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Open Letter To President Paul Kagame

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  • Open Letter To President Paul Kagame


    Black Star News 0/2009-05-27.html
    May 28 2009

    The detainees of the ICTR, signatories of the present document,
    have judged it necessary to react to your racist and discriminatory
    intentions announced by several Rwandan personalities on the occasion
    of the 15th anniversary of the Rwandan "genocide", celebrated on
    Nyanza hill, at Kigali, 11 April 2009. The Rwandan government stated
    that 5,000 people were taken from the Official Technical School
    (ETO) at Kicukiro, 11 April 1994, and were then massacred at Nyanza
    hill. Those who stated this were Charles Muligande, M. Simburudi,
    president of the IBUKA Association which represents the Tutsi survivors
    of the "genocide" and the deputy mayor of Kigali, and Dr. Augustin
    Iyamuremye, senator and former chief of the civilian intelligence
    services in the Rwandan government of 1994.

    We think that the things said do not take any account of the truth
    or the reality of the history of our country, but instead, have
    as a purpose the terrorizing, intimidating and humiliating of the
    Hutu people of Rwanda, who are globally accused of having planned and
    committed a "genocide" against the Tutsis. Our reaction is motivated by
    the fact that the RPF regime wants to wipe from the history of Rwanda
    the revolutionary period that liberated the people of Rwanda from the
    yoke of a feudal monarchy and ushered in national construction once
    the country had achieved its independence. The ultimate objective of
    the RPF is clearly to erase from the history of Rwanda the benefits of
    the republican period to better support their false thesis according to
    which the Hutus only marked the history of the country with barbarism
    and "genocide" of the Tutsis. It is a false and divisive vision,
    and clearly, by propagating it, you have abandoned the interests of
    the Rwandan people.

    1. Pre-colonial and Colonial Rwanda cannot be a model The deputy
    mayor of Kigali stated, "We want to change history in order to present
    another Rwanda that is not that of the period between 1959 and 1994,
    a Rwanda like it was before; the one we inherited from our ancestors;
    the Rwanda of children who live without division, without hate, without
    discrimination." Thus the RPF regime pretends that in the pre-colonial
    and colonial periods the ethnicities composing the Rwandan nation
    lived harmoniously in peace, understanding and solidarity. It is a
    complete reversal of history.[1]

    The feudal-monarchical regime of Rwanda is not a model to propose to
    Rwandans today. It was a period of social, political, economic and
    cultural inequality and led to the social revolution of 1959. Many
    writers, including eminent Tutsis in positions of high authority,
    have written about this.[2]

    We think that in the search for durable solutions for our country,
    the RPF must stop the manipulation and falsification of Rwandan
    history. We believe that the remedy is to search for a democratic
    political compromise in a sincere dialogue between the power and its
    opponents. Such a step cannot be accommodated with obscurantism of
    the past. We condemn without reservation all attempts to rewrite the
    history of Rwanda for propaganda and ideological aims that seek the
    monopolization of power by the Tutsi ethnic group to the exclusion
    of the others that make up Rwandan society.

    2. The Planning Of The Criminal War by the RPF Is The Essential Cause
    of the Rwandan Tragedy Minister Muligande stated that "the 'genocide'
    of the Tutsis was planned by the government defeated in July 1994,"
    without furnishing the least proof of this alleged planning. Very
    simply, he stated that the 'genocide' was taught over a long time by
    the MDR/PARMEHUTU and later by the MRND. Such statements are nothing
    but propaganda. The MDR and MRND parties never practiced racism or
    discrimination against the Tutsis. It is well known that under the
    Habyarimana regime, between 5 July 1973 and the war in October 1990,
    the Hutus and Tutsis lived in symbiosis. The ethnic divisions of
    1990-1994 were the consequence of the strategy of destabilization
    carried out by the RPF to rally the Tutsis of the interior of Rwanda to
    the cause of the RPF Tutsis from Uganda, who had invaded the country,
    as a means of attracting sympathy in world opinion.

    Following the social Revolution of 1959, a number of Tutsi dignitaries
    could not accept the democratic changes proclaimed by the people,
    and fled the country, and, for many years, systematically rejected all
    offers by the government to return peacefully and participate in the
    construction of the country as Rwandans. They took the Tutsi refugees
    hostage and prevented them from returning to Rwanda as long as they
    were not sure of taking back their former power to exercise to their
    class advantages. The Tutsi Diaspora dominated by these extremists
    preferred to organize a movement of "liberation" called the INYENZI[3]
    and conducted several attacks against Rwanda in the 1960s with the
    aim of taking power by force of arms. It is for this reason that all
    the calls made by the Rwandan government to the refugees for their
    peaceful return to the country were made in vain.[4]

    The MRND party practiced a policy of peace, national unity and progress
    that was enormously beneficial to the Tutsis of the country. [5] It
    is false and unjust to accuse the MRND of having persecuted Tutsis
    or having refused the right of return to those Tutsis wishing to come
    back to Rwanda. Everyone knows today that it was the RPF who torpedoed
    the Accords signed between Rwanda and Uganda under the auspices of
    the UNHCR on 31 July 1990. Instead of permitting the delegation of
    refugees expected in Kigali at the end of September 1990 to go to
    Rwanda and work under the auspices of that Accord to bring about the
    mass return of refugees, the RPF launched a surprise attack against
    Rwanda on 1 October 1990, beginning its war of aggression.

    You must have the courage to recognize that this war, launched at the
    moment when a political solution had been found to the refugee problem,
    is the origin of the Rwandan tragedy. The RPF sowed desolation and
    created divisions, a climate of terror and distrust among a population
    subjected to four years of RPF violence. By these terrorist attacks
    and subversion, the RPF provoked the total destabilization of
    Rwanda.[6] The RPF planned and executed the attack of 6 April 1994
    that took the lives of Presidents Juvénal Habyarimana of Rwanda and
    Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi, as well as those of their respective
    entourages and the French flight-crew, knowing full well that the
    attack would provoke violence in the country. Directly after shooting
    down the presidents' plane, they attacked on all fronts, precipitating
    total chaos throughout the country. It was the RPF that planned the
    destruction of the country. This is attested to by the inability of
    the prosecutor at the ICTR to prove that any plan to commit genocide
    existed. Indeed, all the heavy condemnations of genocide pronounced
    against the Hutus before the ICTR are founded on the illegal judicial
    notice ordered by the Appeals Chamber on 16 June 2006.[7] In Rwanda,
    courts continue to condemn the Hutus, en masse and without evidence,
    for allegedly planning "genocide," all the while refusing any debate
    on the question.[8]

    Despite the judicial notice imposed by the Appeals Chamber of the ICTR
    on 16 June 2006, in order to condemn the accused at the Tribunal for
    political reasons, the controversy over this issue continues. Conscious
    of their enormous responsibilities in the Rwandan tragedy, the RPF
    has not missed a single opportunity to cry about the "genocide of the
    Tutsis." So, it was not without some thought that Minister Muligande
    stated on 11 April at the Nyanza memorial at Kigali: "We had the
    chance to win the war to get recognition of the genocide. If not,
    we would have become the Armenians whose genocide is still contested
    because they lost the war." M. Muligande is very conscious of the
    responsibilities born by the RPF, even if he does not have the courage
    to admit them. The RPF abuses its current position by imposing the
    "genocide" of the Tutsis and practicing victors' justice over the
    vanquished.[9] The leaders of the RPF must stop falsifying history
    with ideological propaganda and find the courage to recognize their
    heavy responsibility in the Rwandan drama.

    3. The Reality of the Numbers of Dead in the Rwandan Tragedy Loss of
    life is always regrettable. But the reality of the numbers of dead in
    the "Rwandan genocide" remains a great mystery fifteen years after
    the events. Even if public opinion agrees with the figures '800,000
    to one million' victims, so many other numbers have been advanced
    by experts, the UN, NGOs and the RPF, from 250,000 to 2 million,
    that total confusion reigns. Gerard Prunier recognizes that there is
    no systematic accounting and that the numbers depend on opinion more
    than empirical facts.[10] The Rwandan government of the RPF prefers
    to maintain this confusion. That is why it has refused to reveal the
    numbers of survivors of the "genocide," from which it would be easy
    to evaluate the number of dead Tutsis and dead Hutus. It prefers
    to keep things blurred so the world does not know the extent of
    the massacres committed against the Hutus by the RPF, and, thereby,
    to inflate the number of Tutsi victims. It is necessary to note that
    the Census of the population organized under the supervision of the UN
    (UNDP, UNFAP, CEA), with the aid of countries like the USA and Canada,
    that concluded on 15 August 1991, fixed the total number of Tutsis
    in the country at 8.4% of the population of 7,099.844. Thus, those
    numbers that suggest that the entire Tutsi population was massacred
    between April and July 1994 are simply fantasies. It is no secret
    to anyone that many Tutsis survived even if the government in Kigali
    does not want to publish the figures. We contest these numbers that
    only create confusion that the regime exploits to manipulate national
    and international opinion for ideological reasons.

    Concerning the dead interred at Nyanza hill in Kigali, Captain
    Lemaire, commander of the Belgian detachment at the ETO in Kicukiro
    in April 1994, testified before the ICTR that the refugees there
    numbered between 1,000 and 2,000[11], and not the 5,000 claimed
    by the RPF. Given the circumstances prevailing at the time, the
    extermination of 5,000 people in several minutes, in open terrain,
    is simply impossible. On the contrary, reliable witnesses state
    that the majority of those buried at Nyzana hill are Hutu refugees
    massacred by the RPF on 22 and 23 May 1994, while they attempted to
    flee the RPF troops who had just captured the garrison at Camp Kanombe.

    The deputy mayor of Kigali City presented the Gisozi memorial
    as a sacred site for pilgrimage and a sad memorial to the
    "genocide." According the official declarations of the government,
    this place holds 250,000 human skulls. However, they cannot be
    those of the residents of the prefecture of the city of Kigali
    as is claimed. Indeed, the total population of Kigali City was,
    according to the census of 15 August 1991, 221,806, of whom 81.4%
    were Hutu, and 17.9% Tutsi. Using a figure of 3.2% growth per year,
    the total population of Kigali City would have been no more than about
    240,000 inhabitants in 1994, with the Tutsi population estimated at
    no more than 50,000. This figure does not accord with the 250,000
    skulls exhibited at the Gisozi memorial, especially when one recalls
    that many of the Tutsis in Kigali survived the war.[12] The number
    of skulls is even more incomprehensible when one considers that the
    city of Kigali has other memorials, notably that at Nyanza and Rebero,
    where the remains of thousands of others are on display. This example
    shows how important the manipulation of numbers is at a national level.

    Several witnesses have stated before the ICTR that Gisozi was occupied
    by the RPA (the army of the RPF) from 8 April 1994. Therefore, it was
    the RPF that ethnically cleansed the zones of Gisozi-Kagugu and Kabuye
    in the Rutongo commune, the prefecture of Kigali, and liquidated all
    the undesirables, including those displaced persons from the refugee
    camps at Nyacyonga and Rusine, who had fled to the city after their
    camps were bombarded by the RPF. Several former members of the RPF have
    denounced the massacres of thousands in these zones.[13] All these
    people were summarily executed by agents of the DMI (the Directorate
    of Military Intelligence of the RPF) in the military camp at Kami,
    which was captured by the RPF in mid-April 1994. These massacres
    were an essential part of the RPF plan to eliminate as many Hutu
    intellectuals as possible. Today, the same logic of annihilation of the
    Hutu elite followed by the RPF is behind their lists of alleged "Hutu
    genocidaires" that include those already tried and acquitted. This
    is the same logic followed by the famous law of forced confessions
    that lead to the denunciation of, and false statements against,
    the innocent. The "gacaca" trials are part of an extra-judicial
    system contained in every jurisdiction. They are used by the regime
    to eliminate all undesirables. We want to insist that you remember
    that you, yourself, Mr. President, who first suggested this strategy,
    when, in 1996, at Nyamirambo, in a large meeting organized by your
    party, you stated that it would be necessary to have the patience
    "to empty a barrel of water with a coffee spoon."[14] The damage of
    your genocidal policies have exceeded all bounds, and we demand that
    you end them immediately.

    4. The Responsibilities of the International Community in the Rwandan
    Drama The highest authorities of Rwanda have spoken out critically
    on the role of the international community in the "genocide." So, in
    your speech of 7 April 2009, you castigated the attitude of the UN as
    "cowardice," saying: "We are not the ones who abandoned the people who
    needed protection; they left them to be killed; are they not guilty? I
    think that too is cowardice; they left before a single shot was fired!"

    We are convinced that such stinging speeches vis-a-vis
    the international community cannot be allowed to pass
    indefinitely. However, we invite this same international community
    to react quickly, those who encouraged and supported your criminal
    project to take power by force of arms; through the disastrous actions
    of UNAMIR commanding General Roméo Dallaire, to whom you announced the
    imminent cataclysm on 2 April 1994[15], and who did nothing to stop
    it; and the no less criminal actions of the successive prosecutors
    at the ICTR in Arusha, whom you have succeeded in cowing with your
    reign of terror.

    We regret that the UN did not help Rwandans peacefully resolve
    the conflict that you brought to the country in 1994, notably by
    effectively pressuring Uganda and the RPF and condemning the war of
    aggression of which Rwanda was the victim. The UN did not even condemn
    the various violations of ceasefires and peace agreements the RPF had
    signed. The international community complied with your ultimatum of 12
    April 1994 that all foreign forces leave the country in 12 hours or
    be attacked, which accelerated the retreat of UNAMIR from Rwanda at
    a time when it was needed most.[16] The vote in the Security Council
    for a resolution to reduce the UNAMIR forces, an action weighted with
    consequences, aided your organization in its Machiavellian plans to
    take power in Kigali as quickly as possible.[17] The UN betrayed the
    Rwandan government after it had launched anguished appeals for help to
    stabilize the security situation in the country. The UN was paralyzed
    by the USA and the United Kingdom; it could not intervene in time to
    send the 5,500 men of UNAMIR II. The Security Council only decided
    to take this action after the RPF victory. Those forces arrived in
    Rwanda after you had seized and consolidate state power. They helped
    you by not reacting to your massacre of the innocents, including the
    4,000 refugees you murdered at Kibeho in April 1995.

    Not only do we accuse the RPF of having chased the international
    community from Rwanda at the moment when they were most needed, but
    we also believe that the decisions of the UN were gravely prejudicial
    to the people and government of Rwanda in permitting the bloodbath
    that brought the military victory of the RPF. These same decisions
    gave the RPF the legitimacy to continue its massacre of the Rwandan
    people, while crediting it with having stopped the "genocide" and
    conferring the authority to judge its real victims.

    We note with great disappointment that the presence of UNAMIR II did
    not deter you from continuing the massacre of the defenseless Hutu
    population, throughout Rwanda in 1994-95, and we will not forget the
    silence of the UN in the face of the innumerable atrocities committed
    by your troops when they attacked the refugee camps in the east of
    the Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) and relentlessly pursued
    their Hutu prey into the forests of Congo. We want to remind you
    of the 200,000 Hutu refugees who were horribly massacred by your
    troops in 1996-97. We think that the complacency of the international
    community toward your inhuman actions does not exonerate you of your
    responsibilities in the Rwandan drama. We demand justice for all
    Rwandans, Tutsi, Hutu and Twa, who were killed or today live with
    severe trauma because of your criminal policy.

    5. The Theory of a Double Genocide Minister Muligande vilified "those
    who try to diminish the genocide, to deny it, by inventing the theory
    of a 'double genocide,' arguing that there were the deaths of Hutus
    during the genocide." He clarified his thoughts by referring to the
    Second World War, where "there was a genocide of the Jews, but also
    of 20 million Russians. However, the genocide is recognized as having
    been against the Jews. It was the same thing with the high number of
    German soldier's deaths which surpassed the number of Jews killed,
    arguing that the Germans were killed to stop the genocide."

    Your adviser's words show that the leaders of the RPF admit having
    massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent Hutus. However, we think
    that this comparison is nonsense and that the events in Rwanda in
    1990-1994 bear no comparison with the history of the Second World
    War. The launching of World War II in 1939 remains entirely the
    responsibility of the German government, just as the invasion of
    Rwanda from Uganda in October 1990 remains the responsibility of the
    state of Uganda and the RPF. Hitler launched his offensive to conquer
    countries and during that long conquest, the Jews were denounced,
    arrested, killed or deported to concentration camps, principally
    in Germany. The Jews did not take up arms against Germany. If it is
    necessary to make a comparison, it is rather the RPF and its allies
    that made war against Rwanda and who, in their mad conquest of power,
    massacred hundreds of thousands of Rwandans.

    Your soldiers, Mr. President, conducted a war of extermination; they
    violated the cease-fire agreements and the Arusha Accords to take
    power by force of arms without any concern for the security of the
    population. How can you explain to Rwandans that you were concerned
    with the protection of the civilian population while you obstinately
    refused all cease-fire proposals between April and July 1994? And
    why did you literally depopulate all the regions you seized? What
    can you say when 4,000 Hutu refugees were massacred by your troops a
    Kibeho in April 1995? These are the sad realities of the RPF regime
    that you want to hide behind the abusive charge of "negationism,"
    and thereby stop the parents of victims from expressing their grief
    and denouncing the injustices committed against them?

    6. Pardon and Reconciliation It is clear from the present account
    that the RPF committed crimes and carried out massacres against a
    defenseless civilian population for the sole reason that they were
    Hutus.18 Minister Muligande wants to cover up this sad reality by
    stating the Hutus had to die because the RPF fought to stop the
    genocide. The coalition of the NRA (Ugandan army) and the RPF did
    not attack Rwanda in 1990 to stop a genocide. The manhunt conducted
    against the peasants of Rwanda, throughout the war, was not designed
    to stop a "genocide" against the Tutsis. It is delusional to try
    to deny the responsibility of the RPF in the deaths of hundreds of
    thousands in Rwanda and the DRC, or to minimize them, arrogating to
    yourself, alone, the right of inquiry, solely because of your military
    victory. We think that with such logic, national reconciliation is
    impossible. So you want to hide the truth of the tragic events that
    plunged Rwanda into mourning and implicate your closest collaborators,
    civil and military. Also, we consider that the time has come for your
    regime to see the reality in front of its face, instead of continuing
    your indecent ideological propaganda that has shamefully exploited
    the unhappiness you have inflicted on the Rwandan people.

    The policies of your regime have irremediably alienated the Rwandan
    people from any hope of national reconciliation, even with the artifice
    with which you have tried to seduce various visitors to Rwanda, there
    is no remedy for this very profound evil. The persecution of the
    Hutus accused of an "ideology of genocide" is a way to criminalize
    the Hutus forever; not only those who were alive in 1994, but also
    those yet to be born. It is sufficient to accuse them of the ideology
    of genocide to oppress the Hutus and justify their oppression to the
    world. This policy, that has made the vast majority of Rwandans pariahs
    in their own society, is inescapable, because it has become a force
    of marginalization and exclusion of the Hutus in order to ensure the
    domination of the Tutsis. A dialogue between power and its opponents is
    the only way to get beyond of this impasse. But after having decreed
    that only the Tutsis were victims of the war that you launched,
    and that the Hutus do not even have the right to cry for their dead,
    or, even worse, to bury them with dignity, the prospect of political
    dialogue with your opponents is not on your agenda, unlike the desire
    for peace that occupies the other national leaders of the region: in
    Kenya, Burundi, RDC, Uganda, Central Africa. You installed the gacaca
    jurisdiction that has the mandate to criminalize all Hutus and to force
    them into self-denunciation and the denunciation of others. In order to
    allow your regime to eliminate all your political adversaries, present
    and future! Such a system bodes ill and bears all the characteristics
    of fascism; it is the purveyor of unhappiness for your and for the
    people of Rwanda. This is why we respectfully demand that you end it.

    Rwanda must face up to a number of deficiencies. The RPF regime cannot
    make up for them with the humiliation, marginalization and exclusion
    of the majority of the Rwandan people, for whom you reserve only
    unjust and degrading treatment. This is why we encourage all the men
    and women of good will in Rwanda and around the world to join in a
    sincere and constructive dialogue between the power and its opponents
    in order to build a solid foundation of Truth and Justice for a real
    Rwandan national reconciliation. We invite the Rwandan government
    to consider that there can be no national reconciliation based on
    manipulation, lies and propaganda, on humiliation, inferiority and
    intimidation, on an ideology of genocide used to silence Hutus
    who claim their rights. No power, no foreign force can resolve
    the political problems of Rwanda. It is the Rwandans, themselves,
    who must resolve these difficult situations. As head of state it is
    entirely your responsibility to bring Rwandans to the path of true
    reconciliation by denouncing all actions and speeches that are as
    provocative and divisive as those spoken during the ceremonies of the
    15th anniversary of the "genocide" by your close collaborators. In any
    event you must understand that such speeches do not serve your regime
    insofar as they are contrary to the vital interests of the Rwandan
    people and are not going to bring peace and national reconciliation. It
    is not possible to have national reconciliation as long as the RPF
    continues to refuse to recognize its clear responsibilities in the
    Rwandan tragedy, by making the Hutus responsible for a drama that the
    RPF, itself, planned and executed throughout the long war of 1990-1994.

    Please accept, Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic, the
    expression of our high consideration.


    Joseph Nzirorera General Augustin Ndindiliyimana Colonel Tharcisse
    Renzaho Colonel Ephrem Setako Callixte Kahmaanzira Captain Innocent
    Sagahutu Edouard Karamera

    Copied to all UN agencies including the Security Council, all
    judges and prosecutor of the ICTR, news organizations, NGOs and
    other organizations

    English translation by Christopher Black, Barrister, Toronto, Canada
    [email protected]


    1 Many historians, including Tutsis such as Alexis Kagame, wrote
    about the Rwanda of the colonial period.

    2 In the New review, Book XXVIII, no. 12 December 1958, pages 594-597,
    the Abbe Bushayijia, a Tutsi priest who sat on the supreme counsel
    of the country, denounced the injustices and inequalities of that
    epoch in these terms: "The feeling of injustice that is sensed at a
    given moment, the roman plebiens vis-a-vis the patricians, the serfs
    vis-a-vis the lords in the old regime, is such that today it distresses
    the Bahutu compared with the Batutsi. They seek their emancipation,
    their place in a world free and equal for all."

    3 Journal Kanguka No 52 Anne 1992. In his interview in this journal,
    M.M. Aloys Ngurumbe, former Inyenzi chief, explained the origin of
    this term. He stated that it was a nom de guerre for those Tutsi
    terrorists of the period 1960-67. He explained that this acronym
    stood for Ingangurarugo Yiyemeje Kuba Ingenzi.

    4 Msg. Andre Perraudin, A Bishop In Rwanda, Editions Saint Augustin,
    2003, pp 276-77.

    5 Valens Kajeguhakwa, From the Land of Peace to the Land of Blood
    and After, Editions Remi Perrin, 2001.

    6 Many credible witnesses, including members of the RPF, have confirmed
    that terrorist and subversive activities were carried out inside
    Rwanda by the RPF over the long course of the war.

    7 This decision, taken to accommodate the ICTR completion strategy,
    is against the Statute of the Tribunal since the matter of planning
    remains a contested issue.

    8 The acquittal, on December 18, 2008, of all the accused in the
    Military I trial, a judgment against which the prosecutor has not
    appealed, provoked protests in Rwanda. Certain authorities in the
    RPF are agitated and state that it's as if someone wanted to place
    the responsibility for planning the genocide on them. That agitation
    is justified as they know very well that they are the ones responsible.

    9 Carla del Ponte, Confronting Humanity's Worst Criminals and the
    Culture of Impunity, Other Press, New York, 2009, pp 177-192 , 223-241.

    10 Gerard Prunier, Rwanda, 1959-1996, History of a Genocide, 1997.

    11 Transcripts of September 30, 1997, pp 61, 110, 146-147. It must
    be noted that this includes Hutus and Tutsis both.

    12 Note by translator: General Dallaire states that he saw 14,000
    Tutsis being led out of the city by RPF forces in mid-April. Bernard
    Kouchner on his visit to Kigali in late May stated there were
    then 20,000 Tutsis still in Kigali, and it is known that many fled
    the fighting in the city early on after the RPF began its siege of
    Kigali. The Tutsi prince Antoine Nyetera testified in the Military II
    trial that he saw thousands of Tutsis alive in the stadium when the
    RPF rounded up all inhabitants as Kigali fell to their forces and
    began executing Hutus. Therefore the number of dead Tutsis killed
    in Kigali cannot be more than 15,000, and must be lower than that,
    as many escaped the fighting.

    13 All this evidence is to be found in the archives of the ICTR,
    e.g., in the document listed as R0000230 of 9 February 2002.

    14 E Ndahayo, Rwanda. Les dessous des cartes, Ed. L'Harmattan, Paris,
    2002, p.157.

    15 Roméo Dallaire, Shake Hands With the Devil, Random House, Canada,
    2003, p 279 (French edition).

    16 See the Belgian intelligence report no. 940412/305 of 12 April 1994.

    17 See the Belgian intelligence report no. 940412/305, 12 April
    1994. 18 See for example the file established by the Spanish judge
    Andreu Fernando Merelles and many statements and reports available
    in the files of the ICTR.