutional process of law, determined to be a criminal.

    Failure to enforce this very basic concept of the rule of law was a key
    enabler of the appalling, tacit approval of the Holocaust by the polity
    of the Third Reich. If Barack Obama would ensure against another one,
    he should start by insisting, carefully and accountably, and by deeds
    even more than words, on the rule of law under his own administration.

    The door to using the state's power to harass citizens instead of
    protecting them is very easy to open, and very hard to close. Obama's
    shoulder has so far seemed to be pushing it from the wrong side -
    and there is no more important time than when Holocaust remembrance
    is in the news to point that out.