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BAKU: Armenian 'Homeland' Concept Might Affect Turkey And Georgia

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  • BAKU: Armenian 'Homeland' Concept Might Affect Turkey And Georgia


    Nov 9 2009

    Trend News European Desk Commentator Elmira Tariverdiyeva

    Recent changes in the geopolitical situation in the South Caucasus
    have led to a dangerous trend for the region - and sharply exacerbated
    Armenians' feelings of a homeland around the world.

    The lesson for Azerbaijan, which has conflicted with Armenia over the
    seizure of its lands for almost 20 years now, seems to have taught
    little to neighboring countries.

    In the late 1980s, leaders of Armenian nationalist organizations
    launched plans to expand the territory of the future independent
    Armenia, sensing the approach of the Soviet Union's collapse.

    The Armenian diaspora ardently supported these plans - specifically,
    representatives of the Dashnaktsutun party, whose activities were
    banned in the Soviet era.

    Recent regional developments show that Armenians throughout the
    world do not restrict their territorial claims to Nagorno-Karabakh. A
    new movement has launched under the slogan: "Return The Homeland to
    Armenians - Despite Its Present Owners."

    I would like to emphasize that the issue does not concern the claims
    of the current Armenian authorities or citizens. Territorial claims
    are the trump card, and the eternal banner of the Armenian diaspora
    across the world, along with the issue of so-called "genocide" in 1915.

    And now, the Armenian diaspora is focused on seizing land from Georgia
    and Turkey.

    Acclaimed singer and Armenian Ambassador to Switzerland Charles
    Aznavour underscored the necessity for Turkey to return Armenia's
    lands, Armenia Today reported.

    "When I was born in 1924, Armenia was promised the land would be
    returned," Aznavour said in an interview with the RAI 3 Italian
    television channel. "I am already 85 years old and I cannot wait
    any longer. In 1924, Stalin promised to return Erzurum, Erznakan,
    Sebastia, Kharberd, Tigranakert, Bitlis, Van, Mush and Siirt to
    Armenia. According to the Treaty of Sevres, 'Wilsonian Armenia'
    also included Trapizon, Erzurum Van and Bitlis, Erzurum."

    In early September, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan made a statement
    that the Armenian language should be declared a regional language
    in Javakheti.

    Afterward, Armenians living in Georgia immediately sent a letter
    to the Armenian government, asking for protection from Georgians
    and Azerbaijanis living in Georgia. According to the Akhali Taoba
    newspaper, the letter was signed by the Armenian population in
    Kvemo Kartli.

    Institute of History of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences
    Director Ashot Melkonyan believes Armenians in Javakheti "live on
    their native land.

    "Regardless of Georgia's resistance, it eventually will have to agree
    that Armenians are living here on their own territory," Panarmenian
    quoted the professor as saying.

    The process has started and these claims will lead to concrete action.

    Armenians in the diaspora will have the chance to speak about
    historical injustice and this will lead to the destabilization of
    the South Caucasus region.

    Armenian historians and chroniclers also actively support struggles
    for historical justice, arguing that the right to most lands in the
    South Caucasus historically belongs to Armenians.

    One should not challenge the opinion of these or other people about
    historical troubles in the region. If we look at history, then we
    can see that many states can push claims to various territories that
    were under their domination at some period in history. If Mongolia
    today would lay claim to Russian territory, as the land was under the
    Tatar-Mongol yoke for 300 years, this would puzzle the international
    community to say the least

    One cannot deny that the "homeland" concept for Armenians living
    abroad has long united their nation. This is beneficial for the
    national mentality, and what Armenians refer to as their homeland is
    quite a specific territory.

    Even in 1914, Armenian historian Kevork Aslan in the book "Armenia and
    Armenians" wrote that the "Armenians had no statehood. They are not
    bound by a sense of homeland and not bound by political ties. Armenian
    patriotism is associated with only a place of residence.

    Over their long history, Armenians lived on the territory of many
    countries, and safely remain in some of these lands. It seems that
    residency in a particular nation in the Armenian consciousness means
    that these territories historically belong to Armenian lands.

    Although the Armenian government knows that compromises in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, opening the border with Turkey and keeping
    a healthy partnership with Georgia will positively influence domestic
    processes in the country, the Armenian lobby abroad will do everything
    they can to maintain their leverage.

    Turkey and Georgia have to fear the scenario tested by the Armenians
    in Nagorno-Karabakh in the late 20th century. Armenians find their
    historic homeland in any location once inhabited even partially by
    Armenians, and begin to actively fight for the seizure of foreign

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress