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AGOS: Armenia - State visit of President Serzh Sargsyan to Kuwait

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  • AGOS: Armenia - State visit of President Serzh Sargsyan to Kuwait

    AGOS, Istanbul
    Nov 6 2009

    Armenia - State visit of President Serzh Sargsyan to Kuwait

    After the official welcoming ceremony in the airport of El Kuwait and
    a brief meeting with the Emir Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah, the
    President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan received in his residence the
    Chairman of the Kuwait Investment Authority, Bader Muhammad

    During the meeting the President of Armenia noted that after regaining
    independence Armenia adopted a policy of free market economy and as a
    developing country is ready to cooperate with the Investment
    Authority, creating proper conditions for a successful implementation
    of different investment programs. In his turn, Bader Muhammad
    Al-Sahadin said that the Investment Authority is implementing
    investment programs in a number of developing countries and will be
    happy to start cooperation with our country as well. Among possible
    areas of the implementation of the Investment Authority programs
    mentioned were areas of energy, agriculture, real estate, and mining.
    The parties reached agreement to send a group of Armenian experts to
    Kuwait, to discuss in detail with the Investment Authority the
    prospects of cooperation and real investment proposals.

    Serzh Sargsyan also met with the Executive Director of the Economic
    Development Fund Abdulwahab Ahmad al-Bader. The Fund is one of the
    major establishments among development institutions of the Gulf
    countries, whose efforts are aimed at the economic advancement of Arab
    and other developing states through loans, technical assistance
    grants, investment projects, and capital participation. President
    Sargsyan said that Armenia is interested in enhancing cooperation in
    different areas and is ready to start interaction with the Fund in
    different areas, creating necessary conditions for the implementation
    of the investment projects of different caliber. In his turn, the
    Executive Director of the Economic Development Fund stressed the
    importance of their participation in Armenia's economic development
    and expressed readiness to carefully discuss opportunities for
    cooperation and concrete investment projects with the group of experts
    which is arrive to Kuwait.

    At his residence, the President of Armenia met also with the Speaker
    of the National Assembly of Kuwait Jassem Mohammad al-Kharafi and the
    Prime Minister of Kuwait Nasir Al-Muhammad Al-Ahamd Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

    `This is my first visit to the Gulf country and is aimed at providing
    a new impetus to our relations with the countries of the Gulf region.
    Armenia is deeply interested in developing relations with Kuwait and
    other Gulf countries, and with this regard the Parliaments can play a
    significant role,' stressed Serzh Sargsyan during his meeting with the
    Speaker of the National Assembly of Kuwait. In his turn, Jassem
    Mohammad al-Kharafi underscored that high level reciprocal visits and
    contacts enhance bilateral relations and send a clear signal to the
    business communities of the two countries. The interlocutors concurred
    that bilateral relations have a great potential for development and
    stressed the importance of a more active engagement of the friendship
    groups in both Parliaments for deepening that cooperation. The Speaker
    of the National Assembly of Kuwait proposed to organize the Days of
    Armenia in Kuwait and to introduce the people of Kuwait to the tourism
    opportunities in Armenia since in Kuwait Armenia is known as a
    beautiful and attractive country.

    During the meeting with the Prime Minister of Kuwait discussed were
    issues related to the development of economic cooperation of the two
    countries. The parties noted that esteem and kind disposition of the
    Armenia and Arab peoples towards each other provided a fertile soil on
    which the cooperation in different areas can flourish, utilizing the
    entire potential of economic and cultural cooperation. Serzh Sargsyan
    said that Armenia has a positive experience of cooperation with a
    number of Gulf States and the Armenian-Kuwaiti cooperation can achieve
    considerable success if corresponding and persistent steps are taken.
    To implement the agreements reached during Serzh Sargsyan's visit and
    to institutionalize the development of bilateral relations, it was
    decided to establish an intergovernmental commission. The President of
    Armenia and the Prime Minister of Kuwait concurred that establishment
    of the embassies in Yerevan and El Kuwait would further promote
    bilateral relations and constant political dialogue, noting that the
    small trade turnover between the two countries does not reflect the
    existing potential. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two
    countries were instructed to take more active steps in consultations
    regarding opening of the embassies in the two capitals. They also
    reached agreement to speed up the process of preparing for signing the
    agreement between Armenia and Kuwait on encouragement and mutual
    protection of investments.

    At the conclusion of the first day of his state visit, the President
    of Armenia conducted negotiations with the Emir of Kuwait Sabah
    Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Expressing gratitude to the President of
    Armenia for accepting his invitation and coming to Kuwait on a state
    visit, Emir Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah expressed confidence that
    President Sargsyan's visit would serve as a strong impetus for moving
    forward cooperation in different areas, based on centuries-long
    friendship of the Arab and Armenian peoples, mutual fondness and
    esteem. `There are no obstacles or issues that could hinder the
    development of our relations. High level visits such as this one, are
    to be considered a strong impetus for the development of bilateral
    relations,' said the Emir of Kuwait. In his turn, President Sargsyan
    thanked the Emir of Kuwait for the invitation and warm reception and
    underlined that Armenia is deeply interested in developing political
    dialogue, economic and cultural cooperation with the State of Kuwait,
    adding that although not a large but well-organized Armenian community
    in Kuwait is a reliable bridge of friendship between the two
    countries. Serzh Sargsyan said that the Armenian authorities are ready
    to discuss thoroughly, create necessary conditions and provided
    assistance for the implementation in our country of the prospective
    investment programs. The President of Armenia and the Emir of Kuwait
    exchanged also views on the issues related to regional security,
    present problems and conflict resolution processes. Serzh Sargsyan
    informed the leader of Kuwait about the current stage of the
    Armenia-Turkey normalization process, substance of the NK issues and
    related peace process. The two sides stressed the importance of
    cooperation in multilateral settings ` in international organizations
    and structures. President Sargsyan expressed confidence that opening
    of the embassies and regular political consultations between the
    Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries will promote better
    understanding of each other's problems, which will in turn allow to
    come up with a well-founded positions during the discussions and
    voting. Sometimes, not sufficient information on Artsakh issue as well
    as undue and inadmissible misuse by Azerbaijan of religious solidarity
    results in the adoption by the Organization of Islamic Conference of
    unjustified decisions.

    At the conclusion of the negotiations on the highest level, President
    Sargsyan and the Emir of Kuwait were present at the official signing
    ceremony of the intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in the
    areas of agriculture, education, culture and tourism, as well as
    agreements on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax
    evasion. Serzh Sargsyan and Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber al-Ahmad
    al-Sabah assessed the signing of five intergovernmental agreements as
    a `significant result of the visit of the President of the Republic of
    Armenia and an important step in moving cooperation of the two
    countries forward.'

    After the high-level negotiations, in Bayan Palace in the capital of
    Kuwait, the Emir of Kuwait gave official dinner in honor of the
    President of Armenia.

    In the framework of the visit, President Sargsyan visited also a
    scientific center located in Salmiya area, where he was introduced to
    the activities of the center which is working on the problems of the
    Gulf ecosystem. Serzh Sargsyan toured the exhibit with marine animals,
    observed artifacts of the history of Kuwait, and made an inscription
    in the Book of honorary guests.

    During his meeting with President of the Commerce and Industry Chamber
    of Kuwait, President of Armenia welcomed the agreement on cooperation
    with the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Armenia. The parties reached
    agreement regarding the visit of the Kuwaiti businessmen to Armenia,
    where they can see first hand investment opportunities and look into
    the prospects of cooperation. The President of the Commerce and
    Industry Chamber of Kuwait extended invitation to the business circles
    and organizations of Armenia to participate in the implementation of
    the five-year development program of Kuwait.

    In the framework of his visit, President Serzh Sargsyan met also with
    the representatives of the Armenian community of Kuwait, told them
    about the results of the visit and reached agreements, as well as
    Armenia's social and economic development, the necessity of
    preservation of the Armenian identity and Armenia-Spyurq unity,
    Armenia-Turkey normalization process and the NK peace process. He also
    answered questions raised by our brothers and sisters residing in