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The Great Monastery of St. Gabriel in Captivity

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  • The Great Monastery of St. Gabriel in Captivity

    Assyria Times
    May 16 2009

    The Great Monastery of St. Gabriel in Captivity

    5/16/2009 11:22:00

    A long-standing land dispute between the Syrian Orthodox community in
    south-east Turkey and the local villagers has finally turned into a
    legal battle attracting international attention. The disagreement has
    been closely monitored by the European Union for some time, and US
    President Barack Obama and the State Department are monitoring the

    By Prof. Gabriel Sawma

    In a remote village near Midyat, South East Turkey, a land dispute
    with neighboring villages is threatening the future of Mor Gabriel,
    one of the World's oldest Christian monasteries, also known as the
    monastery of St. Gabriel, a property of the Syrian Orthodox Church

    In August 2008, three mukhtars (low level elected officials with
    limited authority) in Midyat, filed a criminal complaint with a local
    prosecutor against the Monastery of St. Gabriel alleging it `illegally
    appropriated territory by building a wall.' (See US Department of
    State, 2008 Human Rights Report: Turkey.)
    On September 4, a Cadastre court ruled against the monastery and
    reclaimed all but 30 percent of the monastery's lands. Official papers
    from the 1950s documented the provincial administrative board's
    approval of the monastery's borders.

    St. Gabriel Monastery was founded in 397. It has 3 monks and 14
    nuns. It also has 12,000 ancient corpses buried in a basement
    crypt. On the details of this conflict, see the Wall Street Journal
    article at

    While this episode is sponsored by the Turkish government who
    initiated the whole conflict, the question arises as is this a first
    step towards the Islamization of the remnants of Christians found in
    the region of Tur Abdin (an Aramaic term means the mountain of
    worshippers), or using the normal tactics through a campaign of
    intimidation to make the remaining Christians leave Turkey and
    converting the Monastery into a mosque or a museum.

    For Christians, Turkey is an important country. According to the
    Bible, it was in the Turkish town of Antioch that the folConversion of
    Christian Churches into Mosqueslowers of Jesus were first called
    Christians. The first adherents to Christianity were Syriac speaking
    people of the Aramaean ancestry, including the Syrian Orthodox Church
    (Suryani) and the Church of the East (popularly know as the Nestorian
    Church or the Assyrian Church.)

    Turkey is the birthplace of Apostles and Saints, including Paul of
    Tarsus, Timothy, St. Nicholas of Myra, and many others. St. Peter went
    on missionary journeys farther into the Gentile world [Turkey].

    Christianity spread into the region primarily along the route from
    Tarsus through the Cilician Gates, Caesarea (Mazaca; modern Kayseri),
    became a leading center of Christianity, and several important figures
    in the early Church (e.g., Basil the Great, Gregory of Nysa, Gregory
    of Nazianzus) were from Cappadocia [Turkey]. Among the Biblical towns
    in modern Turkey are Laodicea (near Pamukkale), Sardis (east of
    Izmir), and Philadelphia (Alasehir), Thyatia (Akhisar), Ephesus,
    Smyrna (Izmir), and Pergamum (Bergama). The first seven Ecumenical
    Councils were held in present-day Turkey including the Councils of
    Nicaea, Constantinople, Ephesus and Chalcedon.

    The cave of the Seven Sleepers is located in Turkey [a story written
    by the Syriac bishop of Edessa, John of Seruj (died 521)], see , the story also appears in the
    Quran 18:9-26. Turkey houses the Seven Churches of Asia, where the
    Revelations to John were sent. Apostle John took Virgin Mary to
    Ephesus in Turkey.

    But Turkey has long embraced Islam. Today one percent of the
    population is non-Muslim and their number is dwindling. Killing of
    Christians under the Ottoman Turks is well documented. Michael the
    Syrian recorded the destruction of his hometown, Melitene (Malatya) in
    1057. He writes, The Turks

    "began to massacre without pity" and "to torture the men that they
    might show them hidden things"; and many died in torment...The Turks
    stayed at Melitene for ten days, devastating, and pillaging. They
    burnt the wretched city, devastating the surrounding area...and
    burning the whole country." "Everywhere the Christians had been
    delivered to the sword or into bondage interrupting thus the
    cultivation of the field so that bread was lacking. The farmers and
    workers had been massacred or led off into slavery and famine extended
    its rigors to all places. Many provinces were depopulated."

    In 1140s, the Turks captured Edessa, killing or enslaving virtually
    its entire population, estimated at forty-thousand. Michael the Syrian
    lamented on this event. He writes:

    "Edessa remained a desert...drunk with blood, infested by the corpses
    of its sons and daughters! Vampires and other savage beasts ran and
    entered the city at night to feast on the flesh of the massacred, and
    it became the abode of jackals; for none entered there except those
    who dug to discover treasure."

    More than two hundred years later, Bar Hebraeus commented by saying:
    "The dioceses of the West are laid waste...Antioch was in a state of
    lamentation and tears." He said Aleppo, Edessa, and Harran "all of
    which are laid waste...the seven dioceses which are round about
    Melitene, in none of which does a single house remain".

    When the Mamluk leader, Baybars, captured Antioch in 1268, he wrote to
    the city's ruler, who had fled earlier:

    "You would have seen the crosses in your churches smashed, the pages
    of false Testaments scattered, the patriarch's tombs overturned. You
    would have seen your Muslim enemy trampling over the place where you
    celebrate Mass, cutting the throats of monks, priests and deacons upon
    the altars, bringing sudden death to the patriarchs and slavery to the
    royal princes." (See Micheau, "Copts, Melkites, Nestorians and

    Egypt was not spared from the massive execution of the Copts in
    1321. Muslim historian Al-Maqrizi recorded the mobs, which attacked
    the Christians: "Then they destroyed the Church of St. Mennas in the
    Hamra, which had from ancient times been much revered by the
    Christians...the people climbed the walls, opened the gates and took
    money, vessels and wine jars out of the church; it was a terrible
    occurrence. Thereupon they went from the church in the Hamra after
    they had destroyed it to the two churches near Seven Wells, one of
    which was called the Church of the Maidens, and was inhabited by a
    number of Christian girls, and by monks."

    Al-Maqrizi witnessed the mobs and recorded that: "in the district of
    Al-Bahnasa there were many monasteries now destroyed...near Suyut, on
    both the dams there are said to have been 360 monasteries and the
    traveler went from Al-Badraishin to Asfun, continually in the shade of
    the gardens. Now this part laid waste, and deserted by the
    inhabitants...The houses are all destroyed and forgotten, though in
    former times they were so populous and their monks so numerous... what
    were once the thousand monks of Bu Fana were now reduced to two". (See
    Evett, Churches and Monasteries.)

    During the thirteenth and fourteenth century, following the conversion
    of Mongol leaders to Islam, conditions of the Christians became
    intolerable. One Mongolian edict states that:

    "The churches shall be uprooted and the altars overturned and the
    celebration of the Eucharist shall cease and the hymns of praise and
    the sounds of calls to prayer shall be abolished; and the chiefs of
    the Christians and the heads of the synagogues of the Jews and the
    great men among them shall be killed."

    When Ibn Battuta visited Ephesus about 1330, he recorded that "the
    cathedral mosque, which was formerly a church greatly venerated by the
    Greeks, is one of the most beautiful in the world. I bought a Greek
    slave girl here for forty dinars." (See Vryonis, Decline of Medieval

    In 1480, Ottoman forces committed notorious massacres against the
    Christians and their clergy. In Italy, the Turks destroyed the city of
    Otranto, killing twelve thousand and executing leading clergymen by
    sawing them. In 1570, they did the same thing to the Christians of
    Cyprus. Some of the punishment methods used included impaling,
    crucifixion, and flaying.

    In the nineteenth and early twentieth century more massacres of
    Christians took place under the Ottoman Empire. The French ambassador
    reported in 1895 that `Asia minor (Turkey) is literally in
    flames¦They [the Turks] are massacring all the Christians without
    distinction.' (See Sebastien de Courtois, Forgotten Genocide `
    Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2004). In 1915, the New York Times
    reported that `the roads and the Euphrates are strewn with corpses of
    exiles, and those who survive are doomed to certain death. It is a
    plan to exterminate the whole Armenian people.'

    In 1914, the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople recorded 2,549
    ecclesiastical buildings, including 210 monasteries. By 1974, the
    locations of only 913 were still known. Four hundred sixty-four had
    completely disappeared, 252 were in ruins, and 197 were in fairly
    sound condition.

    Ethnic cleansing continued through the early 1920s. The Turkish city
    of Smyrna was destroyed in 1922, `causing the deaths of a hundred
    thousand Greek and Armenia Christians in what had been the City of the

    In 1924, the Syrian Orthodox (Suryani) population of Edessa (today
    Urfa) was approximately 2,500. Today no Christian exists in
    Edessa. The town has become the center of Turkey's ruling Islamist
    party. So is Mardin, in the outer provinces of rural Islamic country,
    Azekh, Diyar Bakr, Midun, Basibrina, Hah, Zas, Issfis, and the rest of
    south-east Turkey. The Christian population left for Europe, United
    States, Canada, Latin America, and Australia.

    Visiting Diyarbakr in 1997, William Dalrymple reported finding
    literally the city's last Armenian Christian, `a very old lady called
    Lucine,' who had not spoken since her husband was killed. She is being
    taken care of by a Kurdish Muslim, who said `Her mind is dead.'

    The Catholic Encyclopedia reports that, in 1907, the city of Amida
    (Diyarbakr) was still fourty percent Christians with numerous bishops
    and clergy from all ranks: `It has about 35,000 inhabitants, of whom
    20,000 are Mussulmans (Arabians, Turks, Kurds, etc.), 2,300 Catholics
    (Chaldeans, Amenians, Syrians, Melchites, Latins), 8,500 Gregorian
    Armenians, 900 Protestant Armenians, 950 Jacobite Suryans (Suryani),
    900 Orthodox Greeks, and 300 Jews. Diyarbakr possesses an Armenian
    Catholic bishop, a Syrian Catholic bishop, a Syrian Jacobite bishop, a
    Chaldean Catholic archbishop, and a Greek Orthodox metropolitan under
    the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Antioch.' (See Catholic
    Encyclopedia `Diocese of Amida,'

    In 1933, another Muslim massacre hit the Nestorian (Assyrian) people
    in Iraq. The Catholicos protested by saying that: "Men, women and
    children were massacred wholesale most barbarously by rifle, revolver
    and machine gun fire...Priests were killed and their bodies
    mutilated. Assyrian women were violated and killed. Priests and
    Assyrians young men were killed instantly after refusing forced
    conversion to Muhammadanism...Pregnant women had their wombs cut and
    their babies destroyed..." (See R.S. Stafford, The Tragedy of the
    Assyrians, Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ).

    Conversion of Christian Churches into Mosques
    Islam has been converting Churches into Mosques, aggressively. When
    Muslims occupied the Middle East in the seventh century; they
    performed a mass confiscation of churches and turning them into
    mosques. Upon taking a city, they demanded that half of the churches
    be converted into mosques. One of the major shrines in Eastern
    Christianity was the church of John the Baptist in Damascus,
    Syria. Pope John Paul II visited the Great Mosque of Damascus
    (popularly known as al Masjid al-Umawi) in 2001; he was aware that he
    was visiting the site of the Great Church of St. John.

    Of the forty-two churches Christians had in Damascus, Muslims
    confiscated twenty-eight; they left fourteen churches for the
    Christians who constituted the majority of the population. This
    phenomenon should be stressed in light of claims by modern-day writers
    anxious to present Muslims as infallibly tolerant of the religious
    practices of their subjects.

    Muslim Turks annexed the great church of Hagia Sophia in
    Constantinople, which became the principal mosque of the Ottoman

    The Church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), (Turkish: Ayasofya); Latin:
    Sancta Sophia or Santa Sopientia), constructed between 532 and 537 on
    the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinianus. It was a former
    patriarchal basilica, later a mosque. It was the seat of the
    Patriarchal church of Constantinople and the Grand Church of the
    Eastern Orthodox Church of the Byzantine Empire.

    The Hagia Sophia was officially turned into a museum in 1935 by
    Ataturk and is now open to visitors of all faiths. Turkish authorities
    refuse to return the Church to the Christians of Turkey.

    The great Jacobite Church of Amida (modern-day Diyarbakr) became the
    courtyard of The Great Mosque of Diyarbakr.

    The tomb of a Jacobite Patriarch at Nineveh was confiscated and turned
    into the mosque of Jonah (Nabi Yunis). (See The Decline of Medieval
    Hellenism, 197. For Amida, see The Chronicle of Edessa at htm.

    The Ottoman Empire never stopped confiscating churches and converting
    them into mosques. When they occupied Budapest, all the churches but
    one became mosques. In Cyprus, the Gothic Cathedral of Famagusta
    became the Turkish mosque of Lala Mustafa Pasha.

    A relatively significant surge in churches converted into mosques
    followed the 1974 Turkish Invasion of Cyprus. Many of the Orthodox
    churches in Northern Cyprus were confiscated, and many are still in
    the process of becoming mosques.

    Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, originally known as the Saint Nicolas
    Cathedral and later as Ayasofya Mosque of Magusa, the largest medieval
    building in Gamagusta. Built between 1298 and c.1400 it was
    consecrated as a Christian cathedral in 1328. The cathedral was
    confiscated by the Ottoman Turks and converted into a mosque.

    The Armenian Cathedral of Edessa, which was lost during the 1915
    massacres of Armenians, Syrians, Nestorians, and Chaldeans, became a
    mosque, with a mihrab punched into the south wall to indicate the
    direction of Mecca. (See From The Holy Mountain by Dalrymple). There
    no churches in Edessa in use today.

    In Egypt, the columns of an older Christian Church can be seen in the
    structure of the ninth-century Ibn Tulun Mosque, which is considered
    one of the world's largest mosques.

    One of the most attractive churches in Istanbul was the Eski Imaret
    Mosque; a former Eastern Orthodox Monastery converted into a mosque by
    the Ottoman Turks after the conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) in
    1453. The Turkish name is "the mosque of the old soup kitchen. The
    complex comprises of a church and monastery. After the Armenian
    Genocide of 1915, the Kurds who were active participants in the
    massacres, confiscated churches in what they call know Kurdistan; it
    includes a large portion of Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran. All the
    churches were confiscated and became mosques.

    In many instances mosques were established on the places of Jewish or
    Christian sanctuaries associated with Biblical personalities. The
    second Caliph `Umar laid the foundation of al-Aqsa Mosque on the
    Temple Mount, the most sacred site in Judaism; Dome of the Rock,
    another Muslim mosque, was also built on the Jewish Temple Mount.

    The Temple Mount (Heb., Har Habayit; Arabic, Haram El Sharif (or the
    Noble Santuary). According to Jewish traditions, Temple Mount location
    was the site where Abraham offered his son Isaac in sacrifice. It was
    built by King Solomon in the tenth century BC. The Temple was
    destroyed in 586 BC by the Neo-Babylonian king
    Nebuchadnezzar. Following the Babylonian Exile, the Jews returned to
    Jerusalem and started building the second Temple on the same site,
    with the aid of the Persian King Cyrus. In the last quarter of the
    first century BC, the Temple was refashioned into an edifice of great

    In 70 AD, The Temple was destroyed by the Romans; the Jews left
    Jerusalem for Diaspora and the Temple was deliberately left in ruins
    until the rise of Islam and the conquest of Jerusalem in 638 under the
    leadership of `Umar Bin al-Khattab, the second Caliph who ordered the
    clearing of the site and the building of a "house of prayer".

    In 688, the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik built the Dome of the
    Rock. Few years later, a large mosque was built at the southern end of
    the Haram, which came to be called al-Aksa after the Quranic name
    attributed to the entire area.

    The al-Aksa was last rebuilt in 1035 and has since undergone several
    restorations; more recently 1938-42; and again in 1969. Muslim
    interpreters of the Quran believe that verse 17:1 alludes to the
    al-Aksa Mosque. The verse reads the following: " Glory to God who did
    take his servant from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose
    precincts we did bless, in order that we might show him some of our
    signs: for He is the one who heareth and seeth all things." Islamic
    interpreters of the Quran refer to this verse as "Issra' & Mi'raj",
    which means that the Prophet visited this Masjid (mosque) on a night
    and from there he ascended to heaven where he met Jesus, Moses, and
    the rest of the prophets.

    The Descend of Dark Age on Turkish Christianity The Syrian Orthodox
    (Suryani) community uses ancient Aramaic in its liturgy. Historically,
    this community lived in the villages of Tur Abdin and its surroundings
    before the rise of Islam. In 1920 the population of the Syrian
    Orthodox church had contracted to seventy thousand; their estimate
    number in 1995 was 10,000. Today the number is less than 2,000. The
    head of the community is referred to as metropolitan (Timotheos Samuel
    Aktash); he resides at the Monastery of St. Gabriel near Midyat. The
    Syrian Orthodox community along with the Nestorian Church community
    (the Assyrian Church, or the Church of the East) lived in that region
    for over 3,000 years, long before the Muslim conquest of the seventh
    century. They were among the earliest converts to Christianity and
    speak Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

    The Constitution of Turkey and laws provide for freedom of religion;
    however, the government imposes significant restriction on the
    Christian minorities. A government agency, the General Directorate for
    Foundations (GDF), regulates activities of non-Muslim religious groups
    and their affiliated churches, monasteries, synagogues, and related
    religious property including Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox,
    Jewish, Syrian Christian (Suryani), Chaldean, Bulgarian Orthodox,
    Georgian, Protestant and Maronite foundations.

    `Numerous religious groups have lost property to the government and
    continued to fight ongoing government efforts to expropriate
    properties. Many such properties were lost because the law allows the
    GDF to assume direct administration of properties that fall into
    disuse when the size of the local non-Muslim community drops
    significantly. The government expropriated other properties that were
    held in the name of individual community members who emigrated or died
    without heirs. The GDF also took control of non-Muslim foundations
    after the size of the non-Muslim community in a particular district
    dropped below the level required to elect foundation board members.'
    (See U.S. Department of State, 2008 Human Right Report on Turkey: 109.htm

    Turkey's attempt to shrink the property of the Monastery of
    St. Gabriel is a preliminary step to take control of the Monastery and
    to intimidate the remaining Christian community in the region to leave
    the country.

    Turkey is the only country on earth, whose population is ninety-nine
    percent Muslims. There is no other country in the world who has
    structured its policies aimed at the extinction of Christians like
    Turkey did. Yet, in the eyes of Western politicians, Turkey is
    considered a secular state: But is Turkey a secular state?

    ¢ On March 1, 2003, Turkey's parliament voted not to allow the
    U.S. to use Incerlik Air Force base and Turkish territory to open a
    second front against Saddam Hussein. U.S. offered Turkey 26 billion
    dollars to allow use of its territory to open a second front. Turkey's
    prime minister then asked for $6 billion more to change the
    parliament's vote! A U.S. Treasury Department negotiator called it
    `extortion in the name of alliance.' The U.S. refused.

    ¢ Turkey is an Islamic and anti-Christian nation. In 1914-1918, The
    Ottoman Turks committed genocides against Armenians, Syrian Orthodox,
    Syrian Catholic, Nestorians (Assyrians), Chaldean and other
    Christians, killing 1.5 million Christians and refuses to recognize
    the Armenian Genocide and other Christian Genocides.

    ¢ In September 1955, Turkey initiated a massive program against the
    Greek Christians in Istanbul which resulted in most of them leaving

    ¢ Prime Minister Erdogan has taken actions culminating in his
    anti-Israel and anti-Semitic actions at the Davos World Economic Forum
    held this year in Switzerland.

    ¢ Turkey started a war against Cyprus ended in the occupation of
    the country during the 1970 invasion and the settlement of 180,000
    illegal Turks in Cyprus.

    ¢ Turkey refuses to grant autonomy to Kurdish minority (between 15
    and 20 million).

    ¢ Turkey confiscated several thousand properties illegally from the
    Eastern Orthodox Church and closed the Halki Theological School in

    ¢ In 2008, the ruling party AKP with the help of the Nationalist
    Action Party (MHP) succeeded in removing from the constitution the
    quarter-century-old law banning the headscarf in Turkish
    universities. The Turkish Supreme Court later struck the removal of
    the ban. The headscarf ban has been in existence since the early 1980s
    as part of the new military-backed constitution. In 2005, President
    Gul's wife, who was refused admission in Ankara University because she
    wears a headscarf. She challenged the ban before the European Court of
    Human Rights but failed to get a ruling in her favor. Two daughters of
    Prime Minister Erdogan, who are currently studying in the US, were
    suspended from teaching posts in Turkey because they were wearing

    The Last Stand in Turkey
    Turkey is embarking on a policy of making itself a Christian-free
    nation. Christian population has tried various strategies to maintain
    their existence in Turkey, but none shows great hopes of
    success. Members of the Syrian Orthodox church in Europe built homes
    in the region of Tur Abdin for the purpose of re-establishing their
    congregation. The Leadership in Deir Mor Gabriel is seeking a relief
    from the Court to stop the process of confiscating portion of the
    property belonging to the monastery.

    Recently, the Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), `an umbrella
    organization of all the national Federations of the Aram[a]ean
    (Syriac) people' sent open letter of appeal to the Prime Minister of
    Turkey, Recep Tayyib Erdogan, requesting his mediation to `prevent the
    injustice and relevant [court] cases dismissed to the benefit of the
    Aram[a]ean people'. The SUA wants to `ensure this case does not end up
    in the European Court of Justice.'

    This effort by the Syrian Orthodox church community to regain the
    property of St. Gabriel is probably the last stand of the community to
    live in peace in that region. Like other Middle Eastern Christians,
    they have tried every possible way to survive and flourish, and their
    efforts have largely failed.

    The most catastrophic episode in recent years has been that of Iraq's
    Christians, who, in 1970, represented six percent of the Iraqi
    population. That number is shrinking now to below one
    percent. Christians of Iraq made up of twenty percent of Iraq's
    teachers and many of its doctors and engineers.

    All over the Middle East, Christians are dwindling in number. There
    are few countries where Christians are vulnerable, such as Syria,
    Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan. Any change towards radical Islamization,
    may have dreadful effects on the minorities. In Egypt, Islamic
    Brotherhood is gaining political and social power that might drive the
    remaining ten to thirteen million Copts to choose between mass
    migration and conversion.

    The birth of Christianity in the Middle East, and their monasteries
    and churches will, nevertheless, continue in Europe, The United
    States, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and Canada. The Syrian
    Orthodox Church has been expanding in those countries; new European
    monasteries in the same Middle Eastern traditions have been erected:
    St. Ephrem in the Netherlands; More Augin rises in Switzerland, The
    magnificent churches of Sweden; The Great Church of Virgin Mary in
    Paramus, New Jersey and the Cathedral of St. Marks in Teaneck, New
    Jersey and the rest of the churches spreading all over the United
    States from Michigan, to Massachusetts, Florida, New York, Rhode
    Island, Illinois, California, Oregon, Georgia, Arizona, and Canada.

    Gabriel Sawma is Professor of Middle East Constitutional Law and
    Islamic Shari'a. He is an expert on Islamic marriage contracts and
    Islamic divorce. Editor of an International Law website: Author of "The Qur'an: Misinterpreted,
    Mistranslated and Misread. The Aramaic Language of the Qur'an." Author of an upcoming book on Islamic
    Divorce in US Courts. Email: [email protected]; Links:

    http://www.a oryid=3376

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress