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An Ear To Israel In Azerbaijan

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  • An Ear To Israel In Azerbaijan

    By Karin Kloosterman

    Israel 21C ent&view=article&id=7281:an-ear-to-israel- in-azerbaijan&catid=61:social-action&Itemi d=140
    Nov 4 2009

    Israeli Anat Kochva, from the Hedim Institute, helping the hard of
    hearing on a special mission to Azerbaijan.A team of Israeli speech
    and hearing specialists is restoring the hearing of adults and kids
    in predominantly Muslim Azerbaijan, far from the ears of the media.

    Outside the audible range of the international media's "ears" positive
    stories are brewing between the Jewish State of Israel and nearby
    Muslim countries. It's time to turn up the volume. The latest project
    takes place in Azerbaijan, where a team of Israeli specialists has
    been restoring the hearing of Azerbaijani adults and children.

    At the end of August, Anat Kochva and four speech and hearing
    specialists from the Hedim Institute that she founded in Israel,
    headed to the capital city of Baku in Azerbaijan, a country that
    shares a border with Iran to the south, and Armenia to the west.

    They were allotted a few hospital rooms, and using whatever equipment
    they had managed to carry with them, in a short period the Israelis
    saw about 150 Azerbaijanis, many of whom had been told that they might
    never hear again. The Israeli team fitted 70 people with hearing aids
    and pledged to return to Baku with more equipment.

    For the longer-term, Kochva tells ISRAEL21c, she hopes to see a
    commitment on the part of the Azerbaijan government to create training
    programs so that local qualified professionals will be able to diagnose
    and treat their peoples' hearing problems: "... since it appears that
    they have no plans for training programs [on how to identify hearing
    problems] in small babies and children, we will come and help them
    to plan an educational training system," she promises.

    But Kochva doesn't want just to provide handouts. She's hoping
    for a willing partner she can trust. "If you change programs [in
    the government] you must put some efforts into local training and
    education," she stresses.

    Hearing their cries

    In and around Baku, "We saw a very low level of knowledge of treating
    problems in our field and we could only bless what we have in Israel
    compared to what they have in Azerbaijan," Kochva recounts. This
    applies to both services and treatment facilities for children,
    and the overall approach to hearing problems, she adds.

    When a problem is identified at a young age, "They isolate
    children in closed schools and they don't try to mix them with the
    hearing population. And the level of services there, like hearing
    rehabilitation and diagnostics at an early age, providing hearing aids
    and all that is involved, including rehab, is so low. In the 35 years
    I've been working in this field, I have never seen such low levels
    [of care]," she laments.

    Among those treated by her team was 16-year-old Ahmadli Nijad, deaf
    since birth. Nijad was born with severe hearing problems that worsened
    as he grew older. Local doctors told his family that he would never
    hear, but the Israeli group proved Nijad's doctors wrong by fitting
    him with a hearing aid device that works.

    The idea of helping Azerbaijanis to hear was first proposed by Nati
    Marcus and the government of Israel. Marcus is an Israeli businessman
    who for several years has been helping people to see in developing
    countries by providing free eye operations through his non-government,
    non-profit organization an "Eye From Zion."

    Muslims who are happy to be helped by Jews

    The fact that Islam is the dominant faith in Azerbaijan (the country
    is about 95 percent Muslim), doesn't seem to weigh heavily on those
    coming to the Jewish Israelis for help, says Kochva. "Everybody was
    very positive [about the visit] because they wanted the help from us,"
    she says, noting that a number of the patients they treated spoke
    about their relationships with Jews.

    This was especially true of those who came from Kuba, a city once
    known as the 'Jerusalem of Kavkaz' that still has a Jewish population
    numbering a few thousand. Today, most of its Jews have immigrated to
    Israel, but they still maintain contact with their families, Kochva
    discovered: "I heard about people having good relationships with the
    Jews. They showed us how they loved the Jewish community and we got
    the feeling that there were no separate rules between the Muslims
    and the Jews."

    The journey to Azerbaijan was a joint mission that included
    representatives from Magan David Adom, Israel's version of the Red
    Cross. Two Israelis from that organization came along to teach the
    Azerbaijani version of the organization, the Red Crescent.

    It was not the emergency team's first meeting with the Azerbaijanis
    and it took place following President Shimon Peres' recent visit to
    this secular country that has expressed an interest in improving its
    relations with Israel. Working together on an emergency medical center
    in a Muslim community is one of the new projects in the pipeline.

    An ear to the ground

    Thanks to the help of a number of Jewish organizations active in
    Azerbaijan, the Israeli embassy and a local Muslim-run fund, the
    hard-of-hearing Azerbaijanis were made aware of the visit of the
    Israeli team.

    Sadly, not everyone could be treated in the first round, since the
    crew came equipped with only 70 devices, but they have promised to
    return. "When we were finished there we promised to come back to
    bring another 30," says Kochva, who is looking forward to an ongoing
    relationship with the country, despite the significant out of pocket
    costs that she incurred.

    According to media reports, equipment worth NIS 200,000 (about $50,000)
    was brought to Azerbaijan. And that doesn't include the cost of
    flights and staffing the trip.

    Born in Poland, Kochva trained as both an audiologist and speech
    therapist. Her institute, Hedim, the largest chain of hearing and
    speech rehabilitation clinics in Israel has been operating since 1989,
    offering professional services to people with hearing and speech
    difficulties all across the country.

    Kochva works with products bought from the small Canadian company
    Unitron, based in Kitchener, Ontario. Through Israel's Foreign Ministry
    she invited a representative of the Canadian company to join the
    Israeli delegation on their mission.

    Meanwhile, Kochva has her ear to the ground as she awaits further
    developments. In a country that is influenced by Islamic fundamentalism
    from nearby Iran, her small project could have a huge impact on global
    democracy: "We are in contact and the Israeli Embassy is working on
    it," says Kochva. "We hope to continue. We don't just want to come
    and go, but to see what we can build there so it can be better."