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NKR MFA S Issues A Statement

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  • NKR MFA S Issues A Statement

    18.11.2009 18:09

    "Azerbaijani MFA Press Secretary Elkhan Polukhov made regular
    attempts to introduce negatively the Karabakh party, stating this
    time about Armenians' destruction of the Azerbaijani cemeteries,"
    the NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

    "We should note that unlike our neighbors, who are barbarously
    destructing the Armenian monuments in the territories under their
    control so far, the NKR authorities took under their own protection all
    the Muslim monuments over the NKR territory, including the Azerbaijani
    cemeteries, from the first days of the war imposed by Azerbaijan,
    which could be witnessed by numerous international and Azerbaijani
    delegations visiting Nagorno Karabakh.

    As of the photo-materials allegedly testifying to the destruction of
    the Azerbaijani cemeteries by Armenians, it is obvious that certain
    destructions at the noted cemetery were caused by the military
    activities during the war unleashed just by Azerbaijan. Polukhov
    tries to gamble just on this.

    Unfortunately, such fabrications and forgeries have been practiced by
    the Azerbaijani propaganda machine since long ago. Everybody still
    remember the attempts of the Heydar Aliyev Fund, which is under the
    top patronage of the Aliyevs family, to introduce the pictures taken
    in Kosovo as those of the Khojalu events.

    Polukhov's statements can be evaluated as a regular attempt to cast
    a shade on the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and draw the international
    community's attention away from the vandalism organized systematically
    by the Baku authorities, in particular, the destruction of the
    primarily Armenian Narimanov cemetery in Baku on the pretext of
    building a highway, or the recent destruction of khachkars (cross
    stones) in Old Jugha in Nakhichevan where no military activities
    took place.

    To confirm the abovementioned, let's give an extract from the recently
    published international report on religious freedoms of the USA
    Department of State's Bureau on Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor:
    "The hatred towards the ethic Armenians made the majority of them
    to leave the country in the period between 1988 and 1990, and all
    the Armenian churches, the majority of which were destroyed during
    the ethnic-base mass riots (over ten years ago), are still closed,"
    reads the statement of the NKR MFA.