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Sen. Reid Pressures Administration Over Armenia-Turkey Deal

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  • Sen. Reid Pressures Administration Over Armenia-Turkey Deal

    By Kevin Bogardus

    The Hill -pressures-administration-on-armenia-turkey-deal
    N ov 8 2009

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has applied subtle pressure
    on the Obama administration over a U.S.-brokered deal between Armenia
    and Turkey.

    In an Oct. 20 letter to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton,
    Reid said she should meet with Armenian-American leaders to hear their
    concerns about the agreement between the two countries. Activists are
    particularly worried about one provision of the agreement that would
    set up a historical commission to review the events surrounding the
    massacre of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks
    during World War I.

    "I have received many letters from Nevadans who do not support the
    creation of an international commission to examine the historical
    record on the genocide and who believe that the agreements are unfair
    to Armenia," Reid wrote to Clinton, including a sample letter from
    one of his constituents.

    "Given the serious nature of the community's concerns, I felt it
    was important to raise them directly with you. The commission is
    particularly sensitive to the Armenian-American community since the
    Armenian genocide has never been recognized by Turkey," Reid wrote.

    The Democratic leader then encouraged Clinton to meet with activists
    from the Armenian community.

    Lawmakers are gathering co-sponsors for resolutions that would
    recognize the early 19th century massacre as genocide. Last week, Rep.

    Steven LaTourette (R-Ohio) signed onto the House resolution and Sen.

    Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) added his name to the list of co-sponsors
    to the Senate version.

    The House resolution, sponsored by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.),
    now has 135 co-sponsors while the Senate version, introduced by Sen.

    Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) in late October, has six co-sponsors.

    Reid is not listed as a co-sponsor yet of the Senate resolution. But
    he said in a separate Oct. 30 letter to an Armenian-American activist
    that he recognizes the killings as genocide.

    "I have always, and will continue to, recognize the terrible atrocities
    that took place in 1915 as genocide. As I said to those gathered
    for the Armenian American Cultural Society of Las Vegas' annual
    commemoration on April 19, 2009, I believe that the United States
    should acknowledge the Armenian Genocide," Reid wrote in the letter.

    Despite the historic agreement reached between Armenia and Turkey
    last month, both sides are preparing for a lobbying battle over the
    resolutions. The Turkish government opposes the resolutions and has
    threatened relations with the United States over the measures in the
    past. Because of potential retaliation by Turkey, Speaker Nancy Pelosi
    (D-Calif.) retreated from bringing the resolution up for a floor vote
    in 2007.

    The letters were released to reporters on Friday by the Armenian
    National Committee of America.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress