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Edgar Housepian - A Doctor's Doctor to be Honored by FAR

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  • Edgar Housepian - A Doctor's Doctor to be Honored by FAR

    Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR)
    Press Office
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 889-5150; Fax: (212) 889-4849
    email: [email protected]

    A Doctor's Doctor to be Honored by Fund for Armenian Relief
    By Florence Avakian
    CITY, NY -----
    A modest, unassuming, laid back and
    extraordinarily gifted and giving individual is Dr. Edgar M. Housepian, a
    renowned neurosurgeon, and professor. These praiseworthy personal
    traits belie a medical professional whose awards and honors crowd many
    pages. Visiting him at the world famous Presbyterian Hospital where so
    many of his accomplishments have been performed, I found him in a small office,
    lined with paintings of Armenia, happily continuing his research, even though
    he has been in retirement for 11 years.
    On January 15, 2010, Dr. Housepian will be
    honored at a gala banquet, sponsored by the Fund
    for Armenian Relief (FAR) for his vast
    contributions to medicine, and for the relief and medical efforts in
    Armenia. The event will take place at Cipriani, downtown.
    During an exclusive interview with this writer
    at Presbyterian Hospital, Dr. Housepian revealed that his motivation for going
    into medicine and especially neurosurgery started with his father whom "I loved
    and respected very much. He had graduated from medical school in 1905, but
    they didn't have specialties in those days. He was a surgeon, delivered
    babies, and did everything. But after medicine advanced, fields developed, he
    gave up surgery and obstetrics, and ended his career by being an internist and
    a general family doctor. It must have been in my mind that medicine
    was a very fulfilling field."
    The young Edgar Housepian got his first job as
    an orderly in the operating room in New York Hospital at age 14, "when World
    War II was on, and manpower was hard up. I saw all sorts of
    operations, even helped out in the autopsy suite. Then I was asked to
    scrub on a couple of neurosurgical operations. When you're 15 years old, that's
    pretty awesome. It no doubt at least subconsciously influenced my future
    career. But I buried that thought, and joined the Navy when
    I turned 17 because I wanted to fly."
    A Passion to Fly
    He calls himself "a rotten kid, like most," when
    he was young. "While in bed with poison ivy I would cut out coupons for all of
    the flying schools in Flying Magazine. My family was not amused when
    occasionally representatives would come to the door. When I was 15, I "fudged"
    my birth certificate and went to Canada to join the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air
    Force). When I got there, they laughed and sent me home." He
    finally joined the Navy V-5 program but left at the end of WWII because he
    realized that Naval Aviation was not to be his
    career and instead completed college and enrolled in medical school.
    Neuroscience is even more
    interesting, and burgeoning today because of the advancement in knowledge," he
    notes. "Since I started medical school in 1949, half of what I learned is now wrong,
    and the other half I have forgotten. So you have to keep learning. Over
    the years, the field has become more and more specialized and even
    sub-specialized. This is better for patients."
    Since he retired 11 years ago, at age 70, he has
    continued fielding a neuroscience review course at Columbia University started
    32 years ago. At retirement, the dean of the school "gave me a long
    title, but no salary. I was miffed at first, but then realized how lucky
    I am. If the dean had given me a small salary, every time he burped, I would have
    had to salute," he
    says chuckling. "This way I'm able to do what I wanted - to be active with students
    and faculty in
    their global interests, continuing to develop affiliations with over 20 medical
    schools around the world, and stay involved with health care in Armenia. It's very
    fulfilling. I'm not
    a retiree who plays golf. When you stop active practice, if you're honest
    with yourself, it's like stepping off the train. You're standing at the
    station, and the train is 20 miles down the track. I can't teach
    neurosurgery because it's changed that much."
    First among his heroes has been Dr. J. Lawrence
    Pool whom he calls his "father figure, benefactor, teacher. Everything was
    special about him. He was national squash champion, sailed across the Atlantic,
    piloted float planes, had a great sense of humor and had a thousand new ideas
    every month, a true Renaissance man. He kept you on your toes, and
    supported you."
    The Dr.
    Edgar Housepian Professorship in Neurological Surgery which was established
    by Columbia University Board of Trustees is one of dozens of awards and honors
    that he has received. Others that he is most proud of include the Presidential Citation
    from the Republic
    of Armenia in 1994; Honorary Doctor of
    Science by Armenia's Academy of Sciences, and Honorary Doctor of Medicine
    by Yerevan State Medical University in 1997; and the Humanitarian Award by the American
    Association of Neurological
    Surgeons in 2002. He has also authored more than 100 articles on
    Dedication to FAR
    One of three leaders who created the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) after the
    1988 devastating earthquake, under the sponsorship of the Diocese of the
    Armenian Church, Dr. Housepian followed in the footsteps of his parents who
    were deeply involved in the Armenian-American community. His father had
    gone to Armenia in 1916, and his mother had been a member of the AGBU Central
    Committee for 30 years. "They entertained Armenian clergy and
    officials from overseas. I was immersed in it, but never involved while
    my career was developing."
    Two years before the earthquake, Archbishop
    Torkom Manoogian called him and informed him that Catholicos Vasken I was
    coming to NY, and had a severe back problem. "With his white beard, he always made
    me think of God
    and Santa Claus," he remarks with a smile. Dr. Housepian admitted him into
    the hospital, "but he started getting better and I didn't have to operate on him
    and was very relieved. I look back on his
    admission sheet, and it says 'Occupation, Pope'," he says laughing. That
    was his connection with the church until then and
    he points out that he and his three children were baptized in New York's Holy Cross
    Immediately following the earthquake, he called
    the Primate, and offered his services. "Anything I've done is because I
    have had access to so many support services." He called the president of
    New York Presbyterian Hospital, Dr, Thomas Morris, and the next day a large
    room had been set up with a phone bank, with several volunteers from the
    hospital and community. Within five days, they had collected millions of
    dollars of drugs, instruments. Dozens of physicians
    - 30 with active passports - volunteered to go to Armenia. "I can't
    believe how easily it happened."
    However, in the middle of the night, Dr.
    Housepian received a telephone call from Dr. Marat Vartanian, who had spent
    time at the New York Psychiatric Institute at Columbia and was the head of
    psychiatric research in the Soviet Union, telling him not to come to Armenia
    because there was a plethora of doctors from Europe, the Soviet Union, and
    there was no hotel space. The volunteer trip was canceled, but the equipment was
    sent. At that point, it was decided that Archbishop Torkom, Kevork Hovnanian and
    Housepian should go to see how the church could be of help, hence the creation of
    "It was an awesome experience. Leninakan
    (today's Gyumri) was almost totally destroyed. There was nothing but coffins all
    over. If we had taken our team of 30 doctors, we could not have done
    anything. I shared a very small room with Kevork
    for 10 days, and no doubt we bonded then." Close to a million
    dollars was raised through the Diocese for humanitarian relief. The FAR board was
    then formed by the Primate, Hovnanian and
    Three weeks after
    the three leaders returned from Armenia, another team was sent to Armenia with
    Drs. John Nersessian, orthopedic surgeon at Presbyterian; Dick Fraser, Cornell
    University neurosurgeon; Dick Gulian, head of plastic surgery at Memorial
    Sloan-Kettering; and John Stanley Meyers, professor of rehabilitation and
    medicine at Columbia University. Their recommendation was that
    after the emergency period was over, the best contribution would be in medical
    education in Armenia, because it was still 30 years behind western medicine
    Later, Annette Choolfaian, Professor
    of the New York School of Public Health and a FAR Board member, and Dr. John
    Nercessian went back to Yerevan to find a working location for the surgical
    team, which was set to arrive in January 1993 at the request of the Armenian
    Health Ministry for complex surgery on victims of the earthquake and Karabagh
    war. Professor Choolfaian and Dr. Nercessian secured the kind permission of the
    AGBU to use the just-refurbished surgical suite in the Mikaelyan Hospital.
    Fellowship Program
    That's when the FAR Fellowship Program was
    started with a tremendous support of Dr. John Bilezekian, at the time head of the
    endocrinology at
    Cornell. Eventually close to 90
    doctors from Armenia selected by the Ministry of Health have benefited from
    their three-month training in America. Four of them became
    Ministers of Health, and three the directors of major hospitals. Medical
    librarians also benefited, with one of them becoming director of the Republican
    Scientific Medical Library in Yerevan which Dr. Housepian would like to rename
    the National Library of Medicine of Armenia.
    With obvious excitement, Dr. Housepian relates
    that these former Medical Fellows formed their own fellows alumni association -
    named the FARFAA. One of the first FAR medical fellows, Dr. Bella Grigorian,
    with Dr. Gevorg Yaghjyan, Vice-Rector of the Yerevan State Medical University and
    Dr. Hambardzum Simonyan, Director of FAR/Yerevan Medical Programs, started a Continuing
    Medical Education program
    (CME) fashioned after what they saw in Salzburg, Austria. This project
    entails bringing doctors who have never seen anything new since they left
    medical school, from the provinces to Yerevan for a month where they are housed,
    receive a stipend and hands-on training by the best medical personnel
    who do so voluntarily. The new recruits
    also get special equipment for their local hospitals and are encouraged to pass
    on the information to their communities. "The wonderful thing is they thought
    it up, and are running it so very well. We're just financially supporting it," he
    says, adding that he hopes the
    celebratory function on January 15 will be successful enough so that many more
    physicians can attend the refresher program each year.
    Anna Shirinian, Director of the Republican
    Scientific Medical Library, has turned the National Library into a modern
    medical information center. She has set up a computer lab and English as
    a Second Language (ESL) program for which she has been honored with the gold
    medal from the Armenian president. During a ten year period, FAR also
    sent medical journals because the Library had no western literature. "Although the
    program is supported by the Armenian government, we would like to
    see a brand new building to be a regional showplace."
    First For Armenia
    Dr. Housepian says that medical care in Armenia
    today is better than under the Soviet system. But his primary focus is on
    medical education, "the only key to improving health care. All the things
    in which FAR has been involved have
    contributed to the development of close working relationship between the
    Medical School, health ministry and parliamentary health commission. That's a first
    for Armenia", he declares with pride, adding, Many of the former
    FAR Medical Fellows formed the FAR FAA (FAR Medical Fellows Alumni
    Association), " This is entirely their own idea. We're only advising and
    supporting them."
    The new Rector of the Medical School, Dr. Gohar
    Kyalyan, created an international advisory board with Dr. Aram Chobanian,
    President and Dean Emeritus of Boston Universityand FAR Board member, as chair.
    Dr.Chobanian has
    received a grant from the Lincy Foundation to support Dr. Kyalyan's
    program for curricular reform. The educational and postgraduate training
    system will be changed, among other advantages. "Education isn't sexy in
    fundraising circles but it's very important". Dr. Housepian, again states
    that the only reason he agreed to be the focal point of the January 15 gala is
    so that funds can be raised for these medical programs.
    Early Roots
    The personal story of Dr. Housepian's family is
    intimately tied to the Genocide. His father, a college student in Kessab
    during the 1894 massacres, escaped by swimming to a ship, and stowing away to
    Alexandria, Egypt where he worked in vaudeville for almost a year. "He
    used to sing me to sleep with wonderful songs." Earning enough to
    go to England, his father put himself through pharmacy school, then emigrated
    to America in 1900, working his way through the Long Island College of
    Medicine. Graduating in 1905, and after completing two years of
    internship/residency he sailed from New York to Barbados and up the
    Amazon river as ship's doctor. In 1916, he went to Russia
    with the American Red Cross, then to Etchmiadzin, to take care of refugees from
    the Genocide. Returning to America, he started his medical practice.
    His mother, who hailed from Izmir, was secretary
    for an American woman, director of an orphanage and came to America with her in
    1920. His grandmother came to America in 1923 and lived with the
    Housepian family. "She always wore black. She was in mourning her
    whole life. Her
    oldest son was killed and just as she and my grandfather were leaving
    the pier at Smyrna to board a ship, he
    collapsed and she was not allowed to turn back to see if he was alive or dead",
    he says sadly.
    His early family life taught him the value of
    independence and creativity. "Since I've never had a position of real
    responsibility, I've enjoyed the freedom to be independent and frequently
    outspoken. I have also enjoyed the freedom to pursue the things which interest
    me. The freedom to be innovative sets one apart from just having a job.
    I'm frequently guilty of pontificating and tell young
    medical students that I've always done what I want, and that they should do the
    same." His formula? "First you must do everything you have to do, then you can
    do anything what
    you want."
    Concerning the status of American medicine
    today, he remarks though medicine is technologically advanced and our
    physicians receive outstanding education and training, he
    believes that the general public is
    empowered to the point that there is a
    decline in professionalism."
    He again reverts to the purpose of the
    January 15 event in his honor, and expresses the hope that the funds raised
    will also benefit the Science and Education Fund (ANSEF) which is one of FAR's
    most ambitious programs run by Dr. Yervant Terzian.
    Need a Strong Country Called Armenia
    "Basic research is the intellectual capital for
    Armenia. The ANSEF program also trains younger scientists and scholars,
    and helps to prevent
    talented scientists and scholars from leaving the country because of lack of
    funds." And what are the responsibilities of diasporan Armenians? "The best way
    to preserve our heritage is to have a strong country called
    Armenia that one can relate to."
    Would he do anything differently in his life? "I always wanted to accomplish something
    really outstanding - but am grateful if I have been able to
    help individual patients" says this acclaimed doctor with his typical modesty.
    He expresses outrage that a Genocide Museum is
    being built in this country. "What we need is a museum to celebrate
    Armenian culture, and civilization. We have a long 5000 year history of
    significant cultural and scientific contributions to western
    civilization; when viewed against that background,
    the story of our genocide would have much
    greater impact."
    Success for Dr. Housepian is "being at peace
    with yourself, and feeling fulfilled," which he says is a state of
    mind. He lists his successes as his family - his wife of 55 years,
    and their three children, his elementary education which he notes is more
    important than college, and the opportunities he has had to pursue all his
    interests - basic research, clinical care, teaching. In his free time, Dr.
    Housepian reads non-fiction, travels, but has temporarily given up gardening
    and tennis after back
    Who is Dr. Edgar Housepian? "An American boy who grew up in a loving family which
    supported him, with a superb education from
    grammar school through professional school, who was given opportunities all
    along the way, and who also created opportunities." Always
    self-effacing, he relates how during a taxi ride in Yerevan, the driver was
    shocked that this renowned doctor and professor couldn't write his name in
    Advice for students today? "If they are
    fortunate to develop a passion for any field of interest to them they will have
    a happy life. Medicine is most rewarding for those who have found this
    but could be grim if the opposite were true."
    # # #

    About FAR
    Since its founding in response to the 1988 earthquake, FAR has served
    hundreds of thousands of people through more than 220 relief and
    development programs in Armenia and Karabagh. It has channeled more
    than $265 million in humanitarian assistance by implementing a wide
    range of projects including emergency relief, construction, education,
    medical aid, and economic development.

    For more information on FAR or to send donations, contact us at 630
    Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016; telephone (212) 889-5150; fax (212)

    Fund for Armenian Relief | 630 Second Avenue | New York | NY | 10016