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ANKARA: We Should Not Forget Turkey's Contributions To EU, President

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  • ANKARA: We Should Not Forget Turkey's Contributions To EU, President


    Anadolu Agency
    Nov 3 2009

    BRATISLAVA (A.A) -03.11.2009 -Turkish President Abdullah Gul said
    Tuesday Turkey's contributions to the European Union (EU) should not
    be forgotten.

    There is no other alternative than full membership in the EU for
    Turkey, Gul stressed.

    President Gul visited the Comenius University in Bratislava on the
    second day of his official trip to Slovakia.

    The Senate of the Comenius University decorated President Gul with the
    "University Golden Medal".

    Addressing the academicians and students of Comenius University,
    Gul talked about Turkey's foreign policy and its relations with the EU.

    Turkey's foreign policy is designed to bring peace, stability and
    welfare to the surrounding region, Gul said.

    The world was the scene of important changes recently. Due to its
    (geographical) status, Turkey got affected more than any other country
    by newly emerged risks, Gul said.

    As NATO assumed wider missions, Turkey's role in regions of problems
    grew, Gul stressed.

    Turkey, firstly, tried to solve its problems with neighbours in the
    Balkans. Later, Turkey established good relations with its southern
    neighbours. Russia became an important commercial partner of Turkey,
    Gul said.

    Most recently, Turkey proposed the establishment of the Caucasus
    Cooperation Platform for peace and stability in the Caucasus region.

    Turkey has made efforts to normalize relations with Armenia, Gul said.

    Turkey has deep historical relations with both Pakistan and
    Afghanistan. The problems in the region are as important as those in
    the Middle East and have a potential to (negatively) affect global
    stability. Turkey began the trilateral summit meetings to establish
    security between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Gul noted.

    Turkey is a bridge between the east and the west. Thanks to our
    unique position, we can understand the mentality in different regions,
    Gul said.

    Touching on Turkey's EU process, Gul said that Turkey has had relations
    with Europe for over 1,000 years.

    Turkey has turned its face towards the West and continues EU membership
    negotiations with determination. The negotiations have two sides. While
    Turkey is doing all it can, the EU lags behind Turkey with its
    performance, Gul said.

    Turkey's contributions to the EU should not be forgotten. There is
    no other alternative than full membership for Turkey, Gul said.

    Turkey will make the EU cake bigger. The membership process of big
    countries has always been difficult and we are aware of this as we
    conduct entry negotiations, Gul said.

    I am very pleased to be here at the Comenius University. I am happy
    to see efforts being made to open a Turkish Language Department at
    this university. Turkey will extend support to Comenius University
    for this purpose, Gul also said.

    Rector of Comenius University Frantisek Gaher said that Turkey's
    crucial role for global peace lies in the words of late Ataturk who
    had emphasized "Peace at Home, Peace in the World" principle.

    Turkey is a bridge between the east and the west and different worlds.

    Turkey sends strong messages in this respect. Being a bridge implies
    being in a sensitive position, Gaher stressed.

    President Gul has worked for peace both as a president and former
    foreign minister. As such, we have decided to decorate him with our
    university's golden medal, Gaher said.

    Meanwhile, President Gul had a working breakfast with Slovakian Prime
    Minister Robert Fico and later met with the Speaker of the National
    Council of the Slovak Republic Pavol Paska.

    Gul's meetings with Fico and Paska were closed to the press corps.