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Czech President Signed European Union's Lisbon Treaty

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  • Czech President Signed European Union's Lisbon Treaty


    03.11.2009 21:35 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Czech President Vaclav Klaus has signed the European
    Union's Lisbon Treaty, the final step in its ratification.

    The treaty was drawn up to streamline decision-making in the EU,
    and is a watered-down version of a draft EU constitution rejected
    four years ago.

    Among its measures, it creates a European Council president and alters
    the way member states vote.

    The treaty could now come into force as early as December.

    The Lisbon Treaty's supporters say it will allow the EU to operate
    more efficiently and give it greater influence in world affairs.

    Critics say it will cede too many national powers to Brussels.

    Britain's opposition Conservative Party, which has argued the treaty
    should be put to a referendum, said it would announce its response
    on Wednesday.

    British Prime Minister Gordon Brown welcomed the ratification, and
    said it marked the end of years of debate.

    "Today is a day when Europe looks forward," he said.

    The Czech Republic was the last of the EU's 27 member states to ratify
    the treaty.

    Mr Klaus signed it shortly after the Czech constitutional court
    rejected a complaint against it, ruling that it was in line with the
    Czech constitution.

    A BBC correspondent says Mr Klaus accused the court of bias and said
    the Czech Republic was no longer sovereign.

    The Eurosceptic Czech leader had recently said he would no longer
    attempt to block the treaty, after receiving the promise of an opt-out
    from the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights.

    Mr Klaus said the opt-out was needed to avoid property claims from
    ethnic Germans expelled from Czechoslovakia after World War II.

    The Lisbon Treaty replaced an earlier draft constitution that was
    rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands in 2005.

    It would create the post of a new European Council president who
    would serve a term of two-and-a-half years.

    It also provides for a new foreign policy chief, combining the posts
    of the existing foreign affairs representative and the external
    affairs commissioner.

    European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said earlier that he
    hoped the EU could move "as quickly as possible" to make appointments
    to the new posts, BBC News reported.