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Which Son, Or Which Father

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  • Which Son, Or Which Father

    Hakob Badalyan

    During his visit to the U.S., the Armenian Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan meeting with the Armenian students studying in America stated
    that Armenia is ready for economic relations with Turkey and has
    necessary measures to eliminate possible dangers. The prime minister
    stated that a strong wave cannot come and destroy Armenia after the
    opening of the border. According to Tigran Sargsyan, we must not
    think as losers, the time to lose has long ago passed and the time
    for victory already came. So said Tigran Sargsyan and smiling tried
    to assure the students that they are getting ready for a victory
    studying in the U.S.

    This victorious mood that either the students inspired the prime
    minister or he was trying to inspire the students was impressive. But
    there is something incomprehensible in this mood. Not because it does
    not correspond to the content of the Armenian and Turkish protocols,
    with which the border will be or will not be opened. The point is
    not the content of the Armenian and Turkish protocols but the reality
    present in Armenia. Looking at this realty, the simple question occurs
    whom Tigran Sargsyan is going to defeat or whom we are going to win
    in his opinion. Whom or what the Armenian students studying in the U.S.

    are going to win.

    Will we win Turkey with open borders and with the help of these
    youths if of course after having completed their studies they return
    to Armenia? If so, the prime minister's approaches perhaps are as
    serious as his pre-crisis observations that not the crisis but the
    foreign capital escaping from the crisis will come to Armenia. Just
    the opposite came out to happen: the crisis came to Armenia and
    the existing capital rushed away from Armenia (for example, Gagik
    Tsarukyan's acquirement of 40 million in Bulgaria).

    Whom other can we win with open borders besides Turkey? About what
    other victory could Tigran Sargsyan speak? Maybe he intends a victory
    over ourselves about which he noted in a TV interview saying that the
    border opening will enable to overcome the oligopoly in the economy
    and to change our life.

    We have to note, that from this point, defeating Turkey seems more
    real than winning ourselves. The point is that this possibility
    would be more real if after numerous speeches of Tigran Sargsyan he
    made a single step in his direction to register a local victory for
    us to see how our prime minister registers a victory over a vicious
    phenomenon of the governmental system. In turn, the Armenian students
    studying in the U.S. may wonder how they can defeat for instance
    Hovik Abrahamyan's son who can be presented the post of the head of
    a commune on the occasion of his wedding. Is Tigran Sargsyan able to
    explain clearly and sincerely this reality, how, whom we are going
    to win. Sons, cousins, daughters and relatives are many but posts
    are few and Armenians are devoted to them.