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EAFJD Calls Upon The UK Government To Recognize The Armenian Genocid

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  • EAFJD Calls Upon The UK Government To Recognize The Armenian Genocid


    07.11.2009 12:18 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Internationally-recognised human rights lawyer
    Geoffrey Robertson QC released a legal opinion slamming the Foreign
    and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for having deliberately misled the
    British Ministers, Parliament and People about the Armenian Genocide.

    Taking ground on the declarative value of the 1948 Convention, Mr
    Robertson categorically rejects the foundations of the official British
    position which are deceitfully supported by the FCO and especially
    the allegation according to which there is no written document
    giving evidence of any governmental decision to exterminate the
    Armenians. With the help of the jurisprudence from the International
    Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and former Yugoslavia, Mr.

    Robertson recalls that such documents are absolutely not required in
    establishing the genocidal intent and that it is generally impossible
    to provide these kinds of documents, even for the Holocaust.

    On this point, the lawyer blasts the FCO's manipulation which would
    require "sufficiently unequivocal evidences", as a "meaningless"
    concept forged to be never complied with and which encroaches the
    clear principles of both the civil and criminal standard of proof.

    Examining the FCO's internal documents, Mr Robertson shows that by
    appeasing the Turkish State's campaign of denial, the genuine concern
    of British diplomacy is "to evade truthful answers because the Truth
    would discomfort" Turkey where UK has economical interests, Turkey
    being "neuralgic" to the whole genocide issue.

    Mr. Robertson ends his analysis by recommending the UK to end this
    denial policy and by clearly calling upon it to recognise the Armenian
    Genocide. Mr Robertson concludes "if these same events occurred today,
    in a country with a history similar to Turkey's in 1915, there can
    be no doubt that prosecutions for genocide would be warranted and
    indeed required by the Genocide Convention".

    The legal opinion shows that in giving priority to economical
    considerations, the FCO departed from its mission and severely warped
    its objectives.

    " If true, the United Kingdom must seriously discipline this
    administration" stated Laurent Leylekian. "This is the international
    credibility of UK as a State of Law which is challenged by this legal
    opinion" he added.

    Furthermore, this study is an outstanding disavowal of the official
    British position about the Armenian Genocide.

    "We call upon the British government to recognize the Armenian Genocide
    and to clearly state that this recognition by Ankara is a condition
    for the continuation of the negotiations between Turkey and the EU"
    concluded Leylekian.