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BAKU: Russian economist expects Nabucco gas pipeline project to fail

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  • BAKU: Russian economist expects Nabucco gas pipeline project to fail, Azerbaijan
    Nov 7 2009

    Russian economist expects Nabucco gas pipeline project to fail
    Sat 07 November 2009 | 06:35 GMT Text size:

    Mikhail Khazin News.Az interviews Mikhail Khazin, Russian economist
    and president of the Neocon consulting company.

    How will the Armenian economy benefit from the opening of the
    Armenian-Turkish borders? What separate dividends will Armenia and
    Turkey gain? Is the normalization of relations between these two
    countries based on political or economic motives?

    On the whole, the normalization of these relations is a principal
    issue of today's geopolitics. It sounds like this: if the Caucasus has
    a strong player, he is interested in peace, interaction and the
    absence of external actors. Several big "external" superpowers,
    primarily England and the United States, are traditional actors in the

    They backed the wars in the 1990s (and even the conflicts of the
    "late" USSR) and they are mongering wars today, while there are only
    two and a half `internal' players in the region. These are Russia,
    Turkey and Iran (as a half). They are really interested in creating
    the predicted system of internal security in the Caucasus and the
    maximum agreement of all participants in the political process.

    As for Azerbaijan, for it the export of energy sources via Russia is
    no worse than in any other directions and it does not pose any threat
    to Europe (but it is threatening to the US with the consolidation of
    the `Eastern' direction of European policy)

    Mikhail Khazin
    Other participants (primarily, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia, though
    the latter is ruled not by the national elite but by a pro-American
    group used to raise tensions in the region) are interested in it.
    Armenia and Turkey have always maintained economic relations and here
    the normalization of political relations would also be positive.

    The head of Armenia's financial-budget commission, Gagik Minasyan,
    said Armenia is at a critical point of economic recession and `there
    can be nothing worse than this'. At the peak of the economic crisis
    Moscow provided colossal financial assistance to Yerevan. Is it
    profitable for Moscow to draw its economically weak partner out of the
    crisis in which Armenia has been for several years already? Why does
    Moscow take such seemingly inexpedient steps?

    I can say about the phrase `there can be nothing worse than this' that
    this is either a policy or misunderstanding. As for Moscow, being the
    second important player in the Caucasus, it is also interested in
    stability and is doing much for all the countries of the region. I
    would like to recall the money transfers home by members of the
    Azerbaijani diaspora living in Russia. Everything was relatively good
    with Georgia until Saakashvili came to power.

    But it has been established historically that Armenia and Russia have
    closer relations, including in connection with Azerbaijan's more
    multi-vectoral foreign policy. I think this will have a major
    influence on developments. All the countries of the region have the
    same basic interest ` normalization of the political situation and
    economic development.

    How do you assess Azerbaijan's economic state? Has Azerbaijan's
    economy proved strong amid the financial crisis?

    Azerbaijan should diversify its economy as prices for oil and demand
    will decline in the medium term. But now that the the price for oil is
    declining more slowly than for most other resources, the situation in
    the country will be more or less stable. Anyway, it is important for
    Azerbaijan, as for any small state, to look to the future as
    reasonably as possible and not to yield to provocations.

    What economic goals is Russia pursuing in the normalization of
    Turkish-Armenian relations? What are Armenia's losses resulting from
    its isolation by Turkey and Azerbaijan?

    It is difficult to speak of the economy now, as it is hard to separate
    political losses (isolation) from economic (crisis). As I have already
    said, political stability in the region and driving out external
    powers that threaten political stability is a key element for Russia

    Why is Europe accelerating the normalization of Armenian-Turkish
    relations, forgetting that winter is coming and it should not worsen
    ties with Azerbaijan which can now sell its energy sources via Russia?
    Europe is again making itself dependent on Russia, though they have
    lately attempted to get rid of this dependence.

    Europe has its own problems. It has its "principles" (mostly imposed
    within the framework of the Atlantic unity with the United States and
    the Eastern European countries after they joined the EU) and includes
    the interests of specific countries (for example, France and Germany).
    Today, their debates have become common (for example, on construction
    of gas pipelines "bypassing" [Russia], though it is unclear how
    Nabucco differs economically from North Stream, the difference is only
    in geopolitics), which means that the EU is starting to undertake
    debatable issues.

    England and the United States, are traditional actors in the Caucasus.
    They backed the wars in the 1990s

    Mikhail Khazin
    As for Azerbaijan, for it the export of energy sources via Russia is
    no worse than in any other direction and does not pose any threat to
    Europe, but it is threatening to the US with the consolidation of the
    `Eastern' direction in European policy. I implied these things, when I
    wrote in my previous responses that political provocations should be

    Some analysts say that the signing of the protocols has significantly
    cooled the strategic and partnership relations between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. And the first result was that Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev said Baku had failed to agree on Azerbaijani gas transit with
    Ankara. And now Azerbaijan views Russia as one of the alternative
    routes for Azerbaijani gas transit. Thus, the Nabucco pipeline is
    losing its importance, giving way to South Stream initiated by Moscow.
    Don't you think that the Kremlin is interested in cooling relations
    between Turkey and Azerbaijan to bury Nabucco and push Europe into
    implementing the South Stream project?

    Certainly, Russia does not need Nabucco. Perhaps, it is economically
    profitable for Turkey but it is politically a headache as it concerns
    Turkish policy towards America's line in Europe, while the United
    States has failed to execute their main duty ` to persuade the EU to
    admit Turkey.

    Considering the developing crisis that will most likely destroy the
    system of "Atlantic unity" (though not at once), Turkey needs to
    change its policy, and it is gradually doing this, and to strengthen
    the northern (Russia), eastern (Iran) and southern (Islam) components.
    And I do not rule out that agreements with Russia may compensate
    purely financially for the absence of Nabucco, while agreements on
    Karabakh, which will probably be implemented after the main
    geopolitical schemes in the region are established, will become
    serious compensation for Azerbaijan.

    But the most important thing here is the construction of the Caucasus
    market, as external markets will be restricted for all countries,
    especially energy exporters, because of the global economic crisis.
