www.armenianchurchwd.com/diocesan-delega tion-participates-in-world-vision-emergency-respon se-workshop/?utm_source=newsletterBeta&utm_med ium=email&utm_content=Text&utm_campaign=Ne ws
May 20, 2009
On May 14, 2009, a Diocesan delegation headed by His Eminence
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, attended a special workshop
at the headquarters of World Vision in Pasadena, California, titled:
Emergency Response: Resource Development and Church Preparedness.
Bill Kliewer and Jean Bouchebel, World Vision representatives,
offered the welcoming remarks, followed by the introduction of the
attendees. His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, offered
the invocation.
Purpose of the meeting was briefly described by James Sanchez,
followed by a briefing about local disaster preparedness and what
the collaboration of the Western Diocese and World Vision can
provide to the communities by Randy Strash, U.S. Strategy Director
for Emergency Response, and Phyllis Freeman, Director of Domestic
Disaster Response. Discussions ensued regarding the World Vision
Center in Armenia and how the Diocese can utilize its resources and
provide assistance.
The Discussions between the Diocese and World Vision will continue in
the upcoming months to further develop a core group of representatives
from the Diocese and World Vision that will work together to provide
services to the local community and Armenia.
The workshop concluded with the benediction offered by Jean Bouchebel.
www.armenianchurchwd.com/diocesan-delega tion-participates-in-world-vision-emergency-respon se-workshop/?utm_source=newsletterBeta&utm_med ium=email&utm_content=Text&utm_campaign=Ne ws
May 20, 2009
On May 14, 2009, a Diocesan delegation headed by His Eminence
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, attended a special workshop
at the headquarters of World Vision in Pasadena, California, titled:
Emergency Response: Resource Development and Church Preparedness.
Bill Kliewer and Jean Bouchebel, World Vision representatives,
offered the welcoming remarks, followed by the introduction of the
attendees. His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, offered
the invocation.
Purpose of the meeting was briefly described by James Sanchez,
followed by a briefing about local disaster preparedness and what
the collaboration of the Western Diocese and World Vision can
provide to the communities by Randy Strash, U.S. Strategy Director
for Emergency Response, and Phyllis Freeman, Director of Domestic
Disaster Response. Discussions ensued regarding the World Vision
Center in Armenia and how the Diocese can utilize its resources and
provide assistance.
The Discussions between the Diocese and World Vision will continue in
the upcoming months to further develop a core group of representatives
from the Diocese and World Vision that will work together to provide
services to the local community and Armenia.
The workshop concluded with the benediction offered by Jean Bouchebel.