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Europe to mark 500th anniversary of Armenian book printing

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  • Europe to mark 500th anniversary of Armenian book printing

    Europe to mark 500th anniversary of Armenian book printing

    2009-11-07 16:11:00

    ArmInfo. Europe is going to mark the 500th anniversary of Armenian
    book printing.

    Armenian Culture Minister Hasmik Poghosyan said at today's
    press-conference that Armenian will shortly considers all the
    proposals received from European countries concerning organization of
    exhibitions of Armenian books. For example, Zurich expressed
    willingness to completely dedicate its international fair to Armenia.
    The minister pointed out that according to preliminary data, Armenia
    will be able to participate in foreign activities on marking the
    Armenian book printing anniversary. As regards the insurance of works
    of culture and art, which is an important component of such guest
    exhibitions, Poghosyan said that various sponsors, including an
    insurance company, are providing their support. Moreover, sometimes
    the hosting country covers most of insurance costs.