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Neo-Zarqawists Target The Arab Christians Of Jordan

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  • Neo-Zarqawists Target The Arab Christians Of Jordan

    Murad Batal Al-shishani

    Jamestown Foundation he=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=35727&tx_ttnew s%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=2fc8c6320d
    Nov 13 2009

    On October 15, the State Security Court of Jordan imposed jail
    sentences of 15 to 20 years on 12 alleged Jordanian members of al-Qaeda
    accused of attacks against a church in the Kingdom last year (Al-Ghad
    [Amman], October 16; Al-Rai [Amman], October 16). In a reaction similar
    to those seen in trials of Salafi-Jihadis, plot leader Shaker al-Khatib
    and the rest of the convicted group prostrated themselves, thanking
    Allah as a sign of defiance against the court (al-Jazeera, October 15).

    Al-Khatib and four others in the group, aged between 19 and 28,
    received the death penalty, but the court commuted the sentence to 20
    years in prison "because they are young and should be given a chance
    to repent." The other seven were handed 15-year sentences.

    This group was charged in July 2008 with carrying out terrorist attacks
    and manufacturing and using explosives. According to a Jordanian
    official, "The al-Qaeda members tried to attack a Latin church in Irbid
    [in North Jordan] in July last year after a Christian boy allegedly
    insulted the Prophet Muhammed, but the attempt failed...Following
    that, they attacked the same church again using Molotov [cocktail
    bombs] and a Christian cemetery in Irbid, but caused no casualties"
    (AFP, October 16).

    Targeting Christians or their churches in Jordan seems to be a
    significant development in jihadi violence in Jordan. This switch
    appears to be inspired by the alleged targeting of Iraqi churches by
    the late leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
    before he was killed in June 2006 (see Terrorism Focus, February 6).

    The Christians of Jordan are an original part of Jordanian society,
    which explains their integration into the tribal system of Jordan
    and their attainment of high political and military ranks. Prior to
    these attacks, there were no records of sectarian incidents against
    them in Jordan. The Christians and their places of worship were not
    formerly major targets for the Salafi-Jihadis, but it seems that the
    new generation of Salafi-Jihadis (the neo-Zarqawists) is inspired by
    al-Zarqawi's legacy of targeting the "non-believers," such as Shiites,
    Christians, and Jews.

    Jordanian Christians represent between 4-5% of the total population.

    In January 2009, Jordanian authorities designated the "Council of
    Church Leaders in Jordan" as the only Christian body recognized by
    the government. The council includes leaders of the four traditional
    Christian faiths: the Bishops of the Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic
    (Melkite), Roman Catholic, and Armenian Orthodox Churches. There are
    other Christian churches that are not represented in the council,
    such as the Evangelist Church, Assemblies of God Church, Church of
    the Messiah, the Coptic Church and the Maronite Church. The decision
    by the Jordanian government came after its decision to extradite
    Protestant evangelists because they "were trying to convert members
    of Jordan's older Christian faiths" (, January, 30).

    American evangelist movements have targeted the traditional churches
    of the Middle East (Coptic, Syriac, etc.) for conversion since the
    19th century.

    In his criticism of al-Zarqawi, his former mentor Shaykh Abu
    Muhammad al-Maqdisi urged young jihadis not to target churches,
    elderly tourists, or other civilians on the grounds that such targets
    are typically chosen because they are easy, not because they have
    strategic value to jihad (al-Jazeera July 6, 2005; al-Hayat, July
    10, 2005; see also Terrorism Monitor, July 9). Al-Zarqawi responded
    by denying that al-Qaeda in Iraq targeted Arab Christians or other
    civilians. "Even though these are non-Muslim groups, they have not
    demonstrated to us that they have become partners of the Crusaders
    in their fighting against the jihad fighters, and they do not play
    the base role played by the Shiites" (al-Hesbah, July 2005).

    Despite his claims of innocence regarding the killing of Christians
    and civilians, the legacy of al-Zarqawi has played a major role
    in creating a more radical generation of jihadis, especially in the
    Levant region. The Jordanian trials of jihadis started in the early
    1990s but did not show Christians to be among the jihadis' targets
    before 2004, when the plots related to al-Zarqawi started to appear.

    In 1991 the Jaysh Muhammad (Army of Muhammad) case revealed that the
    defendants felt they were permitted to steal from Christians in order
    to use the funds for the sake of jihad based on an old fatwa (religious
    ruling) issued by the Egyptian Gama'a al-Islamiya terrorist group in
    the early 1980s. In a later case known locally as the "Conspiracy
    of the Millennium," a Christian site was among the tourist-related
    targets that the group planned to attack in late 1999.

    However, this site may well have been chosen largely because of the
    media exposure it would garner.

    Last March, the State Security Court of Jordan sentenced three
    Jordanians to 22½ years in prison for plotting a suicide car bomb
    attack on a church in Amman. Their plan called for bombing a Roman
    Catholic Church in Amman's eastern district of Marka after initially
    planning to strike against a police battalion. Convicted ringleader
    Majid Muhammad Nasr was apparently radicalized in prison by al-Qaeda
    operatives linked to al-Qaeda in Iraq, including Iraqi Ziyad Karbouli,
    who is serving his sentence in Jordan (Al-Riyadh, June 27, 2008;
    for Karbouli, see Terrorism Focus, May 31, 2006).

    Following a long period of co-existence, the various plots against
    Christian targets that have emerged in the last year and the
    recruitment of Tha'ir Abd-al-Qadir al-Wahidi by Jordanian Islamists
    to attack a visiting Lebanese Christian Choir in Amman in January
    demonstrate a major shift in the Islamist view of traditional Arab
    Christians in Jordan, a change that can ultimately be traced back
    to the influence of al-Zarqawi on a new generation of jihadis (Dar
    al-Hayat, January 28; see also Terrorism Focus, February 6).