Weekly digest of currency market in Armenia
23.05.2009 11:14 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ USD 44.343.587 at AMD 372.24 /USD 1 rate was
purchased and USD 47.500.197 at AMD 376.79/USD 1 was sold in the
Armenian currency market from May 18 to 22.
Purchase contracts were signed to the sum of USD 500 000 at AMD 372.00
/USD 1 rate.
Bargains struck at NASDAQ OMX amounted to USD 7.800.000 at AMD 372.74
/USD 1.
>From April 11 to 17, the AMD credits granted by banks totaled 8.5
billion, USD credits amounted to 13.7 million.
23.05.2009 11:14 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ USD 44.343.587 at AMD 372.24 /USD 1 rate was
purchased and USD 47.500.197 at AMD 376.79/USD 1 was sold in the
Armenian currency market from May 18 to 22.
Purchase contracts were signed to the sum of USD 500 000 at AMD 372.00
/USD 1 rate.
Bargains struck at NASDAQ OMX amounted to USD 7.800.000 at AMD 372.74
/USD 1.
>From April 11 to 17, the AMD credits granted by banks totaled 8.5
billion, USD credits amounted to 13.7 million.