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Caucasus' Frozen Conflicts Not So Frozen, Sokor Says

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  • Caucasus' Frozen Conflicts Not So Frozen, Sokor Says

    Author: Vladimir Sokor

    NewEurope - -frozen-conflicts-not-so-frozen-Sokor-says-/97375. php
    Nov 9 2009

    Many foreign experts are concerned today about how Kazakhstan is going
    to work in 2010 as the OSCE chair. Astana has hosted an international
    conference to discuss the mission Kazakhstan is going to take on in two
    months. The range of questions discussed at the conference was broad:
    regional security, energy, economy, and human rights. Among the foreign
    speakers invited to the conference was an analyst from the Jamestown
    Foundation, Vladimir Sokor. The speakers at the one-day conference
    in Astana were representatives of a working group on preparation for
    Kazakhstan's OSCE chairmanship, formed by two American institutes -
    CSIS and IND. IND is the Institute of New Democracy, Washington. CSIS
    is the Center for Strategic and International Studies, also in
    Washington. It is a US leading consulting and analytical institute
    on foreign politics. Sokor is one of the analysts making the working
    group. His speech was titled The Frozen Conflicts in OSCE Space. Next
    year Kazakhstan will have to decide on a tangle of complex and knotty
    problems connected with the well-known conflicts, including Georgia
    and South Ossetia, Moldova, and Nagorno Karabach.

    Sokor gave an exclusive interview to New Europe Correspondent in
    Astana Kulpash Konyrova about the OSCE, conflicts in the Caucasus
    and the Nabucco gas pipeline.

    Mr. Sokor, at the very beginning of your speech you said that "the
    expectations of Kazakhstan's OSCE Chairmanship should not be too
    high". Why do think so?

    What I mean is that Kazakhstan will inherit not only the privileges
    and powers, but also the deficiencies that have had place over the
    entire period of OSCE operations. It is a known fact that over the
    past 16 years OSCE has had failed to negotiate resolutions for some
    conflicts in the OSCE space. Secondly, let us remember that the last
    successful chairmanship of the OSCE was nine years ago, when Romania
    held that post. Those countries that came after it did not deliver.

    The evaluation given to them by the experts was just that -
    disappointment. It is not a secret that some countries set just one
    goal for themselves - to survive the 12 months of chairmanship. That
    is why they kept to the following tactic: just not to make bad mistakes
    and not to harm the organization itself. So, considering this difficult
    legacy, I say that the expectations of Kazakhstan's chairmanship
    should not be too high. In my view, that task Kazakhstan is facing is
    to try to improve the situation and to achieve better results from
    the earlier decisions on conflict resolution. For example, today we
    all see that the well-known Medvedev-Sarkozy plan on the Georgia -
    Ossetia conflict is not being fulfilled.

    Can you once again name and characterize those frozen conflicts that
    Kazakhstan should pay attention to in the future?

    First of all, the experts are no longer using the term "frozen
    conflict" as "frozen" means that nobody is dealing with it. The term
    that is used now is "protracted conflicts". Second, it should be noted
    that many of the conflicts that I will talk about below had started
    as internal, but since the 1990s, they have mutated and grown into
    international conflicts. The most sensitive issues that Kazakhstan
    will have to address include Afghanistan, Georgia and Ossetia,
    Nagorno-Karabach, Crimea, Moldova, and the Balkans, where the latest
    developments have shown the signs that the conflict may erupt with a
    new force again. As far as the characteristics of the conflicts are
    concerned, the most urgent and sensitive issue today is territorial
    integrity and recognition of international borders. Thus, in 2008,
    Russia demanded that the territorial integrity of Georgia should
    be respected. However, it does not recognize its unity. Instead,
    it recognizes two new states (South Ossetia and Abkhazia - note by
    NE) that made part of Georgia before. As is known, no OSCE country,
    including your Kazakhstan, has recognized these states. The problem of
    territorial integrity lies in the core of another Caucasus conflict,
    Nagorno-Karabach. In my speech at the conference I noted that some
    progress could be seen on this conflict, thanks, on one side, to the
    internal policy of the country (the Azerbaijan government), and to
    the initiative of the new US Administration, on the other side. The
    White House has made an attempt to resolve this conflict quickly. Its
    essence was to open the border between Turkey and Armenia. And the US
    has succeeded in breaking the first barrier, as Turkey has agreed to
    make this step. However, we should remember that the opening of the
    borders between Turkey and Armenia was linked, according to the earlier
    agreements reached on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabach conflict,
    to the withdrawal of the Armenian troops from Nagorno-Karabach. So
    for Kazakhstan, as the OSCE chairman next year, it is important to
    note that these two processes - the opening of the borders and the
    withdrawal of the Armenian troops from Nagorno Karabach - should
    be simultaneous.

    Going back to the theme of the Caucasus, I cannot but ask about
    the Nabucco project. It is not a secret that this project causes
    disagreements on different levels between the West and Russia.

    The Nabucco gas pipeline is just a part of an ambitious EU project The
    Southern Corridor that also includes several other new pipelines. On
    the whole, the proposed capacity of the Southern Corridor is designed
    to deliver 80 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe per year. The
    project relies on the gas from Central Asia. This is why the main
    political goal of the European Union today is to provide a direct
    access to Europe for the Central Asian resources, bypassing Russia,
    through the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus. But what are the capabilities
    of the Central Asian countries? Let's start from Kazakhstan. From a
    conversation with the Kazakh officials from the Ministry of Energy I
    have understood that the Republic currently has no spare volumes of
    gas to join this project. The main hopes are placed on the promising
    reserves of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

    However, the inclusion of that same Turkmenistan in the Nabucco
    project is presently under a question mark, as this gas pipeline
    is designed mainly for gas from Azerbaijan, Iraq, and Egypt. And it
    has very little room for the Central Asian gas. If the European Union
    offers to that same Turkmenistan the annual volumes of 5 billion cubic
    meters of gas in Nabucco (the designed annual capacity of Nabucco is
    30 to 31 billion cubic meters), it will make no sense for Turkmenistan
    to spoil its relationship with Russia for such a small volume. That
    is why the Southern Corridor is proposed, to make it beneficial for
    the Central Asian republics to go by this route.

    But why cook a hare before catching him... Nabucco is not even
    built yet...

    The European Union has now noticeably intensified its efforts on this
    project and has started concrete actions.