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BAKU: Iran's Attitude Towards Azerbaijan Will Not Improve Regardless

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  • BAKU: Iran's Attitude Towards Azerbaijan Will Not Improve Regardless


    Today.Az cs/52657.html
    May 29 2009

    Interview Day.Az with Dr. Mahmudali Chehraganly, leader of the South
    Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement, who is currently in political
    emigration in the United States.

    - What do you expect from the upcoming presidential elections in
    Iran? Will the results of these elections change something in the

    - No changes will happen. The dominant ideology of Iran did not undergo
    any changes. Iranian autocracy behaves as if it were a representative
    of the God on earth.

    - Who, do you think, will win these elections: the reformers,
    conservatives, or ...

    - Elections and presidency are a kind of a show in Iran. All these
    reformers and conservators are the government camp. For example,
    the representative of the moderate clerics Mehdi Karrubi, former
    Premier Mirhuseyn Musawi and current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
    in fact, do not differ much from one another. They just want to show
    that people elect their President by themselves. These four candidates
    have been serving the ruling regime for already 30 years.

    - How does Iran assess Obama's peacemaking gestures?

    - The Iranian authorities build their policy irregardless of the
    gestures and policies of the US Presidents. Iran is playing its own
    game whatever representatives of the United States or Europe say. As
    for the people of Iran, they are sick and tired of living in isolation
    and conflict situation. They support an adequate response to Barack
    Obama's peacemaking gestures.

    - And what does the US public think of Obama's policy on Iran?

    - Changes have occurred in the approach of the US authorities not
    the public. The United States had been at war for eighth years under
    George Bush's reign. The Balkan wars, Afghanistan and Iraq have left a
    deep moral, social and economic trace on the US public. The US people
    do not want war any longer. The US public does not want to spend
    U.S. taxpayers' funds on wars. The US budget debts reach 2 trillion
    dollars. In addition, war has left many killed and wounded. In the
    result of economic crisis the U.S.A faced the difficulties that it
    has not had since the Second World War. Taking this into account,
    the U.S. administration wants to take time out to gather powers
    again. And softening of position on Iran is connected with this.

    - Do you have regular contacts with the US political circles? What
    do the politicians think of Iran's policy and its nuclear program?

    - Naturally, I have regular contacts them and I am watching the
    U.S. media closely and I am taking part in various events. The United
    States are looking forward to the end of this year. They want to
    know exactly what is behind the nuclear program and the strategy of
    Iran. Great events are expected around Iran from the beginning of
    the next year. New alliances might appear. The U.S. elite wants to
    improve the economic and moral situation in their country and allow
    the Iranian regime to learn more about it. Then it will decide what
    to do with Iran.

    - Does Iran intend to make compromises due to international pressure?

    - It is necessary to distinguish between the people of Iran and
    the authorities. The Iranian public wants to live in an atmosphere
    of cooperation with the rest of the world. But this country is not
    ruled by the people. The authorities do not intend to disavow their

    - How will the election influence the relations between Iran and

    - Iran's attitude towards Azerbaijan will not improve regardless of
    who wins the presidential elections in Iran. Armenia and Armenians
    are a strategic partner of Iran. Iran's attitude towards Azerbaijan
    will not change.