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Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement Benefits Russia, Injures Azerbaijan

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  • Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement Benefits Russia, Injures Azerbaijan


    Nov 3 2009

    Recent weeks have seen unprecedented and potentially far reaching
    damage to the Turkish-Azerbaijani strategic partnership, reports The
    Jamestown Foundation.

    Ever since Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP)
    announced its intension to normalize relations with Azerbaijan's
    arch-rival Armenia, the relationship between Ankara and Baku has
    cooled. The Azerbaijani leadership sent a strong message to Ankara
    in April, when President Ilham Aliyev refused to accept Turkish
    President Abdulah Gul's invitation to attend the U.N. conference
    "Alliance of Civilizations," held in Istanbul.

    Yet, it was after the signing of the protocols on the establishment of
    diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia that Baku's outrage
    spiraled. Both the Azerbaijani public and its political leadership
    openly condemned this one-sided Turkish policy. Indeed, the Azeri
    foreign ministry immediately issued a press release in which it said
    that the signing of the protocols "directly contradicts the national
    interests of Azerbaijan and overshadows the spirit of brotherly
    relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey built on deep historical roots"
    (, October 12).

    That apparent cooling of the bilateral relationship, moved toward a
    cold war when Azerbaijani flags were banned during the Turkish-Armenian
    soccer match in Bursa on October 14 and Azerbaijani media outlets
    broadcast images of the Azerbaijani flag being torn apart and thrown
    into trash bins by Turkish police officers. In addition, the Azeri
    public was outraged by reports that the Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan, whom Azerbaijanis view as one of the main organizers of the
    Khojali massacre in 1992, was warmly embraced by President Gul and
    his wife during the soccer match. Gul's wife, reportedly, even cooked
    for Sargsyan and Gul offered his bedroom to his Armenian counterpart.

    Such news has caused deep anti-Turkish sentiments to flourish in
    Baku. Traditionally an ally, brother and last resort of hope, Turkey
    is no longer trusted in the Azerbaijani capital. In an effort to gain
    an additional friendly neighbor, Ankara seems to have overstretched
    and nearly ruined its strategic relations with Azerbaijan.

    The reaction in Baku was swift. Turkish flags, hanging in the
    memorial for martyred Turkish soldiers, were lowered. Youth groups
    and opposition parties lashed out at the Turkish leadership for the
    humiliation and disrespect shown to the Azerbaijani flag in Bursa. And
    parliament held heated debates about the "flag incident," during
    which Vice-Speaker Ziyafat Asgarov said, "I take the disrespect shown
    against the Azerbaijani flag as a personal insult" (AZTV, October 16).

    Moreover, on October 16 Aliyev announced during his cabinet meeting
    that Azerbaijan would consider alternative options to export its gas,
    since Turkish-Azerbaijani talks on gas transit have not produced
    concrete results (, October 16). He accused Turkey of
    stalling these negotiations by offering unacceptably low prices
    for Azerbaijani gas and did not hesitate to mention that until now,
    Azerbaijan has been selling natural gas to Turkey at 30 percent of
    its value on international markets. Aliyev also mentioned Russia,
    Iran and the Black sea as alternatives routes for Azeri gas and
    coincidently, in the same week, Gazprom and Azerbaijan's State Oil
    Company SOCAR signed an agreement in Baku for the export of 500 million
    cubic meters of Azeri gas to Russia at the price Aliyev described as
    "mutually beneficial" (Trend News Agency, October 16).

    It is clear that the recent developments in the South Caucasus
    and the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement have seriously damaged the
    Turkish-Azerbaijani strategic partnership. This partnership has
    been the backbone of East-West energy and its future transportation
    corridors, security, political and geostrategic balance in the region
    as well as the overall Turkish (or Western) entrance into the Caspian
    region. Without this strategic partnership, the Turkish, E.U. and
    U.S. axis of influence in the South Caucasus and further into the
    Central Asian region is at risk. This geopolitical miscalculation
    on the part of Turkish, E.U. and U.S. officials, all of whom have
    actively pushed for a one-sided normalization of Turkish-Armenian
    relations without the consideration of Azerbaijan's interests and
    the resolution of the Karabakh conflict will see a boomerang effect.

    Russia may utilize this excellent opportunity to further advance its
    political agenda in the region: the isolation of Georgia by cutting
    it off from new transit routes; shelving the E.U. and U.S.-backed
    Nabucco gas pipeline project by destroying the Azerbaijani-Turkish
    strategic partnership and thus forcing Azerbaijan to sell its gas to
    Russia; drawing Turkey into its own orbit of influence undermining the
    E.U.-U.S.-Turkey axis of influence in the region. Before Washington
    realizes, it will be too late to protect the South Caucasus as
    a sovereign and independent region. For the first time since the
    collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. appears to underestimate what
    is unfolding in the region. A lack of clear vision on the part of the
    U.S. administration clearly plays into Russian hands. It is perhaps no
    coincidence that the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov so actively
    pushed his Armenian counterpart to sign the protocol with Turkey.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress