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According To ANC, 2010 Budget Is Budget Of Authorities' Mistakes And

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  • According To ANC, 2010 Budget Is Budget Of Authorities' Mistakes And


    Noyan Tapan
    Nov 6, 2009

    YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian National Congress
    (ANC) on November 6 issued a statement, in which it expressed its
    opinion about the 2010 state budget of Armenia.

    The statement reads:

    "The Armenian National Congress has repeatedly warned that the
    steps undertaken by the Armenian government under the conditions
    of the financial and economic crisis are quite inadequate for the
    prevention or mitigation of the current negative developments. The
    result of ignoring numerous warnings is that even after attracting
    an unprecedented loan of 1.5 billion dollars from the outside world,
    Armenia surpasses all CIS countries and nearly all countries of the
    world in terms of the official index of its economic decline.

    In fact, the so-called preventive economic measures taken by the
    authorities are aimed at feeding, strengthening and maintaining the
    corrupt power system rather than at protecting the interests of the
    state and the citizens and at solving the existing problems.

    Throughout 2009, concealing its failures and inability to deal with
    any serious problem, the government - in various ways evading the
    law - changed the National Assembly-adopted law on the budget and,
    as a matter of fact, carried out shadow sequestration of the budget
    post factum. Under such condutions, the 2010 draft state budget,
    which ignores the real problems and challenges facing our country,
    has been developed and presented to the National Assembly.


    - About 25% reduction in revenues is envisaged as compared to this
    year, whereas economic growth is forecast for next year by the

    - Serious cuts have been announced in education (about 25%) and defence
    (over 22%) compared to 2009, whereas expenditures on maintenance of
    the state machinery have been left almost unchanged.

    - An extremely low and declining level of taxes is programmed in the
    taxes-GDP ratio, which in fact means that the authorities will not
    fight the shadow economy and corruption.

    - A huge budget deficit in the amount of 6.5% of GDP is envisaged.

    The Armenian National Congress states that for any authorities, this
    budget is a budget of their own mistakes and lack of foresight and
    their resignation.

    Being aware that the deepening of the economic downturn and the
    financial crisis, as well as the inadequate steps on their prevention
    are fraught even with the danger of a humanitarian disaster, the
    Armenian National Congress once again considers it necessary to present
    those principles and measures, whose use would only make it possible
    to mitigate the current hard situation which is expected to worsen:

    The principles of special anticrisis 5-year economic, social and
    financial programming should form the basis of the 2010 state budget.

    Realistic anticrisis measures rather than abstract and fairy-tale
    promises and judgements should be the pivot of the indicated program.

    These measures are:

    - To gradually increase the revenue collection level in this 5-year
    period, reaching a 22% level of the taxes-GDP ratio.

    - To adopt a list of tax and customs reforms and the respective
    documents, which should be aimed at introducing the principle of
    progressive taxation when the tax burden is moved from the consumer
    to the income consumer, from low-income consumers to high-income
    consumers, the well-off stratum of society.

    - To develop a package of system changes, which shall include a real
    program of anticorruption and antimonopoly measures and specify a
    fair economic competition atmosphere in Armenia.

    - Instead of encouraging elite apartment construction, to envisage
    programs on affordable apartments construction, including housing
    for young families.

    - To develop special programs on unemployment reduction, especially
    measures on the rehabilitation of local inter-village roads,
    infrastructure in rural areas and the development of communities,
    and to envisage their financing from the budget.

    - To allocate foreign loans for the extension of the demand rather than
    the supply and to stop crediting (giving guarantees to) the so-called
    "elite" developers, etc."

    According to the statement, ANC has its program of measures for
    overcoming the crisis, and in case of the existence of the respective
    political will and the adoption of several dozen laws and decisions,
    it will be possible to put the country on the development path again.