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CCAF on blatant violations of fair trial principles at of Chakhalyan

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  • CCAF on blatant violations of fair trial principles at of Chakhalyan

    CCAF France
    Conseil de Coordination des Organisations Arméniennes de France
    34, avenue de Champs Elysées - 75008 Paris (France)
    e-mail: <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
    Tél. : 01 43 59 65 19

    The Statement of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organisations of
    France (CCAF) on blatant violations of principles of the fair trial of
    Vahagn Chakhalyan in Georgia

    October 13, 2009

    On September 5, 2009 the Coordination Council of Armenian
    Organisations of France mandated Mr Philippe Kalfayan (lawyer, expert
    by the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Directorate of the Council of
    Europe, and secretary general of the FIDH from 2001 to 2007) to
    observe the ongoing trial of Vahagn Chakhalyan in the Court of Appeals
    of Tbilisi (Georgia).

    The president of the political movement `Democratic Alliance `United
    Javakhk', Vahagn Chakhalyan, is one of the leaders of the Armenian
    minority residing in Samtskhe-Javakheti province in Georgia. He was
    arrested in his residence on July 21, 2008, and then jailed and put on
    trial for alleged acquisition and possession of firearms, a charge
    which he pleaded not-guilty. On April 7, 2009, he was sentenced by the
    Akhalskha District Court to 10 years of imprisonment for `illegal
    possession of firearms', but also for `participation in mass actions
    disturbing the law and public order' and `hooliganism'.

    >From a strictly legal point of view, both the observations, made
    during the Court hearings on September 18, and the study of the
    judicial documents reveal the violations of the principles of a fair
    trial by the Georgian authorities, especially Vahagn Chakhalyan's
    rights to defense:

    - The accumulation of the criminal charges on the mass protest actions
    of 2005 and 2006 surprisingly took place during the trial in the Court
    of First Instance on December 3, 2008, due to a new law adopted in the
    interval. That law authorizes the accumulation of charges and
    application of relevant punishment and penalties, as long as the
    criminal offences in question have not expired; the date of the
    proceedings of the offences being taken as a reference. The
    application of this new law in Chakhalyan's case, even if it seems
    that the procedures have been met, clearly demonstrates the will of
    the Georgian authorities to convict Chakhalyan of a serious crime and
    keep him in jail for a longer term, because for the offence of
    possession of weapon he could be sentenced to only one year

    - Until September 18, 2009, the date when the hearings of the Court of
    Appeals were resumed, no examination of the weapons, hypothetically
    belonging to Chakhalyan, was carried out. This time the Court's next
    hearing was postponed to October 23, in anticipation of the
    examination results.

    - The Prosecutor refused the presence of independent experts and
    defense lawyers to observe examination of the weapons; in this respect
    a lawsuit was filed by Chakhalyan's lawyers to dispute this decision.

    - The translation of the Court debates into Armenian has been
    incomplete and of a very bad quality. As a result, both the accused
    and his Armenian lawyer cannot follow the debates, thus, the equity of
    the debates is grossly and openly ridiculed. This implies a violation
    of Article 6 (paragraph 3e) of the European Convention of the Human

    - The refusal of the Court of First Instance to allow the accused or
    his lawyers to summon and interrogate some of the witnesses of
    prosecution, is an obvious violation of Article 6 (paragraph 3d) of
    the European Convention of the Human rights; It is also a violation of
    Article 42 (paragraph 6) of the Georgian Constitution. The Court of
    Appeal did not reconsider this refusal and justified its rejection of
    the motions lodged by the Armenian lawyers by claiming that no motion
    had been filed in the Court of First

    - The refusal of the Georgian Ministry of Justice, that drafted and
    made the Georgian Parliament ratify urgently a legislative amendment
    prohibiting access of foreign lawyers to the Georgian courts, and the
    subsequent refusal to register Chakhalyan's French lawyer, is another
    blatant violation of Article 6 (paragraph 3c) of the European
    Convention of Human rights, as well as Article 42 of Georgian
    Constitution. Lawsuit to the Constitutional Court of Georgia will be
    lodged without delay by one of Chakhalyan's lawyers.

    The Coordination Council of Armenian Organisations of France questions
    the motives that lay behind the willingness of the Georgian
    authorities to violate in such a blatant and targeted manner the
    rights of Vahagn Chakhalyan to a fair trial and to infringe the
    international engagements of the Republic of Georgia.

    Reports of Human Rights NGOs, as well as institutional organizations
    such as ABA (American Bar Association) stress an overall deficiency of
    the judicial system in Georgia and the unlimited influence of the
    Prosecution, in other words, of the dominance of the Executive
    power. However, this general situation could not exonerate from the
    judicial relentlessness of the Georgian authorities against Vahagn

    The Coordination Council of Armenian Organisations of France
    legitimately raises the question of the correlation between the
    demands of Vahagn Chakhalyan concerning the linguistic, religious,
    socio-cultural and educational rights of the Armenian minority of
    Samtskhe-Javakheti of Georgia and his judicial pursuit: is there an
    intention to fully neutralize Chakhalyan, through conviction of the
    latter, eliminating any spirit of demand for the respect of the rights
    of the Armenian population of Samtskhe-Javakheti?

    Consequently, Coordination Council of Armenian organisations of France
    call upon the Georgian authorities:

    - To put an end to this unfair lawsuit, and to restore all the rights
    of Vahagn Chakhalyan;

    - To abolish anti-constitutional law forbidding foreign lawyers to
    defend their clients in the Georgian courts;

    - To respect the legal obligations inherent to international
    engagements of the Republic of Georgia, in particular the
    International Pact on the Civil and Political Rights and the European
    Convention of Human rights, two instruments to which the Georgian
    State is a party, and whose normative primacy is recognized by article
    6 of the Georgian Constitution;

    - To give a special consideration and respect to all the provisions of
    Article 6 of the European Convention of Human rights, that provides
    that any person is entitled to a fair and public hearing of his case
    by an independent and impartial tribunal establishing equality between
    the prosecution and defense.