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ANKARA: Western Turkey in the East: New Turkish Foreign Policy

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  • ANKARA: Western Turkey in the East: New Turkish Foreign Policy

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    Nov 15 2009

    Western Turkey in the East: New Turkish Foreign Policy

    European Union With Turkey
    Sunday, 15 November 2009

    By Sedat LACINER

    Turkey's location impacts too much its foreign policy for the ages.
    First of all, Anatolia is a special place between the continents of
    Asia, Europe, and Africa. It was always an important place for the
    Romans, for the Greeks, Arabs, Iranians, and Russians. It has always
    been between important sea ways and trade routes. Anatolia is a
    passage between different cultures and religions. If a country is
    located in such a special place, it needs a special foreign policy to
    protect its interests and to maintain its relations with the
    neighboring regions. The Anatolian political and economic order needs
    to be integrated with that of the Balkans and the Caucasus, and with
    that of today's Middle Eastern systems, for otherwise it cannot
    maintain its sovereignty, development, independence, or peace. Turks,
    during the Ottoman era, first integrated the Anatolian territories and
    then moved to the territories that connect Anatolia to Europe, Asia,
    and northern Africa. That is why the first sultans of the Ottoman
    Empire gave great importance to integrating the Balkans and Asia Minor
    before integrating the Black Sea region and the Caucasian and Middle
    Eastern territories nearby.

    Now, times have changed. Today, you cannot conquer countries by
    invading them; this is not the way to protect your interests. Wars,
    territorial wars, are not effective to unite peoples and countries.
    >From satellite systems to the communication revolution to the
    transportation revolution, the needs of the information age are
    completely different than those of the past regarding foreign
    relations. Today's Turkey still needs to integrate the surrounding
    regions, but the methods will be different, and in today's world
    Turkey cannot impose its ideas and policies on the surrounding
    countries. Turkey, unlike the Ottoman Empire, should not dictate
    policies and should not aim to be a hegemonic state in the region.

    Turkey first needs to integrate the surrounding regions, which had
    collapsed by the First World War. The global powers' mistakes during
    the 20th century unfortunately increased the disintegration of the
    region. For example, in the Middle East, the deadly impacts of the
    Palestinian-Israel problem and the wrongs of the great powers
    regarding the region decreased democracy, tolerance, co-operation,
    stability and economic development. The leaders of these countries are
    afraid of each other.

    There is a huge problem of mistrust among the leaders of the region,
    and they look for friends outside the region instead of concentrating
    on cooperation and dialogue amongst themselves. Turkey was one such
    country at the end of the Cold War. But with the disintegration of the
    Soviet Union and the collapse of the bipolar system, Turkey gained
    more room to maneuver in the region and discovered that the main
    problem was mistrust between regional countries. Turkey understood
    that regional countries had to develop a common understanding to solve
    their own problems and that regional, local prescriptions instead of
    outside powers' solutions were needed. But the problem during the
    1990s was that Turkey's economy was limited, and Turkey's problems
    with the neighboring countries were still hot and fresh. For instance,
    the PKK terrorism problem between Turkey and Syria was a very big
    barrier between the two countries. Syria was supporting PKK terrorists
    against Turkey, and it was impossible for the two countries to develop
    a close friendship. With the death of Hafez al-Assad, Syria changed.
    And after the 1999 earthquake, the 2001 economic crisis in Turkey, and
    the grave political changes following these events, Turkey also
    changed. Both states need each other. Syria seeks to break the
    isolation and to integrate with the rest of the world. However the
    problems with Israel prevent its integration attempts with the West.
    Turkey plays a crucial role in normalization process of the country.
    Similarly co-operation with Syria helps Turkey in security and trade
    areas. Syria is a gateway to the Arab world. Good relations between to
    countries encourage the other Arab states to develop their relations
    with Turkey. Furthermore both state sees the Kurdish issue as a common
    problem. US President George W. Bush's wrongs in the Middle East
    feared both Turkey and Syria and these two states made co-operation to
    prevent the deadly effects of the US' Iraq politics during the Bush


    With the AK Party (Justice and Development Party) government, Turkey
    declared a new foreign policy understanding. The architect of this new
    foreign policy understanding is Ahmet Davutoglu, an International
    Relations professor. He calls his understanding `strategic depth', or
    a `zero problem with neighbors foreign policy'. Although we must
    accept the change, actually this is not a deviation from the Turkish
    foreign policy orthodoxy. There is a great continuation in Turkish
    foreign policy understanding and implementation. The only difference
    is that as Turkey and the world have changed over the years, Turkey's
    relations with the outside world have evolved accordingly. In the
    1950s, for example, Turkey was quite a poor country, and although the
    Turkish football team had qualified to participate in the World Cup
    tournament in 1950, it was in Latin America, and Turkey did not have
    the financial resources to send its football team to the tournament.
    Imagine how poor Turkey was. (Now we have money, but our football team
    cannot qualify for the tournament!) The financial power of a country
    certainly shapes its diplomacy and external relations. Now, the
    Turkish foreign minister, president, prime minister, each of the heads
    of the Turkish military forces, have their own jets. Turkey's foreign
    policy infrastructure has also been much improved with the economic
    boom in the Turkish economy, and this has created political
    improvements as well.

    Turkey, after the AK Party's rise to power, first aimed to solve its
    problems with neighboring countries. First, Turkey started a dialogue
    process and created new dialogue channels. Syria-Turkey relations
    would be a perfect example of this new foreign policy understanding.
    Since 2003, Turkish high ranked politicians have visited Damascus more
    than 100 times. This is unusual for the Middle East region, whose
    leaders normally do not visit each other so frequently. For example,
    Iranian president Ahmadinejad visited Istanbul last year for the first
    time in nearly 12 years. When President Abdullah Gul visited Saudi
    Arabia he became the first Turkish President who visited the country
    in last 19 years. But in Western European political life, the German
    and French prime ministers see each other two or three times every
    month, sometimes every week. There are many occasions for European
    prime ministers to meet, such as the NATO summits, UN, OECD, World
    Bank, IMF, G7, G20, European Union meetings, historical days and their
    own bilateral negotiations and meetings. Turkey that's why
    concentrates on more visits between the regional countries. Moreover
    if any leader has problem with another one in the region Turkey
    involves the problem and make efforts to overcome the distrust or
    animosity between the leaders as we experienced in Syrian-Saudi
    leaders case. It can be said that the dialogue and strengthening of
    the communication ways are at the heart of the new Turkish

    Apart from Syria, Turkey has made efforts to improve its relations
    with Iraq and Iran too. But the problem with Iraq was that it was in a
    state of conflict and war, and it was almost impossible to improve
    relations, especially in the economic and political areas. The problem
    with Iran is trust. Historically, Turkey and Iran have been completely
    different leaders of the Muslim countries. Turkey has been the leader
    of the Sunni Muslims and Iran has been the leader of the Shia
    communities. Turkey has always represented a more moderate religious
    understanding. As a matter of fact, the ethnic difference between the
    countries is not so large. More than 30 percent of the Iranian
    population is Turkish origin ` Azeri and Turkmen. And until the 20th
    century, Iran had been governed by Turkish leaders for centuries. One
    example of this relationship is the famous war between Yavuz Sultan
    Selim and Shah Ismail. Yavuz Sultan Selim was one of the greatest
    Ottoman Sultans, and Shah Ismail was the greatest Iranian Shah. Shah
    Ismail was Turkish, as was, of course, Yavuz. Yavuz would send a
    letter in Persian and Ismail would respond with a letter in Turkish,
    for the Iranian palace leaders spoke Turkish until the 20th century.
    The two countries' ethnic compositions are very similar, but the
    problem is they represent completely different religious
    understandings. Istanbul was the capital of moderate, or liberal,
    religious understanding.

    The biggest problem between Turkey and Iran today is mistrust. Some of
    the Iranians still see Turkey as an agent of the Western world, as an
    agent of the United States and the European Union, and they think that
    Turkey may undermine Iranian sovereignty and Iranian dominance in the
    region. Even during the Ottoman time, though the Ottomans were
    stronger than the Iranians, Iran cooperated with the Vatican, the
    center of Christianity. Iran cooperated with Christian countries
    against Muslim countries. It is even the case now that Iran's one of
    the closest allies is Russia. And in the conflict between Azerbaijanis
    and Armenians, Iran has better relations with the Christian Armenians.
    This is not a matter only of religion; the realpolitik side must be
    taken into account as well. Turkey is trying to alleviate the mistrust
    between the two countries, saying `Forget the past; let's create the
    future.' For the new Turkish understanding Iran is not a competitor
    but one of the most important partners in the Middle East for Turkey.

    Turkey first aims to solve its hot and current problems. Then the
    second step of this understanding is to set up a foundation for future
    political cooperation. Turkey does not start with the sensitive
    political issues. Turkey is not involving itself in the internal
    problems of other countries. First of all it is trying to establish
    economic cooperation and trying to increase social relations between
    the countries and between the societies. The aim is to establish
    long-lasting dialogue and cooperation, or the institutionalization of
    regional cooperation. Maybe economic integration would be possible
    after that, but it is still early for such cooperation. We need a safe
    base for the politics and economic-social tools will provide that
    needed base for the leaders.


    In the past, the regional states mostly discussed, or argued about,
    `big' political problems. But now, Turkey is not talking about
    politics, but also economics, as well as technical questions such as
    transportation infrastructure, visas regimes, and tourism. As a matter
    of fact this is the spirit of the EU. After World War II, the EU
    countries began to cooperate on economic and technical matters, and
    the spillover effect eventually led to more and more political
    cooperation. In 2009 Turkey and Syria for example reached a visa-free
    partnership after many co-operation efforts.

    Turkey applied to the EU (EEC at that time) in 1959 and we have many
    written agreements between the EU and Turkey. Turkey is now in full
    membership negotiations. But although Turkey and the EU have been
    partners for more than a half-century, they have not been able to
    reach a visa-free agreement. So Turkey-Syria relations have progressed
    faster than Turkey-EU relations, at least with respect to the visa
    process. Some say we cannot establish Schengen regime, but we have
    Shamgan, in reference to the Turkish name for Damascus, Sham.

    Another success is the establishment of common cabinet meetings
    between Turkey and Syria, and of course between Turkey and Iraq.
    Usually countries cannot establish such cabinet meetings, and very few
    countries in the world have done so. For example, Germany and France
    have common cabinet meetings. Now Turkey and Syria, and Turkey and
    Iraq have common cabinet meetings, and ministers meet at least once a

    Turkey further does not `allow' any conflict between its neighboring
    countries. For example, Baghdad accused Damascus of `encouraging'
    terrorism inside Iraq. Damascus denied the accusation and the
    relations strained. Turkey immediately got involved and asked them not
    to go to the media. The Turkish foreign minister visited Damascus and
    Baghdad and convinced the leaders to come to Istanbul and Ankara to
    solve the problem. Similarly, Saudi Arabia's king Abdullah and Syria's
    Bashar al-Assad had a disagreement, and both leaders were so reluctant
    to get together. Turkey persuaded Assad to visit Saudi Arabia first;
    he agreed on the condition of the Saudi Arabian king returning the
    visit. So, thanks to Turkey's efforts, the two leaders solved the
    issue and paid mutual visits for the first time in more than five


    Turkish economy, in terms of trade, direct Turkish investments,
    foreign investments in Turkey, tourism, industrial production etc.,
    has boomed in the last five-six years. Growing economy directly affect
    Turkey's external relations and increase capabilities of Turkish
    diplomacy. The economy also strengthens Turkey's soft power over its
    region. Millions of people thanks to tourism come to Turkey and visit
    seaside resorts; Iranians, Israelis, Arabs, Russians, Georgians etc.
    enjoy the Turkish way of life.

    Turkish cultural products are also part of its soft power and affect
    the Middle Eastern societies. For example, in the Arab world the most
    popular television drama series are recently Turkish (like `GümüÈ'',
    `Nur' in Arabic; `Years of Loss'; `Bouquet of Flowers' etc.), and
    Turkish satellite TV shows have an audience of millions in the region.
    Turkish soaps such as `Nur', , which was first dubbed into the Syrian
    Arabic dialect to be broadcast on Arab satellite channels rapidly
    captured the attention of various groups of society, not only women.
    These drama series have previously been dubbed into German, Romanian
    and other European languages to be broadcast in Europe.

    Tourism and culture relations are not just business; they affect
    culture, political understanding and many other things. The television
    dramas for example deal with social issues within the framework of
    overlapping stories and dramatic plots for suspense. These series look
    at issues such as love, family values, society, unemployment, poverty
    and greed from a Turkish angle.

    Turkey with its success stories and export products shapes these
    countries, these societies' structures, but not by imposing or
    dictating change. Turkey knows each country has its own story. If you
    try to change their leaders, their regimes, you cannot get results you
    expect. We need time and we need different methods. Of course the
    improvement of democracy, human rights standards, and transparency all
    are Turkish foreign policy's preferences, but Turkey or any other
    country should not dictate something to these countries. Turkey is
    trying to be a model and therefore first has to improve itself before
    dictating democracy or human rights standards to other countries.
    First, Turkey is improving its own political life, maturing its own
    political culture, and it gives inspiration to other countries. For
    example, Iranians, Syrians, even Saudi Arabians look at the Turkish
    experience and they see that the Turks are Muslim, Turks are Middle
    Eastern, Turks are like us, and they can be democratic, they can be
    rich, they can be like the Western nations, so all are possible.
    Turkey shows other nations that such a path is possible, that liberal
    democracy and liberal economy with a huge Muslim population (as seen
    in the Turkish experience) do not cause instability and chaos. Arabs
    and Persians fear instability and chaos, and are afraid that more
    democracy, more rights may cause anarchy. But Turkey proves the
    reverse is true.

    The second thing that the Turkish experience proves is that true
    friendship, reliable partnership between Turkey and the Western
    countries is possible. There are not many success stories between the
    West and the Muslim world. Al Qaeda and other extremist violent
    terrorist organizations argue that the Western people are enemies of
    the Muslim people. The United States and European countries, they
    argue, aim to undermine Islam and to take natural resources without
    paying anything. If Turkey can be successful in its relations with the
    EU, for example if Turkey can be a full member of the EU, with its
    Turkish identity and Muslim religion, it will be a success story and a
    model, an inspiration for the rest of the Muslim countries.


    Lately, there have been claims that Turkey is shifting its foreign
    policy focus. Some columnists have recently argued that Turkey's
    foreign policy direction is changing, that the new government is
    shifting Turkish foreign policy from the West to the East. I disagree.
    Turkey is expanding its foreign policy, not shifting it.

    Turkey applied to the EU for full membership, and in 2005 EU leaders
    confirmed Turkey's standing and decided that Turkey's human rights
    standards, economic development, and political maturity were
    sufficient for full EU membership. The negotiation process was set up
    to improve the details. So, in principle, Turkey could be a full
    member of the EU. As a matter today Turkey's economy and political
    life are much better than some of the EU members. But Germany's
    Merkel, France's Sarkozy, and some other leaders in some of the EU
    countries are preventing Turkey's membership. If EU countries were to
    accept Turkey as a full member today, Turkey would be ready to be a EU
    country. The current government has no problem with the West, or the
    EU and, when compared with previous Turkish governments, Turkey is
    much closer to EU membership. The problem in becoming an EU country, a
    full Western country, is not on the Turkish but the EU side. As
    President Abdullah Gul underlined in his USAK Speech on 4 November
    2009 one who is interested in Turkey's ultimate direction should look
    at the values of Turkey not the appearance. Turkey strengthens its
    Western values, like democracy and liberal economy.

    Turkish - European interaction started almost a thousand years ago and
    Turkey immensely influenced the continent's political, economic,
    social and cultural life. In return, the Renaissance, Reformation,
    Enlightenment and the French Revolution played a crucial part in the
    transformation of Ottoman Empire, and the creation of modern Turkey.
    Both sides shaped each other and a European history cannot be written
    without Turks. It is obvious that Turks are European for the
    centuries. Europe is a deniable part of Turkish identity and at the
    same time Europe is the homeland of the Turkish people. Integration
    with Euro-Atlantic institutions stood out as a prime objective for
    Turkey and it was among the founding members of the United Nations and
    the Council of Europe and attained memberships to the OECD and NATO.
    Turkey was a pivotal member of the NATO alliance during the tense
    years of the Cold War. Turks protected the Western Europeans and the
    free world from the Soviet threat at a high cost. Turkey still
    actively contributes to efforts to protect the Western values in the
    world and to bring lasting peace, stability and prosperity to regions
    ranging from Afghanistan to the Balkans, Caucasus and the Middle East.
    In 1963, Turkey signed an Association Agreement, which set joining the
    European Communities as a goal. Accession negotiations with the EU
    were initiated in 2005. Turkey has launched a national mobilization to
    do what needs to be done. Every Ministry, every state institution, the
    academia, the civil society is engaged with a view to bringing all of
    our country into this modernization project. Moreover Turkey starts a
    campaign against the militarist factors (deep state) inside the state.
    Moreover the new Turkish policies regarding the Kurdish issue,
    Armenian issue and the human rights were beyond the EU's imagination.
    In brief Turkey continues its reforms but generally the EU is falling
    short in its performance. It is obvious that Turkey's activism in the
    east does not keep back Turkey from the EU direction.


    The second thing some columnists in the Western media ask is why
    Turkey is improving its relations with Syria and Iran, the most
    problematic countries in the world. It seems they are right; maybe
    Turkey should improve its relations with so-called `better countries',
    like France, Germany, or Italy, but the problem is that Turkey's
    neighbors are Syria and Iran, not Germany or France. We cannot change
    our neighbors. Maybe `these neighbors are from Hell' as the West sees
    them, but they are still our neighbors. States cannot change their
    locations. We have to first change our neighbors' nature if we are not
    happy with them and then we have to `tame', I think, these countries
    and persuade them to cooperate. Turkey has to make them true
    neighbors, genuine and truthful partners. If Turkey were between
    France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland, then of course everything
    would be different. But our neighbors are relatively poor and
    problematic countries; they are not fully democratic. We are so close
    to Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Israel etc. Turkey has to accept its
    situation and change it with time. Turkey should not be accused of
    improving its relations with its neighbors. And it should be
    remembered that France for example has better economic relations with
    many Middle Eastern countries than Turkey has. So, do we accuse France
    of shifting its foreign policy to the East? No. Every country has the
    right to improve its relations with any other country in the world.
    And if something is acceptable for France, it should be acceptable for
    Turkey as well.

    * Sedat Laciner: BA (Ankara), MA (Sheffield), PhD (King's College London)
    Language Edit by Kaitlin Mackenzie 2/western-turkey-in-the-east-new-turkish-foreign-p olicy.html