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Adana 1909: History, Memory, And Identity From A Hundred Year Perspe

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  • Adana 1909: History, Memory, And Identity From A Hundred Year Perspe



    Armenian Genocide

    >From Nov. 6-7, Sabanci University (Istanbul) just hosted an
    international workshop entitled "Adana: 1909: History, Memory,
    and Identity from a Hundred Year Perspective." The workshop included
    scholars from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy,
    and Turkey. The event was sponsored by Gomidas Institute (London),
    Sabanci University, Istanbul Bilgi University History Department, the
    International Hrant Dink Foundation, and Bogazici University History
    Department. A capacity audience filled the lecture theatre and included
    professors, students, journalists, and members of the public. There
    was simultaneous translation between English and Turkish. The papers
    that were presented will be published in English and Turkish editions.

    In their opening remarks, Cengiz Aktar and Ara Sarafian welcomed
    the participants and pointed to new opportunities for holding such
    meetings in Turkey today. They explained that the Adana 1909 workshop
    was organized to mark the centennial of the Adana massacres. It began
    with a call for papers in Turkish, Armenian, and English, and the
    presentations at the workshop reflected the different interests of
    the participants.

    The first paper was an unusual one, as it was a discussion of Turks
    who saved Armenians in 1909. The fact that Armenians were massacred
    was a given, and the speaker presented a sensitive examination of
    righteous Turkish officials who saved potential victims. The speaker
    used Ottoman records to show how Ottoman Armenians petitioned the
    state to recognize one such Turkish official for his role in saving
    an entire community. This first paper took some of the sting out of
    the workshop, where the audience could sympathize with the Armenian
    victims of 1909 without vilifying "Muslims" or "Turks" as single
    categories. Subsequent papers followed with the same sensitivity.

    Ara Sarafian (Gomidas Institute) and Zakarya Mildanoglu (independent
    researcher) discussed Armenian records related to the events of 1909.

    Sarafian introduced Hagop Terzian, who published a powerful report
    in 1912, on the 1909 events. Terzian included his own testimony
    in Adana city, as well as the testimonies of others in smaller
    communities. Sarafian argued that Terzian's text had a certain popular
    force-of-argument that challenged official accounts that tried to play
    down the incidents. Sarafian quoted Terzian to stress the devastating
    role of the newspaper "Itidal" in agitating and fermenting violence
    against Armenians. Zakarya Mildanoglu presented the Adana massacres
    through the Armenian periodical press with many illustrations from
    different journals. His accounts included satire as a powerful tool to
    convey what had happened to Armenians. (Mildanoglu was also responsible
    for a separate exhibition of photographs depicting the Adana
    massacres. These images and texts were displayed at the workshop.)

    The role of American missionaries as witnesses was discussed by Lou
    Ann Matossian (Cafesjian Family Foundation) and Barbara Merguerian
    (Armenian International Women's Association), with powerful papers
    related to events in the cities of Adana and Tarsus. Tarsus was
    also the focus of Oral Calislar, a well-known Turkish journalist who
    presented the testimony of Helen Davenport Gibbons in her book Red
    Rugs of Tarsus. Calislar, who has published the Turkish translation
    of this work, gave a personal reflection regarding his native Tarsus.

    (The Gomidas Institute has just published a critical English edition
    of the Red Rugs of Tarsus.)

    The reality of Armenian losses was stressed by Osman Koker, who
    gave a fascinating paper on Armenian communities in Adana province,
    illustrated by photographs and postcards. He included images from
    Antioch, Alexandretta, Marash, Beylan, Sis, Adana, Tarsus, and
    Koz Olouk.

    Sait Cetinoglu (Belge Uluslararasi Yayincilik) gave a forceful
    presentation on the organization and plunder of Armenian properties in
    1909, while Asli Comu (Cambridge University) gave a solid paper based
    on land records from the Adana region in the 1920's. These records gave
    new insights into how Armenian properties were broken up and par celled
    out to Muslim refugees. The actual number of Armenian casualties during
    the massacres was discussed by Fuat Dundar, who raised some questions
    about the demographics of the Adana massacres based on his work on
    the massacres of Abdul Hamid II and the Armenian Genocide. The fate of
    Armenian orphans following the Adana massacres became a major concern
    for Armenian community leaders. Nazan Maksudyan gave a moving paper
    on the fate of such orphans, especially in "foreign" orphanages. One
    key concern was assimilation in government-run orphanages where the
    language of instruction was Turkish and not Armenian.

    Each session was chaired by a senior scholar and was followed by a
    discussion. The workshop thus benefited from the presence of additional
    senior scholars, such as Selim Deringil, Caglar Keyder, Mete Tucay,
    and Hulya Adak.

    The organizers considered the workshop a success, Armenian Weekly